I awoke to an unusual sound. Not only that but an even more unusual feeling. I think she is nibbling on my ear.
I opened my eyes to find Babur's left breast pushing against my face through her top. I placed a hand on her thigh and rubbed up and down a few times.
No response. She may still be asleep. I got an idea that put an evil grin on my face.
I moved my hand up to her exposed stomach. Her fur was a little softer there and it slightly convulsed as I gently moved my hand around. This reaction confirmed the information I needed to continue with my idea.
I whispered as I winced. She had bit down on my upper ear. It was time for payback. I slowly raised my palm off of her stomach while leaving my fingers in contact.
I furiously began wiggling my fingers across her stomach. She instantly pulled away and was now very aware of an "attacker." I caught her back with my left hand to prevent her escape and continued my assault on her tummy with my right. She began laughing hysterically.
"Haha! STOpfff hahahah."
She started to roll off the bed, I followed her over the edge. I had her pinned to the ground which freed my left hand and allowed me to tickle her with both.
"STO.. st... STOP!"
My assault finished with a swift shin kick to the groin. I leaned forward in pain and propped my body up with my head on the ground. My hands reached down to cover my sensitive bits. My face was on her left shoulder. She was breathing heavily. I was just concentrating on my pain.
"Nya deserved that."
"Yeah... I gue... guess I did."
I moved her left arm and rolled over to the floor on my right.
"Was it worth it?"
"To see you smile and hear you laugh? Definitely."
As we both lay on the floor, we looked at each other face to face. It seemed as though life had returned to her. I could see her energy overflowing. It made me happy to see her large feline eyes so bright and curious.
I must have let loose a smile. Her eyes narrowed and her simple grin turned mischievous.
"Nya? Are nya thinking of something lewd?"
"No. I'm just glad that you are coming with me today... us."
Babur lifted herself up and leaned over me. She gave me the sweetest, most gentle kiss on my cheek. She stood over me with one foot on either side of me. As I looked up at her, my eyes unconsciously saw up her shirt. I looked away, but not before my mind could note that she was braless.
"Nyow that nya almost made me pee myself, I need to go use the throne."
She left in a hurry. I let out a sigh of relief. Had she noticed that I accidentally snuck a peek? Did she let me peek on purpose?
I groaned as I sat up. I still felt her kick from earlier. I made the bed with clean sheets and left the dirty ones on the only chair in the room. Babur came back and we went to my room. I knocked twice.
"Goldie? Kurio? It's me, Lake."
I heard the door unlock and watched Kurio cautiously open the door. When she saw it was me, she opened the door all the way to let us in. She gave the key back to me and I locked it behind me.
"Did either of you get any rest?"
Kurio looked a little embarrassed.
"I sang her a lullaby from when she was younger. She went right to sleep."
"That's good. What about you?"
"I couldn't sleep. That restaurant has been so much a part of me for so long. I can't stop thinking about what will happen to it."
"Were you the one making all the meals?"
"Most of them. I had a helper do some simple tasks when my back was out or we were packed. I haven't seen him in a while though."
"Then try not to think of it as leaving the restaurant behind. You are the restaurant. You can start up again. You can get new clientele in a new location. Maybe we can find a place that's even better than this one. You are its legacy, not the wood that held it together. I believe in you."
She smiled for a moment before returning to reality.
"Yes, but..."
She pulled out a coin sack. She showed me the contents of 3 gold coins and a hand full of silver.
"Without selling the building, this is all I have. I don't think we can be so lucky to get what you think we can."
"I said I believe in you. I'd like you to have a little faith and believe in me, okay?"
She hesitantly nodded.
"Anyone hungry? We should get some food on the way out of Fricity."
I asked. The room was quiet.
"I am hungry. I need to use the throne room, though."
Kurio admitted.
"I'll go with you."
Her mother declared. I unlocked the door and let them out. I left the door unlocked and began double-checking for anything important that I had not packed. Babur quietly watched me from my bed. I finished my search and remembered the poison bottle. I had to take a drop every day. I found it and took my second dose.
"What's that? Medicine?"
Kurio had returned already.
"It's poison."
She lowered her head but kept her gaze at me.
"You drink poison?"
"Yes. If I take a drop every day, It will help me build up an immunity to most poisons. A drop won't kill anyone."
"Can I try?"
I raised an eyebrow.
"You got the gold? This tiny bottle cost me 200 gold. Gonna need some compensation if you wanna try it."
Both her and Babur's mouths dropped.
"What the f..."
Goldie snuck up behind and bonked Kurio on the head with a weak karate chop.
"I know what you were about to say. Don't you dare curse in front of your mother."
Kurio crouched down while holding her head.
"That hurt."
"That's a lot of gold. Nya."
"I've been saving up. I had three guilds and no payments to speak of, thanks to the Trackers Guild room system."
"Did you spend all of it?"
Asked Goldie. I shrugged and motioned as though I wasn't sure. I didn't want to let on that I still had over 700 gold.
"Let's get the show on the road. I need to drop off my card at the front before we leave."