Ch 40 The Betrayal

Wab was still in shock, even after we had our breakfast.

"All three of you? At the same time?"

Goby poked his head out of Sophie's bag and yipped.

"Goby says 'four.' He also made a promise."

Wab looked at Goby and me like we were nuts. I guess I was pretending to talk for an animal.

We were making our way through the village of Omera. Our destination was at the foot of the mountain. We met the village Elder at the edge of the village. He was the one in charge of allowing entrance into the trials that would lead to the Guru.

Before we could continue, the Elder wanted proof that I was, who I said I was. My bodily regeneration did the trick like it always does. His eyes seemed to always squint. I actually got a good view of his golden eyes as he watched my thumb grow back from a complete sever. The old lizard happily began to lead the way.

Riksa snuck up behind me and tried to scare me. She grabbed my shoulders suddenly and roared. I showed no signs of surprise. I turned my head back to her.


"Oh come on! There's no way you heard me sneak up!"

"I kinda felt your presence."

I stuck my tongue out at her. She sulked a little bit before catching up to me and started walking at my side.

"What are you going to ask the Guru?"

"I mostly want to ask stuff about the potion. It's been a learning curve with my powers.

I feel like there is still a lot that I don't know."

"Do you think he can help?"

"I hope so."

Our walk was only about half an hour. We came to the foot of a staircase. It was carved out of the stone that the mountain was made from.

"These stairs will take us to a plateau. That is where the trials would normally start. I have the ability to open a secret passage on that plateau that can bring you directly to the Guru."

The Elder's old raspy voice reminded me of some old popular wizard from a movie series.

We began our ascent of the mountain. Sophie got tired pretty fast. Riksa began to carry her seeing as Wab had the Elder on his back. I was carrying Sophie's bag and Goby was riding on my shoulder. We zig-zagged up more stairs on the way up.

When we reached the plateau, we were met with two armed guards. The area was a wide square shape. A large door into the mountain loomed over us. It must have been twenty feet tall.

Wab was the first one up. I'm guessing the Elder waved them down. They looked to be simple observers.

Wab let the Elder down. He began to look around the area as if it was a new sight to him. The Elder then approached me slowly.

"May I ask you a favor?"

He asked. His hand slowly lifted up and was placed on my shoulder.

"Of course."

"When you meet the Guru, can you ask him something for me?"

He leaned in to whisper.

"Ask him, if the rainbow bird has flown home yet?"

"The rai..."

"Shh, shh, shhh."

He shushed me before I could say more out loud.

"Keep it up here."

He poked my forehead.

"He has been in a state of mediation. For many years. The last time he had a visit was from me. Ten years ago. Do not touch him in this state."

He opened his mouth to speak more, but he was interrupted.

"Elder! May I speak with you a moment, over here?"

Wab called out.

I felt Goby turn around on my shoulder. I was about to pet him when he jumped off and ran over to the girls. They were in the center of the plateau. There was a large bronze ornamental piece just below where they stood. I was going to examine the piece closer when I heard Goby yipping ahead of the girls. Seemingly at the door into the mountain. I got closer to see what was happening.

"What are you doing!?"

I heard the Elder cry out.

I turned and saw Wab holding the Elder off to the side of the square platform. I heard sounds all around us. lizard-men and women were appearing from the sides and the stairs behind us.

They did not look friendly.

None of them drew close, they kept their distance. Riksa and I sandwiched Sophie for protection.

"What is going on here?"

I called out. Wab responded.

"Just stay there, please."

His voice. It sounded like he was not comfortable with what was unfolding.

"Wab, what's going on? If you are in some kind of trouble, maybe I can..."

There was a rumble. Everyone on the platform steadied themselves.

Again, the ground shook. This time I heard a large crack above.

I looked up.

There was a massive boulder, rolling in mid-air. It was about to land just above the giant door. I quickly assessed the direction it was coming to.

We were its target. Set in motion by natural events or planned by an unwelcome adversary, it was going to land on our spot.

I pushed Riksa away as hard as I could and grabbed Sophie to pull the both of us in the opposite direction.


The Boulder landed dead center on the plateau. Goby was just missed. He ran back to us and climbed into Sophie's bag.

I was under the impression that I was successful. That is until the ground below us began to crumble. The boulder didn't simply land, it broke through the surface into an underground cavern. The hole it made destabilized a large portion of the platform. It was crumbling from the center, out.

I held onto Sophie as we fell. I could hear Riksa scream as well. I could not see her through all the debris around us. The further we got, the darker it became.

I was scared. I could not tell how far down we were going to fall. Could I possibly keep Sophie safe? Can Riksa survive this fall?

I began to panic.

What do I do?!

Time felt like it began to slow. The fall felt as though gravity was loosening on me.

'Open your heart, Lake. Let me help you.'

I knew this voice. It was unforgettable. This was the mother kitsune.

'Calm yourself. Embrace the love you feel for the people in your life. Then awaken.'

I trusted her. I felt like she would not lead me astray.

Because of this time bubble, I felt like I was in I was able to release my anxious worries. I remembered the love I had for Sophie.

I held her so tight. I may have been hurting her instead of protecting her. I loosened my grip, just a little. I felt the love I had for her.

I closed my eyes. I saw the outline of the mother kitsune for a fraction of a second. It made me happy. I felt loved.

When I opened my eyes. I felt a rush of energy. My vision changed. I could see. I felt like I could see every crevasse and weightless spec of dust around me. It was like everything was highlighted in a violet hue.

My limbs felt like they were reacting on their own. My right leg reached out in front of me and pushed a falling rock. This launched me closer to the wall around me.

My right leg quickly reacted and pressed off of the wall for instant results. I saw a violet streak of electricity following my movements. I was running down and around the edges of the wall.

I was fast. I felt strong. Not as strong as when I have the power of Anger. Strong enough that Sophie felt as light as a pillow. I could see the ground approaching. I was able to get myself around the debris and in line of sight of Riksa.

I jumped.

I caught her.

I ran toward the ground, against the wall. I reached the bottom before the falling debris. I saw an open cavern ahead, I ran down the cavern, away from the landing spot of the boulder and particulate of the broken plateau.

The sounds of the crashing debris was immense, in this hollowed-out cave.

When I slowed down to take a breath. It looked as though Sophie and Riksa had regained the properties of gravity and normal time was returned to me.

Riksa was still mid-scream when she finally became aware of the lack of falling.

"What? What... happened?"

Riksa was looking around in amazement. She patted herself down like she was expecting something to be missing or broken.

"It was Lake. He saved us. I couldn't follow everything but I know he was moving super fast. It was like he relaxed. His hold on me was almost... loving? It felt so good to be in his arms, and then we were here."

"Uh, Lake?"

Riksa sounded confused.

"Why do you have furry ears on your head? And fangs? And a ... tail?"

I felt around the locations that Riksa had just mentioned. I indeed, found furry ears, a tail and pointy k-9 teeth.

"What's going on? I can't see anything."

Sophie began feeling around my body until she found my tail. I could see her eyes were opened like normal. Why could she not see?

"It's soooo soft."

The feeling was unusual. I had a tail.

"I can see just fine, are your eyes okay Sophie?"

"They feel fine."

"Her eyes are fine, Lake. It's your eyes that are different. I can see in the dark just fine thanks to my lizard blood. The fact that you can see, is unusual."

I began to look around me. This cave was too lit up. I could find no light sources.

As if to respond to my curiosity about my surroundings, my vision began to fade.

'I'm sorry, Lake. I can't help you anymore right now. I need to rest. Find me again, in the place where only you can go.'

I began to feel like energy was draining from me. Sophie's weight became obvious. I had to catch myself before she knocked me over.

"What happened to the tail? Why did you take it away from me?"

Sophie asked.

"I was getting help. I think the fox-like features were a side effect. Now that I'm back to normal, the side effects are gone."

Except for one of my fangs... I think I have a legitimate snaggle-tooth now. It felt weird, but it still fits comfortably in my mouth without poking my gums or lips.

"Aw. I liked your tail."

"Well, Riksa. It seems you are the one with the visual advantage in here. I can't see anything anymore. If you don't mind, could you lead us?"

"I don't know where we are. I've never been here before."

"Do you see any exits?"

"I see one. The hole we fell from is covered up from this side."

"Well, that's an easy choice then."

Riksa began to lead us. Sophie was in the middle, holding one hand each from Riksa and me. Riksa could see threats from ahead and I could be a meat shield from behind.

We entered into a large open cavern. I could only tell because the sound changed. I could hear running water.

"Wow. This is amazing! I wish you two could see... WAIT! Wait, wait!"

"What? Is something there?"

I began to ready myself. I heard rustling close by.

"In here! I found it."

I hear a small sliding sound. Then I heard it again with a tiny, *clink,* when it stopped.

The room exploded with green lights. I recognized this effect. It was like the rock that Berthri turned into a bracelet for me.

The caves were bright now. Loaded with tiny green firefly-like lights. The exception to the color was the three of us. We were covered in pale blue lights.

"So pretty!"

Sophie exclaimed.

I looked at Riksa to see how she pulled it off. Did she have her own rock?

When I saw it...*

"That bracelet, where did you get that?"

"My brother..."

She looked depressed.

"What was he doing? Why didn't he help us?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know. If it makes you feel any better, he didn't sound like he was enjoying whatever he was doing."

"I know. I could tell too. I just want to know what he was thinking. Was he trying to kill us? Was that boulder part of his plan?"

"Right now, all we have are questions. Without Wab or someone involved, we may as well be asking a rock. We should try to get out of here as soon as possible."

She tilted her head and returned it to a normal position.

"I guess you're right."

I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"All three of us are okay. Let's just be happy about that for now. Things could have ended up worse."


She embraced me with a hug of her own. Before her face was out of sight in our hug, I could see she was still bothered.

"Over here! Look."

Sophie called us over. She was by the water of a stream.

"There are blue lights in the water."

"The way they move, fish?"

Riksa made the observation.

"Well, we have basics. Water and a possible food source. See any more exits?"

No one spoke up.

"I guess that's a no. Let's keep looking for a while."

The area was truely, large. The ceiling must have been 50 or 60 feet above us. There were stalagmites blocking many views. I could see that there were still dark parts to the cave. maybe if we activate the bracelet in a different area, we could find a hidden exit.

"Riksa, can I see your bracelet?"

She nodded her head and removed it from her wrist. I first examined the underside of it.

"Sure enough, Berthri's signature that he puts on his works."


Asked, Riksa.

"Berthri. He is a friend. He made this bracelet and gave it to me. I lost it a while back. Your brother must have taken it after we parted ways."


She sounded disappointed.

"Then, you should take it back."

"I never used it anyways. You can keep it. Consider it a gift."

I handed the bracelet back to her. She seemed to perk up a bit.

"Thank you. It feels much more sentimental if it was yours in the first place. I don't think I would have kept it if it was from my brother. Considering what just happened."

"I don't think you should think badly of him just yet. Just a hunch. Let's go to the dark spot behind me and light it up. Here."

We moved over to one of the larger dark areas.

I watched her use the bracelet. I heard the tiny 'clink'. The dark area lit up, just the same as last time.

"There! I see it! There's an exit!"

Riksa shouted. Sophie came over to us.

"Let's check it out."

I felt something on my shoulder. A light tap and then a sudden thrust. Goby came into view. He started walking toward the newfound exit. He yipped twice at us.

"He says to follow him."

The girls looked at me.

"Uh, it was amusing the first and second time. Why are you still pretending to understand him?"

Riksa asked.

"It's not like I do understand him. It's like I'm getting a translation in the back of my mind and I just blurt it out. I don't understand it myself."

"Keep an eye on him, Sophie. Let's get back into formation like before."

We all followed Goby. We came to several multiple pathway intersections. One tunnel would open up into three or four or even five other tunnels. The thing is, it was like we were making our way backward. We would come out of one of the split tunnels and continue down the single path.

After about four intersections like this, Goby made a different turn. We exited one tunnel and entered the one to the immediate right of ours. We followed Goby through several more tunnels and intersections. They were mostly on an incline.

Sophie and I were walking blindly behind Riksa the entire time. On occasion, she used the bracelet to show us what we were dealing with. One of the intersections had ten tunnel entrances. This was definitely some kind of maze.

"I see light!"

Sophie called out. I looked past her and saw the same thing.

"Awesome. Looks like Goby saved the day!"

He made another yip.

"You're welcome."

We followed Goby to the light. It opened up into a small room. There was a light source hovering above a bowl. My best guess was another WoM object. There was an old strange, almost skeletal-looking male elf, sitting in the center.

"Is he dead?"

Sophie asked as she held onto my clothes.

"If he is, he does not smell like it."

Riksa said. I got close. His chin moved. I heard a cracking sound. It startled me so I backed away.


"He is alive. He looks petrified."


"He is saying something. Come, meditate?"


That last word was hard to make out. It was almost a whisper. I got closer and faced my left ear to his mouth.


He yelled out into my ear. I nearly launched myself back at the suddenness and volume coming from the decrepit old geezer.

"Bua hahahaha! Man, I got you good. But seriously. Come and meditate. You might learn a thing or two."

I looked at the girls. They were scared to death and huddled in the corner. I looked back at the old man. He was back in his meditative state.

"Nothing to lose I guess."

I got close to the old man. I sat with my legs crossed while facing him.

"What are you doing, Lake? Are you really going to just sit there in front of that creepy old guy?!"

"I appreciate your concern, Sophie. I think it'll be fine, though."

I had a sudden thought.

"Are you the Guru?"

No response. I closed my eyes and began to focus on meditation. I was interrupted.

"Ahhh... Laaaaake?"

Sophie's voice was distracting. I heard a loud crack directly in front of me. I opened my eyes to see what the fuss was.

The old man was reaching out to my forehead with his index finger. His eye sockets were wide open and empty. He had an evil-looking grin. His skin was creepy as hell and cracking as he moved. His thinning hair was greasy beyond comprehension. I was about to pull back. I felt his finger tap my forehead.

"Got ya."

I watched as his body began to shrivel into dust. The particles began to dissipate into nothingness. His wrist fell apart and the hand that poked me fell. His hand hit my lap. I felt no weight behind it. Just as the rest of his body, there was nothing left. Not even dust, ashes or anything that I could touch. Was this man a ghost?

'No, I'm real. I was just waiting for the right person to come along.'

It was his voice. It was in my head. Did he transfer his consciousness over to me?


Riksa cried out.

"I don't think so. I'm going to meditate. I don't know how long it will be. Just let me know if anything bad is happening."

"Y... y, yo, y, you're jus, just gonna sit there, with a g... ghost?"

Riksa was frightened beyond comprehension. I wasn't worried because Sophie was patting Riksa on the head, like a mother consoling a frightened child.

I began to meditate as I had done so before. I cleared my head. As my powers became more complicated, I Imagined myself as a large bucket, filled with multiple color fluids that don't mix. A hand picks up the bucket and pours out the contents. I drained myself of all emotion.

I found myself back in the darkness. There were two more lights now.

I think it's going to be a long night.