Atouk came out again.
"I am getting tired of hiding under this bed."
"Well, If we can find Delicia we can get out of here."
"I know."
I was about to place my dirty hand on top of the clean clothes. I stopped myself.
"I need this bath."
I walked over to the bathroom, removed my rags and slowly lowered myself in.
"Where is the new paper you found? With the changing words on it."
Atouk called out from the bedroom.
"I left it under the inkwell."
I just needed to relax. If it's true that I caused the earthquake under the bar, did I also cause that landslide when I was happy about not needing to shave? Could something so simple as doing a dumb dance, cause death? Can I never have fun again? Never laugh again?
I didn't want people to die just because I'm happy. I have no idea who they were. They could be the nicest people around.
I was lost in thought. I casually washed while remembering everything that's happened in the past and trying to make a connection to the potion of Rage.
After my bath, I put on my new clothes. A white, short sleeve tunic and another pair of black pants as well as replacement shoes. I found Atouk on the bed looking at the paper I brought back with me.
"This paper makes no sense. Two of the four words are always the same as one another. There are never 3 of the same word. All of the colors are different and the direction of the words are all over the place. They are never all right side up."
It was nearly morning, the sun was poking through some clouds.
"Well, you can keep looking at it however you see fit. I want to revisit the slavery, maybe try again for the information. I'm gonna take most of the gold. I'll leave a couple here just in case."
Atouk did not look up as I left. I took the pen-sword and the life detection bracelet. I tore some of my old shirt and wrapped it around my wrist to cover the bracelet.
I made my way out of the door and bumped into Jazzy in the hall. Her green eyes looked straight into mine.
"Oh, I'm sorry Lake. I didn't mean to cause any trouble for you."
Jazzy is easily twin status with Jezzy. I could tell this was Jazzy due to a small mole under her left eye. Jezzy had no such marks. They both had semi-long dark brown hair. slightly wavy. About my height. Both of their faces were a little long but, no less beautiful
"It's no problem, It was my fault. Uh, I don't think we officially met, How do you know my name?"
"Oh, Jezzy, Berry and I talk every night. Berry thinks you are a great guy and I think Jezzy has a crush on you. From everything I heard from her, I think I might be starting to like you too."
She gave me a shy up and down with her eyes. After my bad experience last night, I was not really in the mood to attempt lovey-dovey flirting. Before I could say anything, she continued.
"Maybe you could call for my services sometime. I have a lot more experience than just a simple back massage."
She began to walk up to me with lust in her eyes. I put a hand up between us.
"Hey, listen. I think you are beautiful. I really do. I just can't do this. I had a bad night and I have some chores I need to get to as soon as possible."
She looked down in defeat and embarrassment.
"I don't mean you aren't worth it. I Just... can't right now. I'm sorry."
She looked like she was about to cry. I felt bad looking at her pitiful state. I walked up to her and hugged her.
"Before I came here, I had no one to trust. Nowhere to go. Butkis Helped me out and I got to meet your sister and brother. They've helped me so much. Without asking any questions, they cared for me and helped in any way they could."
She sobbed.
"But, that was them. Not me."
She tried to pull away from the hug. I wouldn't let her.
"Even if we have not talked to each other, I feel a connection to you through them. I feel like they are family and I feel like you are too."
Instead of pulling away, she hugged me back and buried her face in my neck. I think she was actually crying now.
We held each other for a few minutes. She decided to loosen her grip and I let go of her. As she backed away from me, I could see that she 'was' crying. She had a simile on her face now, though.
"Thank you, Lake. Ever since I came here, Berry and Jezzy were the only ones I felt I could trust. I think I could trust you though."
I reached out and scooped up a tear off her cheek with my finger.
"I know I can trust the three of you."
I gave her a smile and she gave me hers.
"I'm sorry to have taken so much of your time with my problems. You said you were busy and I've only caused you trouble. Please don't let me bother you anymore."
"Hey, come on. I told you, I think of you like family. You can bother me whenever you want."
We said our temporary farewells and continued on with the day.
I walked down to the lower slums and went straight to the slavery.
I heard a woman screaming. She was angry at someone. I got closer and saw the woman that was making the fuss. She was the one that was in the carriage when I first met with Butkis. She was throwing rocks and dirt at the slavery.
She sobbed and cried before she fell to her knees. Great, more crying in the same day. I walked up to her.
"What's wrong? Can I help with anything?"
If she has a problem with the slavery, maybe she could divulge information for revenge.
"No! Go away!"
I sat down in front of her with my legs crossed.
"I said, go away. Leave me be."
I put my elbow on my leg and placed my chin in my palm.
"I need information from the slavery, and you have some issues with them. Maybe we can help each other."
I still couldn't see her face through the veil she wore.
"If you can buy my husband back for me then sure, I'll help you. Otherwise, leave me alone!"
Her voice was full of scorn and sarcasm.
"Your husband? He was made into a slave?"
"What are you? A dolt? There are rules in place to prevent slavers from taking advantage of slaves from birth, You can only become a slave. No one is ever born a slave. Everyone knows this! If you don't know this much, you are probably of no use to me."
She went back to sobbing. Good information to know about slaves.
"How much?"
"What? For my husband? You would never pay. You don't even know us."
"You're right, I don't know you. The opposite is also true, You have no idea who I am and what I am willing to do to get what I need."
She sat for a moment. She lifted her veil and brought it back over her head cover to reveal a pretty face. Maybe early 30's. Short red curly hair. A small scar on the right side of her chin.
"Even if you are willing to pay, I have angered the slaver and he raised the price. He wants twenty gold coin for him. I will never get that much."
Damn, what did you say to him to piss him off?
"Let's go get him then."
I stood up and she watched me in horror.
"What did you say?"
"I said, let's go get him. Stand up. I won't get him for you If you do not come with me."
She sat for a few more moments. She stood.
"What are you? Are you going to kill the slaver and steal him. You cant. My husband will be executed for running away."
"I will do no such thing. Come."
She cautiously followed me into the slavery. We entered and the old man came out the same as last time I was here.
"Do you know what you want this time?"
He then saw the woman behind me.
"Never mind, Get out."
"I know exactly what I want. I want to buy this woman's husband." He stopped in his tracks.
"She let her sob story get to you eh? There will be no change in price. Did she even tell you how much?"
"Will you sell him? Or have you lost interest in coin?"
"21 gold coin. Upfront."
The woman tried to push me aside.
"21? How..."
I put my hand in front of her face. She got the hint and backed down. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the coin sack. I counted out 21 gold pieces. I was about to hand them to the slaver. I stopped short.
"I want to see what I am purchasing first."
He saw the money. He knows I'm good for it.
"I said upfront."
"I see him or I leave."
He scowled at me. He made no effort to stop me so I pulled out my coin purse to put them away.
"Wait. I'll take you."
He mumbled the entire way there. It was like a maze of cages. There were many humans and very few non-humans. I had not seen a non-human the entire time I was here in Bastion, before now. Aside from Atouk.
The youngest I saw in a cage was maybe a child of six or seven. The oldest must have been in their 50's. Without modern medicine from my world, these people probably don't live much past that.
We arrived at the destination cage. There was a skinny man in the cage. Possibly the late twenties. Short brown hair, similar to my own hair color. His slave seal was dead center on the man's forehead He saw his visitors and stood up slowly. He had tears in his eyes as he walked toward us.
He grabbed the bars that separated us and called out.
She called to him. She began to move to him but, the angry old slaver slammed a walking cane against the cage.
"Do not touch my unpurchased goods."
Huntril backed away from the bars he was holding onto.
"The gold, now. Otherwise, get out."
I took a step back, bumping into Kindra. She was confused at first but understood when the gold in my hand met hers. She walked up to the slaver.
"I said I want gold. Not some bitch who won't let things be."
She reached out with the gold in her hands. He took it but, not without a look of extreme anger.
He pulled out a ring of keys. It took only a few seconds to find the one to Huntril's cage. He was out and the two lovers were reunited in each others arms.
"We need to change owners. Then you can get out forever."
I watched the ceremony of the changing of the slave seal. The seal was moved from the forehead down to the man's ring finger. The color was changed to gold. Almost like a wedding ring.
"It is done, leave me."
"Let's get out of here."
Kindra said. I stopped them.
"Wait for me outside, if you don't mind. I have questions for this man before we make introductions."
They nodded and left. The old slaver gave me a tired look.
"What do you want?"
"Roughly 30 days ago, I believe there was a panther that was captured. I want it."
"Finally straight to business. You can't trust people who want to pussyfoot around the subject. The ones who come straight out with what they want are the only people I deal with."
So if I was straight to the point last time, we may have found her sooner. Great.
"I know of it but, I don't have it. The black cat came through the village in a caged wagon. It was taken to the castle at the very top. Only royalty is allowed in there. I cant help you more than that."
I let out a sigh.
"Nothing else?"
"You paid for a product that was not worth four gold coins. The information I gave you was worth fifteen. Let's call it even while you are not too far behind."
I gave up in defeat. I need to get into the upper castle. I should ask Atouk if he has gone in there at all.
I made my way out of the slavery to find Huntril and Kindra waiting for me.
"Thank you so much. You helped strangers and we don't even know your name."
"I'm Lake. Freeing you helped get me information. It was gold well spent."
She turned to him and I barely overheard her speaking.
"I have you back. I don't know what to do now. I spent the last of my money for the ride here. I've been trying to find ways to make money to free you, but it's just so hard."
Huntril looked into her eyes with concern.
"Where have you been staying? Surely not on the streets."
She looked away in embarrassment.
"Oh no, You could have been killed or worse. I wish I could have been there to protect you."
They held each other close. I walked close to them. I placed a hand between them.
"What are you doing?"
Huntril thought I was trying to separate them.
"Is it... Do you desire payment from me for the gold you spent?"
Kindra had sad but understanding eyes. She was ready to give her body to their savior. I rolled my eyes.
"Open your hand and take this. Try not to show it off."
Huntril opened his hand and grasped what fell from mine.
"TWO G..."
I rushed my finger to his mouth.
"SHHHHH. Moron. You want people to know?"
He looked at me confused.
"What is a moron?"
Yet another facepalm moment for me.
"Come with me. I can take you somewhere that I would trust for you to stay."
I led them up to the Butkis Brothel. Huntril looked embarrassed and Kindra was confused.
"The owner, Butkis, will rent rooms for gold. There are more services here than women. Use one of those coins I gave you and he will let you stay for a good while. Maybe long enough to get you back on your feet. Or at least figure out where to go next."
I led them inside the bar and diner. Berry was working.
"Hey, Berry. Is Butkis available?"
He grunted and tapped on the wall behind him. Butkis came out right away.
"My good sir, How are you this afternoon?"
"Much better than before. I brought some guests with me. They would like to partake of a room for a while."
"Mrs. Kindra, A pleasure to see you again."
I tapped Huntril's toe with my heel.
"Oh! Right."
He flustered about trying to find the gold I gave to him. He got it out but, he dropped it. Butkis snatched it up fast and held it at face level in view of everyone.
"I take it, this the room rental payment?"
Huntril and Kindra nodded.
"Okay then. I can accommodate you for twenty days."
I raised my brow and he caught notice.
"Sir Lake. I do not swindle my guests. I charge per person. One gold for one person is forty days stay. One gold for two people is twenty days stay. Is that agreeable?"
I suppose I never asked prices so I can't argue.
"Whatever floats your boat."
All three of them looked at me. I covered my face with my hand
"I know. None of you have boats. Don't worry about it."