Chapter 2: New Identity

As soon as Hansoo got back home, his daughter and wife was surprised because of the person that Hansoo was carrying. Hansoo tried to hide the humongous dragon that X-001 have like he was betting his life on it.

'If my wife saw it, she would surely divorce me! I can't let that happen!" Hansoo thought.

Hansoo then decided to take off his pants to have a cover for X-001. After he done that, his wife and daughter who was still blushing knew that Hansoo would protect X-001 even if he was humiliated. Hayoon was proud of her husband.

After Hansoo saw that Hayoon and Miyoung didn't try to peek at X-001, he helped X-001 stand up and carried him to his back while covering the backside of X-001, not saying anything.

Hansoo was pretty tall for a korean but X-001 was taller than him. Hansoo was only 6'1 while X-001 stands at 6'3. Hansoo's shirt was too small for X-001 and Hansoo's short enhances the bulge in X-001 shorts due to it being tight. Hansoo then locked the door in his daughter's room and went down the stairs to talk with his wife and daughter about the situation. When he was on the living room, his wife and daughter stared at him, clearly asking for an explanation.


Meanwhile in another galaxy...

On planet Xenerium of the Andromeda Galaxy, a middle-aged man that resembles X-001 was talking to a woman that also looked liked X-001. The two were talking inside a glamorous building that was floating in the center of a city that has buildings built of high technologies. Some of the buildings inside the city where displaying holograms of handsome and beautiful people while some building has robots guarding it. The two of them were inside a building that manufactures high-end gadgets. The company's name is X-001.

X-001 was a company based on their child's nickname. He was called X-001 because he is always the first in academics, combat, space exploration, creating robots and hacking. The two people inside the topmost floor of the building was arguing.

"Our son fled because of you, Xeno! Look st what you have done!" Crea, mother of X-001 said to her husband, Xeno.

"Your son fled because he committed murder! Don't blame it on me! Blame it on your way of raising him that he turned out that way!" Xeno said to Crea, not backing down.

The father and mother of X-001 argued and argued until they are tired. While this was happening in X-001's family, a middle-aged fat man was laughing while watching the couple argue. This was the person who was responsible for making X-001 flee their planet, Fitacho.

"Hahaha, X-001 deserved that thing to happen to him. If he just went down his No. 1 throne and let my son go for a brief moment, that would not happen. What a foolish child!" Fitacho said as he laughed while thinking about X-001's demise.

"I forgot the most important part. What's the real name of X-001? Did you hear his parents say it?" Fitacho asked to his secretary by his side.

"X-001's parents didn't mention their son's name even once. They only used thw nickname X-001. I don't know why sir, i apologize."

"It's okay. What a mysterious guy he is."


Back on planet Earth...

X-001 woke up facing an unfamiliar ceiling. He hurriedly jumped out of his bed and observed his surroundings. Due to his body adapting at the environment, X-001 automatically ripped the clothes given to him by Hansoo.

He can now limit himself, making him an ordinary human or a real life superman in mere moments. As X-001 looked at the window, a knock was heard in the door in front of him.

"I'm going inside," A woman voice said as she opened the door and the first thing she sees is X-001's humongous dragon. Her mouth was wide open while her cheeks was turning beet red. Although she is now a married woman, she still can't control her desire to gobble up that humongous dragon using her dark abyss.

"So-sorry for interrupting you sir but can you please cover your THING? Can you please do that? Hayoon said as she pointed at the blanket on top of the bed.

X-001 slowly approached the bed and lifted the blanket, wrapping it around his waist and headed straight towards the door, shocking Hayoon, making her flinch.

"Wh-what are you planning to do to me good sir? I-i will call a police if you touch me!" Hayoon said but her body was not honest with her, she was actually moving towards X-001!

As she tried to trip herself and touch X-001's humongous dragon, X-001 dodged to the side and went outside the room. He then walked down the stairs, completely ignoring Hayoon still laying in the floor.

Hayoon was embarrassed at her actions but she quickly collected herself and also went down towards the living room. She then saw X-001 standing in front of the television while Miyoung was watching X-001's skinny but muscular body and the television's show alternately.

"Help me prepare the dishes Miyoung! Also, tell your mom to arrange the table!" Hansoo said, making Miyoung pout and stomping angrily while walking towards him.

Hayoon was already finished arranging the table and he glanced momentarily at X-001's broad back, making her think what is X-001 doing in front of the television.

After 30 minutes of watching while changing the channels of the television, X-001 was now fluent in talking English, Chinese and Korean. In other people's perspective, he was just watching and changing the channels on TV but in reality, he was learning through it. As he was in Korea, X-001 tried to think a name for himself.

"Mister? MISTER!" Miyoung shouted, making X-001 glance at her.

"Let's eat now, we have been waiting for you for about 10 minutes, thank god for your looks that we just let it slide," Miyoung said angrily as he ran to their table and sat near his mother at the other side of the table.

X-001 can now understand Korean so he also sat beside Hansoo, still wearing the blanket in his waist. X-001 then said in Korean," My name is Kim Ah-doo, pleasure to meet you."

Hansoo, Hayoon and Miyoung simultaneously turned their head towards X-001 now Ahdoo. They are surprised by Ahdoo's angelic and seductive voice.

"Are you a kpop idol, Ahdoo-ssi?" Hansoo asked Ahdoo and Ahdoo responded by saying,"Kpop idol? What's that? I'm just an ordinary citizen of this country."

Hansoo, Hayoon and Miyoung was flabbergasted at Ahdoo's response. What kind of a Korean citizen didn't know about a kpop idol?

"A kpop idol is a person who sings and dance who looks handsome. They are famous and hardworking people. Do you know now?" Miyoung asked.

"Oh, although I can sing and dance, I am not a famous and hardworking person so I'm sure that I'm not a kpop idol," Ahdoo said while picking the chopsticks.

"Stop!" Hansoo interrupted Ahdoo. Then Hansoo said, "Let's all eat together shall we?"

The family of Hansoo was now eating while Ahdoo just stared at the bowl of rice at his side. After thinking something, he also ate with them, even though he didn't need it, he just went with the flow to further disguise his mysterious background.

After 30 minutes of eating and chatting, Ahdoo was now washing the dishes with Miyoung. Ahdoo saw a tv show where the guests also wash dishes to atleast help the host from the chores. Miyoung washed the dishes only because her mother told her to. But after hearing that Ahdoo volunteered to wash the dishes, Miyoung happily went to the kitchen sink and washed the dishes first to make a good impression of herself to Ahdoo.

But Ahdoo didn't mind, his mind was elsewhere. He was thinking what is his next plan. Will he stay here? Will he find a job? Where will he go? Hansoo then interrupted Ahdoo who was washing and thinking simultaneously and said, "If you want a job, i can help you. Just follow me and do what I say. What do you say, Ahdoo-ssi?"

"Okay," Ahdoo replied and went back to washing dishes.

"Hey. Honey, what did you offer to Ahdoo that he agreed so easily?" Hayoon asked Hansoo.

"I said to him that I can give him a job if he follows me, even though he's in his early 20s, he can still be fooled by an experienced man like me," Hansoo bragged.

"What a load of bullshxt. Just tell him to be a model or an actor or something. He can handle himself," Hayoon irritatedly told Hansoo.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell him to join the military. That's what you want right? Okay honey, see you!" Hansoo said as he ran towards Ahdoo and told him to follow him. Ahdoo gave up on the dishes and ran with Hansoo, still wearing the blanket on his waist.

"WAIT! Let's go back, you don't have clothes yet. Accompany me on finding a suitable cloth for you," Hansoo said while going back inside the house with Ahdoo , ignoring his angry wife and grumpy daughter.