Huntril and Kindra were shown to their room. They were happy together.
I returned to mine to tell Atouk about the info I got. I opened the door to find Jezzy and Jazzy petting Atouk.
All three of them looked up.
The twins said together. I closed the door behind me. They both ran over to hug me. While their heads were buried in my shoulder and neck, I looked at Atouk with a 'What the hell is going on here?,' face.
"Ah. Well, they kind of... snuck into the room while I was asleep. They are very agreeable humans."
Jezzy took her head off of me to speak.
"We came to clean your room when we found him in your bed and thought he was a soft blanket."
Jazzy lifted her head from me now.
"He was so soft we just wanted to cuddle him and he started to purr."
They both ran back over to Atouk.
"We fell in love!"
They both said in unison as they hugged him.
"I am married already, ladies."
Atouk told them.
"We don't mind. We just want to cuddle with you as much as we can."
They nuzzled him with their faces and giggled a lot. He looked a bit uncomfortable. If I'm reading his face right.
"Listen. Girls, I need you to keep it quiet that he is here. He could be killed if the wrong people found him."
They both stood up and had gasped together.
"Oh no, we don't want that."
"We will keep it secret. We promise."
"We don't want anything to happen to our favorite big kitty."
They both reached around his neck and hugged him again.
Atouk let out an annoyed sigh.
"I know you like hugging the big kitty, but I need to talk to him for a bit. He has other secrets that you probably shouldn't know. Not for his safety, but for yours."
Jazzy stood up.
"Don't call him a big kitty. His name is Atouk. Meanie."
She snuffed her nose up at me and walked out. Jezzy followed.
"Wait, sis!"
After they were gone, we both relaxed.
"Didn't she just call you a big kitty a moment before?"
Atouk buried his head in the sheets.
"Yes. Yes, she did."
I sat next to him.
"Better to be annoyed than hunted. Right?"
He said nothing.
"I heard something today about Delicia."
He perked up real fast.
"What did you find?"
"I heard that she was taken into the castle at the top. Have you been able to explore in there at night?"
He shook his head.
"I got in once but I had to leave quickly, I was almost found. The pathways are too narrow and well lit."
*Knock knock*
Atouk hid under the bed. He probably does not want to see the girls again for a while.
"My gracious guest. Are you in at the moment?"
"I am. Come in."
Butkis entered. He did not have his usual theatrical face on, today.
"I need to get to the point. I have found what you are looking for and you need to get there at the designated time. I have bribed some guards in the castle to get you in and bring you to what you desire. Tomorrow morning. If you do not go, you will miss your opportunity."
This was sudden.
"Just like that? Wh... Should I pay you for the bribes you handed out? Or..."
"No, no, good sir. Those bribes were well within acceptable losses to do business with you. If you wear what you have on now, the guards will recognize you. I must leave to ensure preparations are coming along."
With that, he left.
"A blessing and an omen. This is too easy."
"I agree with you, Atouk. One way or another this should be our last night here."
There was still half a day left before nightfall. Atouk decided to spend the rest of the day sleeping to make sure he will be fully rested. He wants to try to recon the castle again at night.
I decided to let the siblings know that I may be leaving tomorrow. Jezzy and berry were sad. Jazzy wanted me to make some room for personal time with her. I let her down by telling her I was married. I know Jazzy wouldn't mind but, I do.
The four of us played some card games. They had a good time. I couldn't let myself hurt them with my power. I tried my best to harden my heart in all the midst of all the merrymaking.
After It got dark, Berry got back behind the counter and Jazzy went to her room. Jezzy stayed behind with me.
"You don't seem to be having fun. Is something wrong?"
I shifted in my seat.
"I had a bad experience the other night. It's kinda bringing my mood down."
She placed a hand on my right shoulder.
"Jazzy said you were not yourself this morning. Do you want to talk about it? We can go to my room if you want privacy."
I looked around. It was just the three of us tonight.
"It's fine."
I wasn't sure if I should say anything. Maybe it's for the best to tell her something.
"I think I may have accidentally killed some people. I can't tell you some of the details on how. I want you to know that I had no idea it was happening and I never wanted anyone dead. Just knowing that people are dead because of my ignorance is weighing on me."
Berry kept cleaning his mugs like I never said anything. Jezzy seemed taken aback. Like she didn't know what to say. Maybe she's afraid of me. I don't know.
"I don't want you to get hurt too. If it seems like I don't care or I'm not responding, It's because I do care about you."
She still seems lost in thought. Scared, almost.
"I'm sorry if I've frightened you."
I looked down at the counter in defeat. Jezzy stood up and walked to her room next to Jazzy's. Berry, ever the hard worker, never stopped cleaning mugs.
"I think she hates me now."
I stayed for another minute.
"Do me a favor, buddy?"
I held up three gold coins I dug out of my pocket.
"Hold on to these until tomorrow night. Give one to Jezzy and one to Jazzy. You can keep the other one."
He held out his hand so that I could place the coins in it. He put them in his shirt pocket and gave me a thumbs up. For once, he neither looked angry nor happy. He went back to his work.
I decided to retire for the night and returned to my room. I wanted a bath but, I did not want to bother Berry or the twins anymore.
Atouk was waiting for me.
"I couldn't sleep. I keep thinking we will find Delicia. At the same time, I have a horrible feeling that things will go wrong."
Atouk said. I sat on the bed.
"I know what you mean."
"Uh. I have something to confess."
Atouk seemed a bit nervous.
"When our journey started. I had something on my mind. This is why I was, eh, distracted. Pinyola told me that we are expecting a litter. The reason I wanted to go was not just to help you. I wanted to prove to her that I can be a good father and rescue a child in trouble. My child. Delicia is not mine but, what if one of mine gets lost or captured. I am scared of something like this and I want to affirm to myself that I can be a strong father to my children. On the way here, I was conflicted between leaving Pinyola and helping you. If I failed, my children would have no father. If I stayed, I don't know if I would ever feel like I could be a proper father. If I succeeded, I could face my children with pride."
He was shaking.
"You should have stayed with Pinyola. You have enough honor and pride for three litters. If you feel this is the only way, I won't stop you. Just remember, you do NOT have permission to sacrifice yourself for anyone. You've sacrificed enough time away from Pinyola. She deserves better than a dead husband."
"But if Deli..."
"Nope. I can sacrifice a wound to this immortal body. Better yet, If you need to use me as a shield, do it. I may still be soft tear-able flesh but, I can block a fatal wound."
He pondered for a second.
"Okay, I understand."
I brought my face close to his.
"If you try anything stupid that gets you hurt, I WILL smack you in the face."
Atouk backed his head away.
"Are all humans capable of being this scary?"
"Not all but, never piss off a female."
Atouk left to make another pass at the castle at night. The same as Atouk before, I could not sleep. Toss and turn. Fidget and rotate. Blankets on and off.
"Uhhg. This isn't working."
Work. I began to remember my co-workers. We had some good times. Some bad. Some good people. Some dark. Dark? Darkness? I was back in the darkness. I searched for the light coming up from the floor. I waited and listened. Nothing. I stepped partly into the light. Still nothing. I took another big step forward into the center.
"You are back?"
I heard the boy's voice clear as day.
"You were so close. You almost had it. I was hoping but..."
His outline was easy to spot this time. The light around me turned red.
"You failed."
He began to slowly circle me.
"Try your best, to not fail again."
His voice was casual the entire time. I could hear no malice. Almost all at once, the red light turned back white. The darkness changed to light. I was back in my room and it was early morning. Atouk was just now getting back in through the window.
I mumbled. Atouk wandered up to the bed.
"Hmm? Did you say something?"
"Nothing special. Just had a strange dream."
"I see. I managed to get by most guards tonight. I explored as much as I could. It is larger inside than it looks from the outside."
I sat up and began to get dressed.
"Any clues to go by?"
He tilted his head to the side.
"I found what I believe to be the ruling room for the King. It is near the large opening beneath the overhang. I was able to get out from there. If we need to escape quickly, just you and me, that would be my best bet. I could probably carry you and get enough traction on the side of the mountain to get down safely. It would depend on the angle and direction that I jump from though."
I was fully dressed and had all of my things with me. What's left of our coin, the pen-sword and the bracelet.
"It's still dark enough outside that you may want to get back to the castle before it gets bright."
"I found the entrance from the inside, I can go there and wait for you. After you enter, I will follow you as best I can."
"Sounds good. If we need it, I will try to put out torches to help get you an advantage. Be safe, Atouk."
"I will."
I was ready to leave. I couldn't help but feel nervous. I began to think about what happened that night in the hidden bar. Could the potion of Rage cause the same result from being nervous? I decided to clear my head. I closed my eyes and began to think of simple things. Trees. Flowing water. Snowy mountains. Then, I remembered the night Jezzy gave me a back massage. It was so relaxing. I tried to remember that feeling. Those knots in my shoulder were so sore before. I felt free when they were gone. I felt so light. I was able to clear my head. My nervous feeling was replaced with determination. I walked up to the door and opened it. Jezzy blocked my exit. She did not expect me to open the door. She quickly looked at the floor.
"You are leaving now?"
Without lifting her gaze, she walked up to me. She grabbed my head on both sides and pulled our faces together until we made contact at the lips. It was a quick kiss. She took a few steps back and turned toward the exit down the hall.
"I would never kiss someone I hate."
She left in a hurry. I stood there in surprise for a moment longer. I was not expecting that. I remember saying 'She must hate me now,' in front of Berry. Maybe they had a talk last night. I made my way toward the exit. Berry was off duty. The man I assume is related to Butkis is behind the bar. Jazzy was at the door. I placed my hand on the door. I waited a moment to see if she had anything to say. I stared at the door and she stared at me. Was she angry? I was about to push the door open when she finally moved. Her arms wrapped around me and she kissed me on the cheek.
"For good luck. If I ever find you again, I won't let you sleep alone that night. Maybe you won't ever sleep alone again."
She gave me another kiss and let go. I turned toward her before she could leave and hugged her. I couldn't resist. Hugs always make me feel better. She gently hugged me back. I felt another set of hands behind me. Jezzy was hugging me too. I heard stomping coming toward me. I looked up and around for the source. Berry was coming at us. He looked furious.
"Hold up, dude! I di..."
I tried to get away but, the girls held me in place. He opened his arms wide. Before he could surround the three of us with his arms, the girls giggled and slipped out from below. I was alone in Berry's firm embrace. This guy Is crazy strong. I thought I was gonna pop. He dropped me from a foot off the ground. He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a thumbs up along with a big smile. I slapped his shoulder a couple of times and gave him a thumbs-up of my own.
I heard the girls yelling "Bye, Lake!" as I made my way out the front door.