V2Ch60 New Fight

The massive creature before me had touched down on the ground with its snake-like body and reared its head at me. I still haven't seen the tail. It began to slither toward me. I turned to run back toward the entrance. Some kind of door had closed without my knowledge.

I was trapped...

Most people would think that, anyway. I had a few tricks up my sleeve. As I was running, I felt a hot heavy air blowing past me. I turned my head, it was right behind me already.

I activated my void sleeve and reached out toward the closest part of the eel that I could reach. His jaw snapped shut on my arm. He pulled away without a prize. He did have a new hole at the very front of his mouth.

It let out a terrifying screech and retreated into another hole above. His body flowed in and out of this chamber as fast as a high-speed train. His tail had finally been exposed. Whether he intended to or not, his tail whipped me before it could disappear into the same hole his head did. I was slammed back against a wall.

I had just enough time to turn off my void sleeve and activate my strength. This reduced the damage I took which meant less time to heal.

As I stood up, I heard a loud splash. He had come down again and was charging straight at me. I used my strength to propel me away from the immediate area. His head crashed into the wall with so much force that the entire area shook. Walls began to crumble and fall on top of his head. He quickly backed out. I managed to avoid any falling rocks myself. More debris from the ocean above had fallen on top of two watery holes. He only had 3 holes left that he could use.

Another splash signaled another attack. He rushed at me again. I activated my void sleeve and took a stance. He was smarter than I thought. He got close before he turned and took another hole out into the waters above. I took the opportunity to close the distance and push my arm into his body.

With my sleeve on, my arm went into the speeding body with ease and left a trail of missing flesh down the length of him. Even in the water, I could hear his cries of pain.

I backed away before his tail could whip me a second time. Almost as soon as his tail was out of sight, his head re-emerged from the furthest hole. He began to lower his body slowly this time. His body began to fill up the remaining space. He was pulling his entire length into this ocean floor bubble. I think he is pissed. I could see blood gushing from one side of him.

His entire body was visible now. I could only guess that he was as long as a taller skyscraper. He slowly got closer and closer. His head began to loom over me like a claw from a crane game.

He was wary of me while I had my void sleeve on. I was stuck. If I move, he would follow me. If I swap powers, he might attack. There were no exits.

What should I do?

'Let him swallow you.'


Rage's idea seemed out of place. As he explained, the intentions became clear.

An evil grin formed on my face.

I squatted down, deactivated my void power and watched the eel take advantage of my "helplessness." He took no time in charging straight down on top of me. My strength was used to propel me straight up into his open mouth. I bypassed two sets of teeth and began to slide through his throat. I could hear his heartbeat. I could feel the slimy mucous of his insides all over me. I felt a force of flesh push me further in. He swallowed me. I landed in his stomach.

As per Rage's suggestion, I turned on my void sleeve and began to cut away at the lining of his stomach. I wanted to cause as much damage as I could before I cut my way out.

My surroundings began to squirm and writhe in pain. Hearing his cries from the inside was different but just as haunting as they were in the water.

The balloon of flesh that held me captive was beginning to fill with blood. It was time to make my exit. I began cutting away the flesh below. As I wormed myself through his muscle tissue, I was squished tight several times as he continued to respond to the ever-increasing pain.

I hadn't realized I was free until I began to fall. I hit the ground from roughly fifteen feet above. I was surrounded by bile and pooling blood. His screams had not ceased. He was thrashing about the cave and smashing his head into the walls, causing more debris to fall.

More rocks had covered two of the remaining holes in the ceiling. He took the opportunity to use the final exit to escape. My relief was short-lived. He had not even gotten his entire head wet before he retreated back out of the water.

Something was spooking him more than me. He screeched at the opening before he looked at me once more.

He rocketed toward me with explosive speed. I wasn't prepared to receive him. All I could think of was my void glove. I activated my power in a panic and raised my hand up. I took one step back, forcing him to come at me from my right side.

The moment he made contact with me, all I felt was a breeze followed by rushing heat. I watched the black hole in the back of his throat come for me. It had passed me and I was still standing. I watched as a repeating fleshy pattern of innards was spreading apart before my eyes. It was as if I were a blade and he was dragging his body straight down the middle of me.

Like gutting a fish.

His body came to a stop and rolled over to my left. All around me were hundreds of gallons of his blood. I was ankle-deep in it.

I let out a sigh. My fight was... different. I was glad that it was over.

*Drip...drip, drip. Splash*

"Oh helllll no."

A massive tentacle had reached in through the last watery hole on the ceiling. It began to feel around. It managed to find the fleshy tail of the eel and latched on with its suction cups. The dead eel had a convulsion, prompting the tentacle to reel in its "escaping" prey. The entirety of the eel's body was forcefully pulled out backward. What light I could see in the water was now murky and red.

I let out another sigh of relief.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a purple aura on my leg. I looked down at my body to discover that my void powers covered the entire right half of my body. Upon discovering that I could do that much, I tried to repeat the half-body cover without the desired results.

I had only tried two times when I realized that the water level was rising. I went to the only door available to me now. I used my void sleeve to cut through the door. I pushed it forward and heard the sound it made, echo into the dark tunnels ahead. From what little I could see, this tunnel was built similarly to the one I was originally walking through after I had awoken. Luckily, there were trace amounts of the living light along the walls.

I would be able to see a little bit this time.