Ch 27 The Potion Revealed

It was near midnight by the time I found Juiyo. The north gate had guards posted. They were ready for an army.


They raised their weapons at me.

"I'm not a mermaid."

I was exhausted. Not from the walk. I was still struggling with my loss and the new information I gained.

"Who are you?!"

"Wait! He is a friend!"


I fell to my side. I felt my body moving but, I just didn't have the will to overcome sleep.

I awoke in Sophie's hut. My left arm was under something heavy. I looked over to find Sophie herself next to me.

I had no control over myself. I pulled her in close to me and wrapped my other arm around her.

"Ouf. Lake. That's tight."

I buried my head in her shoulder. I felt tears begin to form again. I remembered what I saw in the sand, the last time I cried.

I quickly pulled my head away. A tear was about to break loose. I reached out and shielded her from it before it could touch her.

"Lake. Are you okay?"

I opened my palm and saw my skin was already regenerating from the destructive abilities of my own tear. I laid back down.

"Are you okay, Sophie?"

I raised my arm and covered my eyes with it. She grabbed my wrist and moved my arm. She looked at me, face to face.

"Why are you so sad?"

I didn't want to think about it. I closed my eyes and sniffled a bit. I cleared my head again.

"You can cry. It's okay."

That made me want to. So bad.

"I can't."

"No, Lake, you can! I'll cry with you. Just let it out."

I sat up and walked to the front of her hut.

"If I do that, you could be hurt or killed. I can't cry. Never again."

I didn't look back. I'm sure she was upset.

If I had looked back, I might not have been able to hold it in. I was about to walk out.

She took me from behind. Her arms around my stomach.


She sobbed.

"Then let me cry for you."

Fuck. That almost sent me over the edge.

I turned around and embraced her hug with my own. After the moment passed, I felt a bit of relief.

Maybe it did help to have her cry for me.

"Thank you, Sophie."

I kissed her on the top of her head.

"Can you tell me why you felt this way? If it's a secret, I can keep it. Share your pain with me. Please."

"It's not something I can keep a secret anymore. I have more than one power from the potion of Rage. I discovered a power that comes from sorrow when my... wife... died before my eyes."

She squeezed even harder. I didn't know she had this kind of strength.

"Oh, Lake... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I patted her on the head for a while longer.

"Let's go see the others. I.. I can't keep this from them."


She looked up at me. She still had tears in her eyes. I grabbed a clean soft cloth from the mini kitchen and wiped her eyes.

"I'm feeling much better now, thanks to you. Let's go."

She nodded. I grabbed her hand and we left her hut.

We went over to the main house where all of the others were. It was quiet.

Luv was in the living room when we entered.


She ran up to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay?"

I hugged her back with my free hand while still holding Sophie's. Her voice brought the other two out.

Behind Inu, followed three panthers. Those must be the shadows that escorted Mery here.

I wanted to hate them for bringing her.

I couldn't.

I know, she probably forced her way here and they were just reluctantly tagging along. She probably ditched them as soon as she could.

"Lake! What was that, back there?"

Inu asked. Esther rushed at me.


I carefully grabbed her hand.

"It wasn't anger."

She backed down but, still showed her concern. One of the shadows spoke up.

"Where is Princess Mery? Have you seen her?"

I lowered my face down onto Luv's shoulder.

"She uh... I saw her."

A different shadow spoke.

"Where?! Is she okay?!"

"I saw h..."

I choked barely holding in my tears. I thought I got over this with Sophie, already.

"She's dead."

I heard a few gasps.


Inu sounded the most hurt.


"She was... fighting in the battle. I thought she was Inu at first. I called out to her..."

I fought back tears again.

"I distracted her. I called out, and she looked at me. She got hit. I distracted her and she was killed because of me."

I felt my lips attempt to curl into a sorrowful expression.

"I tried to help her... I tried. It... It was my fault that she got hit."

"Oh, gods."

I heard Esther.

"Was that power... That power was from?"

"It was from my own pain and sorrow. The potion has more powers than just rage."

"THE POTION!? Please don't tell me you have taken the potion of Rage!?"

I lifted my head off of Luv's shoulder. She pulled away and I saw the panthers visibly afraid.


I looked down and away from them. The one who must have been the leader shook his head in disbelief.

"I have to inform the King. You stay here and watch Princess Inu."

Two of the panthers left, running past me with a wide berth.

"You can go too. I'll be fi.. fine here."

Inu said to the last shadow. He left as well.

Inu walked over to me. I could see tears in her eyes, too. I knelt down so that we were face to face. I reached around and hugged her. She did the same. She cried into my neck. She cried for some time. I never let her go until she was done. She went to Luv's room and went to sleep after she was done crying.

I didn't have the energy to stand. I was sapped of energy by holding in so many feelings again.

Esther sat next to me.

"What was that power, Lake? I've never seen or heard of such a thing in the history of Eyse."

"What did It look like from the outside? I could see out of it but, It's hard to describe as anything other than a glowing ball that destroys anything inside of it."

"That is exactly what I saw. It was a giant purple ball of flowing energy. I could not tell what was happening until a tree that was growing toward the south fell as its base was consumed. I knew then, that it was dangerous. What of the mermaids? Are they still a threat?"

"I don't think so. After I got out of the giant pit I made, there was a commander of some kind that was behind me. He definitely saw what happened. I told him that, I would hunt their kind down if they attacked anyone on this continent again."

She let out a sigh of relief. She then stood and walked toward the door.

"I will inform the village chief. The guard should be relaxed but, we will keep lookouts and send some scouts to verify. I'll be back soon."

"Bye, Esther."

Luv called out to her.

They both waved before Esther left.

I changed my position to have my legs in front of me.

I think Sophie could tell I was mentally fatigued. She found a pillow and sat down on it behind me. She pulled my head back to lay on her legs. I reached up and caressed her face. I turned to my side until my face was against her stomach. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped an arm around her.

I fell asleep again.

I woke to find that, I was still in Sophie's lap. I think I drooled a little. I began to stretch my arms and fingers.

I felt something soft in my right hand. I heard Sophie let out a soft moan.

I let go immediately. I accidentally squeezed her butt. I turned over to my back and sat up.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. If it's you."

I looked back at her. She was blushing and had the warmest smile I have seen on her yet. I think I blushed just from seeing her smile. I eventually stood and tried to help her up. She was struggling to stand.

"I... My legs fell asleep."

"You silly. You should have just pushed me off when they started to fall asleep."

I gave up trying to help and just picked her up entirely. I walked her over to the kitchen table and sat her down in a chair next to Luv who had some snacks ready.

"You two get along really well."

Luv pointed out. I think Sophie blushed yet again.

"Lake, there is something you should know."

"Okay. I'm ready."

I took a bite of some fruit.

"Word has been spreading among the people in this village. The panthers that left earlier may spread it even more. Neutral traders and WoM communication devices will spread it even further."

"What is it?"

"The fact that you, the human named Lake, has taken the potion of Rage. You probably won't be welcome here anymore. Maybe not anywhere."

Luv looked down.

"So I can't stay here anymore. That's okay. I don't want to cause you or Esther any problems. Sophie can s..."

"I'm going with you! I'm not staying here."

She had determination on her face. It was out of relief that someone still wanted to be around me, that I let out a sigh.

"Okay, Sophie. On one condition."

She didn't hesitate to answer.


"You can't ever stay with me because you think you 'have' to. Only as long as you want to. If you ever try to convince yourself you 'have' to stay with me, that's when you should go."

She looked a bit confused. Inu came around the corner.

"Just say yes Sophie. It's a good thing."


She tried to retort.

"You are young Sophie. He just means that, If you get tired of him you can leave without regrets. Especially with the lifespan of you elves. You will get tired of him sooner or later."

Luv smiled as she said it. She was teasing me.

"Unless I outlive her."

Sophie was even more confused.

"But, Lake. I thought humans had short lives."

"Have my looks changed at all since we first met Sophie?"

"Yes. You are thinner now."

Ah, crap. She got me!

"I meant my face though. Male elves grow beards, right? So do male humans. I have not shaved a single day since I came to Eyse. I have no guarantees but, what if I truly am immortal. What If I end up the last living being on this planet?"

"That would be so sad."

"I would feel bad that I couldn't stay with you."

"So lonely."

Shit. I was not thinking about that. What would I do then?

"I don't care what happens. I want to go with you. Wherever you go Lake."

Sophie was still determined.

"I guess I can't stop you then?"

I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Where will you go next? Are you coming back with me to Lak'Tambu?"

Inu asked.

"I should go there. At the least to say goodbyes to Atouk, Pinyola and Berthri. They helped me a lot while I was there. And I guess, to answer to the king about his daughter."

That thought killed my mood.

"I probably should not stay. I'll be a known danger by the time I get there."

Esther sat next to Luv before speaking up.

"Where will you go after?"

I looked at Sophie. I don't want to bring her to dangerous places. Large cities would be bad with my reputation.

'Find the lizard-man.'


I looked around.

"I asked where you would go next."

Esther repeated. I know I heard something about the lizard-man. One of the voices in my head, maybe.

"Esther, was there a lizard-man in the battle yesterday?"

"Well, yes. He came from the other village that joined in on the battle."

"Do you know where he went?"

"Sorry, I do not."

"Do you know where their race lives?"

I know he told me but I can't remember.

"They are on the southeast peninsula. You shouldn't go there though. They kill almost any living thing that gets near."

"They can try. Won't be very successful with me."

But Sophie...

Just then, I heard a voice outside.

"If the user of the potion of Rage is in there, I need you to come out and leave Juiyo at once!"

I sunk my head. It's already happening.

"I guess it's time for me to go. Are you okay to stand, Sophie?"

She nodded and proceeded to stand.

"I packed bags already just in case."

"Okay, I just need to get one thing from your hut."

She nodded and followed me out of Luv's hut. Before I went out, Esther and Luv both gave me hugs.

"Be good to each other, okay?"

They both nodded sadly. Inu followed Sophie and me out. The troll guards were just outside the property.

"I just need to get something and I'll leave."

I told them while holding my hands up and open to show I was not a threat.

"NO! You need to leave RIGHT NOW!"

"Just a second. I will leave. I need a snack for the road."

The trolls began whispering to each other.

"What is a road?"

"I don't know?"

"Me either."

I went into the hut during their slightly amusing situation. I found Gleamour and placed it in my pocket.

Sophie grabbed a backpack with clothes and goods. She was about to put it on but, I saw her struggling to pick it up. I took it from her and put it on myself.

"I didn't want you to carry that. I can do it."

"It's okay, I got it."

We walked out.

"I'm leaving. Stay safe yall!"

"Yall? What is yall? He keep makin' up words."

Sophie stayed by my side and Inu was behind us. We were a ways from the village before I remembered, Skara Magna was ahead of us.

"Should we go toward the coast and follow it, to stay away from the trolls ahead?"

"That's probably the best bet. Skara Magna uses the coast to the southwest, not the north."

Inu responded.

We changed our direction from south, to east. Once we hit the coast we can follow the coastline south.

Along the way, we had to stop for a pee break. The others hid behind bushes and trees to do the same. I found a good size tree to relieve myself. There was a white flower with purple coloring at the base nearby. After I finished my business, I leaned down to look at it.

Maybe Sophie would like a flower. It would look good on her.

I reached down to pluck it.


I was poked or stung by something on my finger. It hurt.

That was unusual. Pain has been dull for me, recently.

"Well, fuck you too, flower."

I left it there and walked back. The girls were already done and waiting.

We continued on. By the time we got to the coast, I was a bit out of breath. We stopped for a break.

We finished our rest and followed the coast until nightfall. We set up a camp under some rocks near a shelf by the ocean.

It was so very cold. We all huddled together for warmth. In the morning we covered our tracks and moved on.

Maybe it was just me but, It was still cold that morning.

After a couple of days of following the coast, we came to the edge of the troll territory and found the main path.

We were basically home-free.

I wanted to feel happy, I just felt... dizzy.

I blacked out.