We made it to the Trackers Guild without incident. I explained to Girard that Kurio had assassins after her and that they needed a place to stay. He gladly lent me a temporary room. We stopped by the throne rooms and finished any business there first. I then showed the girls my room and packed my backpack so that It would be ready to go in the morning. Babur stayed with the girls and watched over them. I was almost out the door when I turned around.
"Goodnight. I know it will be hard but, try to get some sleep. You will need the rest. Don't forget to lock the door like I showed you."
I closed the door behind me and made my way to my temporary room. As I tried to close the door behind me, a furry hand grabbed mine and stopped the door.
"Nya said I could stay the night with nya."
"I did, Babur. I just thought you were going to stay with the girls."
"Well... How do I put this? I like the older one but I don't. The younger one doesn't seem to like anyone except for the older one. I'd rather stay with nya."
She frowned a little.
"Is that... still okay?"
"I told you before."
I turned my hand and grabbed her wrist to pull her toward me. Her body was against mine. Waist to waist, chest to chest and nearly face to face.
"I'm happy to have the company."
She smiled at first as she looked into my eyes. Her line of sight strayed off to her right.
"But, I don't want..."
She began shifting. I can't tell if she is blushing or not because of the fur on her face.
"I told you It's okay. I don't expect anything from you. Just get some rest and I'll do the same."
I let go of her and closed the door behind her. There were two spare blankets in the closet. I put one on the ground out of the way of any walking path between the bed and door.
"What are nya doing? I don't want to sleep on the floor."
"This is for me, you can sleep on the bed."
"But, if you're on the floor, then I will be too. I want to be on the cozy bed."
I wanted to chuckle. I've been keeping a conscious mind about my own laughter. The last thing I need is a random lesser elemental spirit causing havoc. Let alone a large group of them.
I let out a sigh and left the blanket on the floor. I took off my shirt and got into bed. I moved as far over to the wall as I could in order to give her room. She got in right behind me. I felt the pads on her hands against my back. I then felt her warm breath before she pushed her furry face against my skin. She still had her top on, but I could feel her breasts squish against me. I know she was purring this time. It was too quiet not to hear her.
"Lake? Can ny ask you a question?"
"Do nya... have someone nya love?"
"I do. Her name is Sophie."
"Where is she nyow? Is she in that dark elf territory to the south?"
"I don't know where she is. I lost her a long time ago. I have no idea if she is still looking for me or if, maybe she gave up on me. I fear the worst but, I won't abandon my search for her until I know for sure."
"Nya said nya were in the same situation as me. Is she as unkillable as nya?"
"No, she is an elf. She may live for a long time but, she is mortal."
"Are nya not afraid of hurting her with nyar power?"
"I am afraid. I'm terrified."
"So why do nya still search for her?"
"Because I love her and I want to protect her. My power may be unstable sometimes but, I can use it to protect, too. It's a power that some have used for evil in the past. I don't want to be like those people. I just want to live in peace. This power makes that goal difficult. Just the same, it enables more possibilities for a happy life with friends and the people I love. I can do things I never could before. I'm thankful for many of the things this power has been able to grant me, even if I have to live with the pain and knowledge of the horrors I have set upon others in the past."
It was quiet for a moment. I thought maybe she went to sleep while I talked her ear off.
"I see. And nyow nya've used that power to save me."
"I haven't been this close to another person in years. I love this warmth."
"Since Leo?"
"Nya. I've kept away from others. If I don't get close, I can't hurt them. That was my way of thinking. I slept outside. In trees, caves, sides of cliffs. Anywhere that others wouldn't go at night. That's why I didn't have a place to stay. But, nya. I can be next to nya. I can touch nya. I can feel nyar skin and heat. If nya can't die..."
I heard her take a large inhale. Her arms slowly wrapped around my torso.
"I can..."
She started sobbing.
"But... tomorrow... Why do nya have to leave so soon?"
I placed a hand on hers as she squeezed me tightly. I slipped my hand under her arm and prayed her hands apart. I rotated in place so that I could look her in the eyes.
"Can I ask you something?"
She nodded.
"Will you come with me?"
She started crying even louder and smashed her head into my chest.
"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes..."
Our next-door neighbor was cranky.
I just hugged her until we fell asleep.