I had been traveling along the tunnel for what felt like more than a day. It was getting darker the further I went. There was a gap following the left side, just like the previous tunnel. I was getting frustrated with being stuck down here. I wanted to get back to the surface. I suppose I could...
The tunnel ahead echoed with a massive crash and rocks tumbling. I could hear water flowing in large amounts. I followed the tunnel until I came across an odd scene. The nose of a wooden ship had crashed through the ceiling of the tunnel. Water was flowing through damaged spots and falling into the gap.
The wood was under immense pressure from the water trying to fill the empty space on this side of the ship. I felt something tap my foot. A wooden plank floated down with the minimal water that stayed on the walking path.
I had an Idea. At this point, I didn't care how, I just wanted out of here.
A large portion of the ship had broken free. Water was now pouring in without restraint. I came as close as I could to the newly formed falls.
I took a deep breath to steady myself. My strength had been called upon and my legs were bowing at the knees. I took aim and let my strength propel me forward through the opening. I was afraid that the flow would be too much or that I wouldn't use enough power and get washed down into the dungeon all over again.
I was out in the water. Weightless and free of the whirlpool that was probably forming as the tunnel and dungeon filled with saltwater. I started swimming up. I took my time since air was not a concern. It was darker than black since the bioluminescent sea life was now far below me. I had no clue how far down I was. Hopefully, this isn't just another underwater sea cave with a roof. I think I had been swimming for almost an hour before light began to shine through the water above.
I felt so relieved to see actual light!
I kept a slow and steady pace. I began to look around more as the water around me got brighter. I couldn't see anything that was moving. Not even small fish. I saw shadows above as I browsed the surface of the water. One was large, maybe a whale? No, there was no tail. I looked as though It was at the whim of the waves. It was floating.
A boat?! Hah! My lucky day got luckier. I began to feel a bit of tingling in my limbs. I must be excited to see the light of day and get rescued at the same time.
I was so close! I could make out the other smaller shadows. It was debris. Wood planks, cloth, barrels and other such things that float. My hand reached the air first. I was near a section of broken wood so I grabbed on and pulled myself up.
I was out in the air!
I was... dizzy. Shit.
I remembered too late, about decompression sickness. I had never been diving before so I hadn't thought about something like that. The world was spinning and suddenly went dark.
The last things I remember hearing were the banging of my head on the wood I was floating on and something about a survivor.
"Lake. Wake up, Lake!"
I sat up. My eyes were still shut, but I recognized Fear's voice.
"Wha... Fear? Where you been?"
As my eyes opened, I saw the familiar darkness in my head and various colored lights around me.
"I've been around. The others and I felt that you should put more effort into void and strength, instead of relying on my shadows."
Fear was pacing near his light.
"Why, though? What pur..."
"For the sake of those you love. My shadows can only do so much, go so far and move so fast. They are minions. In the end, you are the only one that can make the important decisions."
I heard the loud squeaking of a door opening and closing, echo in my head. My darkness disappeared.
-R "Why d'ya think they had a human onboard? They have a buyer? Was ee contraband?"
I heard a female voice behind me. Slightly raspy. (-R=raspy voice)
-Y "'Why' isn't my concern. How'd we not see 'em right away?"
Another female voice. Younger than the first. (-Y=younger voice)
-R "Maybe ee found an air bubble under some debris? What does it matter?"
-Y "The Capitan seemed interested in 'em."
I opened my eyes. I was lying on my side, facing a wooden wall. I kept still.
-R "Cap'n's orders. We aren't allowed to touch him."
-Y "We aren't allowed to let 'em out, either. Captain ain't usually this protective of anyone."
-R "I dunno if I would call it protective. It's like tha Cap'n is avoidin him."
I heard a sigh.
-R "If I were tha Cap'n, I'd keep him all to meself."
-Y "What about the cabin boy?"
-R "I wouldn't touch him. I hear ee got some barnacles on his mast."
-Y "Yuck. I know what you mean, though. I wouldn't mind avin' this one to myself for a night er two."
The door slammed open and I heard my two gawkers yelp in surprise. Ocean waves could be heard in the background.
"Gert! Eny! Git back to yer posts! We got our temporary fixin's done and we be head'n back ta port."
This voice was deep and commanding.
-R "Right!"
-Y "On 'et!"
I heard footsteps leaving my vicinity quickly. I could still feel a presence.
"Filthy human. Just you wait..."
I heard heavy boots walking away now. The door closed behind my final visitor. I turned and sat up at the edge of my cot. I was in a corner cell with bars on two sides and wooden walls on the other two. The other two cells were empty. A single lit lamp was hanging in the middle of the room and gently swinging. I found myself in basic clothing. A white long sleeve shirt and shorts.
I was still a little nauseous. I figured as long as I'm not lost in the middle of the ocean, I should probably just ride this out.
I laid back down and closed my eyes to get more rest.