The loud sound woke me and I sat up quickly.
"Wake up, human."
I looked over to a lizard-woman with black dreadlocks. She wore torn shorts and a long sleeve leather jacket over a worn tank top. Her coloring was an ocean blue with white stripes.
"Where you from, human?"
An interrogation? Maybe I should leave out the part about the potion.
Her voice was different from the other three that I had heard earlier in my "sleep."
"I was captured."
Her answer with a question was quick and demanding.
"A trap was set where I would normally forage for food."
"What would the dwarven navy need with a human?"
"I don't know."
"Don't lie to me."
"Do you really think that my captors would be keen on revealing my fate to me?"
Her eyes narrowed.
"If you refuse to tell me the truth, then there is only one thing left to do."
She stood up and approached the cell. I was on the cot, three arm lengths away from her I felt no need to worry about what she could do through the bars. She held no key that I could see.
She made a large inhale and spat at me. I dodged most of it but some had streaked the side of my cheek as it grazed me.
"If it were up to me, you'd be dead already."
She slammed her palms against the bars before she turned to leave.
It must have been an hour before someone returned for me. The door was opened quietly and the individual was cautious of her surroundings. When the door was fully closed, she seemed to relax. The lizard-woman turned to me. Her facial features were more humanoid, like Riksa's. Her coloring was a solid pale pink and She had long black hair.
"Refused to spit out tha truth, eh?"
This woman was the one behind the raspy voice earlier.
"I don't think it would benefit anyone from telling the truth right now."
She took a set of keys that were hidden out of view by a tiny mounted shelf. She opened my cell and sat down next to me. She had an air of superiority.
"Brave of you. I could be a criminal. Violent and desperate for physical contact."
"Tha fact that you are explaining that much instead of acting as such..."
"What's your name? I'm Gertrude."
"I'm Lake. Nice to meet you, Gert."
Her face turned a darker shade of pink at the realization that I had overheard the earlier conversation.
"Sorry. I had no idea what kind of situation I was in. I wanted to know what kind of people had me in their possession."
She stayed quiet.
"So... Where are we?"
She let out a sigh.
"We're in tha Felothian Ocean between Cumios and Lunula. We are closest to tha northeast coast of Cumios. Our ship needs repairs so we're heading to tha nearest docks."
I'm so far away from Missing Star. How did I get way over here? It's insane...
"Repairs? From the battle with the dwarves?"
"Dwarves? It was a rival pirate crew. They got on the bad side of the Cap'n some time ago. Why did you think it was dwarves?"
That interrogator that was in here. She played me. She knew it wasn't the dwarven navy and let me keep talking. Aside from that, Gert seems like a kind soul.
"If I tell you, can you keep it to yourself?"
She gave me a look of cautious curiosity.
"It's not that I've done bad things... Intentionally. But, I kinda have a reputation that I don't need to spread around right now. Can you promise not to speak about it?"
She grabbed my pinky finger with hers.
Curious. Where did she learn that?
"I promise."
"I'm putting some serious trust in you, right now. If you break this promise, I don't think I'll be able to trust you ever again."
"Wow. I said I promise. What, are you single-handedly responsible for killing thousands?"
She let out a chuckle. I wasn't so lax. I thought back to when I went on a rampage in the Faelands. I hung my head low.
"I said it wasn't intentional..."
Her smile died and the amusement in her voice faded away.
"I have a power that I can't control sometimes. I have the potion of Rage insi..."
She began laughing out loud like I had told some amazing joke. Her laugh was cute but this was the wrong time.
"Hooooo man. I thought you were serious for a second. That tall tale about tha potion of Rage only works on tha kids."
She caught her breath from all of her amusement. She leaned back against the wall.
"Don't try to pull that shyte on Lewa. She will cut you down where you stand."
I turned away from her to hide my sullen face.
"Yeah... Bad joke, I guess..."
She stood up.
"Well, now isn't the time but, I would like to stop by later in tha night to put some waves in my ocean... if you catch my meaning. I meant what I said when you were, "asleep." Would you be interested?"
"Yeah... Sure. Whatever."
She leaned in to whisper into my ear.
"Great. I'll see you tonight, then."
I listened to her leave.
She didn't believe me. She thought I was joking. A tall tale? Those were lives that were snuffed out because of me.
My own thoughts were depressing me. I laid back down and curled up with the thin sheet provided to me.
Maybe I fell asleep but, it seemed like almost no time had passed until Gert showed up again. I was hoping that she could be a distraction from my thoughts. To my dismay, my thoughts were a distraction from her.
As we lie together after our joining, I couldn't stop thinking about her reaction and the people that died.
"I've had better."
I knew I was subpar. It wasn't intentional... death and bad sex... unintentional.
"Sorry. I know it's just an excuse but, I have a lot on my mind."
"Obviously not what most males have on their minds..."
She got dressed and left without any more words.
I just wanted this night to end. I wanted these thoughts to go away.