I'm here

Mickey: don't make me remember this, let's enjoy this intimate moment, what do you say? Chetty: pussy?

Mickey: everything passes trust me with time and the right people will overcome everything, you are strong so I have faith in you I know that you will be strong for you and for your mom.

Chetty: Yeah but ...

Mickey: And with me you can be sentimental, cry, let off steam, get angry, shout, and even hit if you want that if it makes you feel better. Chetty: Will you do this for me?

Mickey: Of course there is even more.

Chetty: But I told you you didn't forgive me so why are you doing all this and why did you kiss me?

Mickey: This is a good question. Leave a heavier breath than felt it on my neck.

Mickey: because I want to help you, because I can't see you like that, because I want to be close to you, because I missed you, because I can caress, love and hate.

Hearing that word hate my heart stopped. Chetty: What do you hate me?