Chapter 1: The Man from Space

A meteor-like thing was approaching Earth and was discovered by NASA's satellites. It was moving quickly that even the satellites' camera can't capture it. Even the people who was watching the camera of the satellites can't tell if it is really a meteor or something much more scarier than a meteor.

As the 'thing' went past Earth's atmosphere, all of the humans living in South East Asia saw something falling in the sky.

The 'thing' was falling near the boundaries of China and the Korean peninsula. The government warned the citizens leaving near there to evacuate the place. The whole world was in panic as some thing was already on their planet.

An explosion was heard from all over the world and the 'thing' that crashed down in Earth left a huge crater as large as a normal village.

The government near the crash site sent armies and scientists to investigate what thing crashed on their land.

Breaking News was all over the television and the internet as conspiracy theorists and some religious cults are making accusations that it is now the second coming of Jesus or an alien race found our planet.

The whole world was in chaos.



The 'thing' that crashed down on Earth hurriedly ran away from the crash site. It was like the Flash when he ran. You can almost see its afterimages when he ran through the forest near the DMZ of the Koreans.


Back to the crash site...

When the soldiers finished putting tapes around the crash site, they surveyed the surroundings if some thing ran away.

The scientists went to the center of the crash site only to see nothing. That's when they thought that it's highly unlikely to be a meteor that crashed here. They are sure that some unidentified thing crashed here and then ran away.

The governments of China and both the North Korea and South Korea then collaborated to search the entire 10 kilometers around the crash site.

News was already traveling around the world that the thing that crashed on Earth is not a meteor but instead an unidentified living object (ULO).

Broadcasting stations quickly sent their van towards the crash site hoping to get a footage of an ULO. Cameramen and newscasters are all over the place near the crash site, hoping to get an exclusive news that can make them successful. It was utter chaos in the crash site the soldiers can barely stop the crowd of reporters, broadcasters and cameramen from entering the area.

This situation lasted as long as 8 hours! The ULO crashed on Earth in the afternoon. The crowd of people waiting near the area already waited for almost 8 hours! Some people are already leaving but some are persistent and just waited, waiting for a miracle to happen them.


Inside a forest in DMZ...

A squad of Republic of Korea's Special Forces was walking inside the forest. The North Korean government already gabe permission to search their territory in the DMZ. The captain of the squad then raised his left hand and the squad stopped. Making his subordinates question him.

Suddenly, the captain spotted someone was walking inside the forest. It was the shape of a human so the captain tried to communicate with it.

"Hey! This is the DMZ! Only the military is given permission to navigate this area! What are you doing here?" said the captain in Korean.

The human stopped its tracks and turned his head towards the captain, revealing his violet eyes as it shined in the darkness.

The captain then slowly lifted his rifle with a flashlight towards the person. As soon as he turned the flashlight on, the person was blinded and agitated, making it angry towards the soldiers.

The handsome man was naked. He has dark violet hair, violet eyes, attractive face, skinny but muscular body, fair skin and a steel choker-like device on his neck. The handsome man was over 6 feet and his age is around early 20s.

The captain was confused why a handsome guy like him was roaming the wilderness of the DMZ. The captain then asked the man, "What are you doing here sir? This place is dangerous. We'll take you home now."

After saying that, the captain put down his rifle and tried to approach the man but it only made the man stepped back while staring at the captain. The captain then signalled his subordinates to stay on high alert as maybe this was the ULO they are finding.

The captain then continued to slowly approach the man but the man was also stepping back simultaneously when the captain stepped forward.

The captain then pointed his rifle towards the man and said, "Stop moving sir or I will not hesitate to shoot you!"

As soon as the man saw that the captain gave murderous intent, the man moved at extraordinary speed as he made the captain unconscious by chopping the back of his neck. The soldiers was surprised how the man moved at such speed and how the situation escalated but as soon as they saw their captain's unconscious body, they quickly lift their rifles and shoot at the man. The man just stood still at his spot and took all the bullets, surprising the soldiers. As soon as they almost emptied their magazines, the soldiers was falling in the ground one by one, unconscious. Then the man fled again and went deeper in the South Korean area.

Sounds of gunshots rang around the forest, alerting the other squads inside the forest near them. Then the gunshots suddenly stopped and silence only remained, confusing the other squads. The squads then hurriedly went where the gunshot originated only to see a squad of soldiers lying on the ground, unconscious. Two squad was near the area and they also arrived at the shooting place at the same time. They contacted their superiors saying that the ULO is maybe inside the forest of DMZ and it doesn't seem to harm humans.

As soon as their superiors heard that, they told the squads to record everything that happened there and continue searching the forest for leads and trails that they can use to track the ULO.


In a town inside the South Korean peninsula near the DMZ, a girl around the age of 16 was running on the streets. She soon arrived at their house and opened their front gate, only to meet her mother's scolding.

"Where have you been little lady!?"

"I just played with my friends mom, don't overreact," the girl said while talking at her mom.

"Lee Mi-young! Go inside now and eat your dinner! Your father and I was worried about you and you talk back like this? Do you want to be grounded?" Miyoung's mom said to her while dragging her child inside their home.

"Let go of me mom! I will play with my friends more!" Miyoung said as he struggled to get out of her mother's grasp.

"Honey, just let Miyoung go play with her friends. She's almost an adult now, she can take care of herself," Lee Han Soo or Miyoung's father said to his wife, Kim Ha Yoon.

"What did you say? Can you please repeat that!?" Hayoon said as she glared at her husband, making him cower like a puppy.

"Go inside now, Miyoung. Your mother is very scary right now. You can play tomorrow, I promise you," Hansoo assured Miyoung.

"Ugh, so frustrating," Miyoung said as her mother dragged her inside the house

"Honey, I'll just buy Miyoung some snacks to cool her down. I'll be right back," Hansoo said to Hayoon as he walked outside and went to nearest convenience store, which is outside their village.


Near the village where Miyoung and her parents live, a naked handsome man with dark violet hair and violet eyes was walking like a drunkard. His junior was so eye catching because it was as big as an average westerner, 8 inches. Countless people was staring at him but they didn't help him. It was X-001.

Due to X-001's special body constitution, he still can't adapt to his new environment. The oxygen in the air was still being analyzed by his brain if it was safe or harmful for his body to accept. If X-001 was to rest and sleep, his analysis of his environment will be much quicker and faster but due to some misunderstanding a while ago in the forest, he was now being hunted by the government.

X-001 was walking towards the village for him to wait for a miracle and then he collapsed. Right in front of the convenience store where Hansoo is currently buying Miyoung's snacks.

When Hansoo was done buying Miyoung's snacks, he opened the convenience store only to lay his eyes on the man laying in the ground wearing nothing. He hurriedly took of his parka jacket as it was cold at this time of the day and especially the guy didn't even have clothes on him.

Hansoo was a good guy and his wife should understand his intentions if he brought back a naked man in their home. Hansoo first covered X-001's body by his jacket and tried to princess carry him only to see a humongous dragon im front of him.

"Dxmn! That surprised me!" Hansoo said while almost dropping X-001. He changed his carrying style to piggyback but he can still feel the humongous dragon on his back, making him feel embarrassed for his snake.

'Let's just hope that no one saw that," Hansoo thought as he went on his home, carrying X-001 at his back.