V2Ch83 New Goodbyes

We went to the main hall and I attempted to leave my card with Girard. He refused to take it. He said that the headmaster wants to talk to me himself. He led the group to the headmaster's room. Babur and I went it while Girard stayed outside with Goldie and Kurio. This was someplace I had never been before. It was like a small library on the right half and a collection of weapons on the left.

"I hear that you are leaving. May I ask why?"

His voice sounded like it was fading the entire time he spoke.

"I am searching for someone. I never planned to stay here very long."

"I see. I felt that you had great potential. It will be a great loss to this guild."

He looked down to his desk and wrote something down before looking back at us.

"And, Babur... Are you going with him?"

"Nya, I am."

"Yet another loss for the guild. At least, this one. There are other chapters throughout the various kingdoms. If you should find yourself in the vicinity of another Trackers guild..."

He moved back from his desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out two rings and held them out to us.

"Show them these rings. They will be glad to have you aboard. I would suggest that you continue to refine yourselves. I feel that you both can do great things one day."

Babur and I received our rings and put them on. They both started off the same size, way too big. I put it over my index finger on my left hand. It quickly shifted its size to a perfect fit. I watched the same thing happen to Babur.

"Do these use Will of Memory?"

"Indeed they do. These rings represent my trust. The other headmasters will know that you are worth investing in, once you show them. Keep them safe and keep yourselves safe as you travel."

He ended the conversation by giving us a wave of the hand after he looked down at the papers on his desk.

I almost forgot to give him the room card. I walked up and placed it within his reach on his desk. He simply looked up at the card and then me before nodding in approval. Babur was already out of the room and waiting for me. I was met with an open hand reaching out to me. I grabbed Girard's hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Safe travels."

"Thanks, Girard. You've helped me quite a bit while I got up on my own feet."

We left the Trackers Guild in Fricity for the final time.

We began by heading south, away from the docks and beaches. I made one stop at a shop for camping equipment. I traded in my one-person tent and asked the others about opinions on two two-person tents or one four-person tent. Two tents would make for more privacy but I could be more aware of intrusions or dangers if there is only one target. Goldie opted for the single tent against Kurio's objections. Honestly, one tent just meant I could be lazy and not have to worry about another tent that I can't see. Though most of Kurio's complaints were basically her calling me a potential pervert. I tried to take on the extra weight of a second backpack. Babur took control of the larger pack that was filled with camping supplies.

There was a small place at the edge of the city where we stopped for food. I got something that I could eat later while the others had their meals on location. Goldie and Kurio kept critiquing the food while Babur practically smashed her food down her throat. When breakfast was over, we had a short walk to the city walls. Babur and I had been through here several times for guild business. This was the first time in several years for Goldie. Kurio said she came here on occasion but never left the confinement of the walls.

We made it 50 feet past the gate when Goldie stopped. She gazed at the city where she had spent a large portion of her life. She was still hurting. It was hard to watch. Seeing her so devastated made me want to do right by her.

Our first day was cut short. Goldie was too tired to go very far. We set up camp at a nearby river. Babur spent some time catching fish for an early dinner. I had set up a fire and let Kurio do the cooking. I think the smell of the food is what woke Goldie. She complimented Kurio on a well-made meal as the rest of us dug in.

"KURIOOOOO! You cook so well! I love the taste! NYAA!"

Kurio seemed to be blushing a bit.


I had thought she didn't like Babur very much but, a faint smile over a simple compliment made me wonder. Goldie returned to a deep sleep after she had her fill. The three of us stayed up until we could hardly see anything past the light of the fire. Most of the conversations consisted of Babur asking Kurio and me, random questions.

I heard a twig snap in the distance. The girls were oblivious. I had expected this much and had prepared for this event thoroughly. I made no indication that I was aware of our visitor. No... Visitors.

"But, Kurio! I want to know what kind of guys you li..."

Babur finally noticed. She looked at me. I showed her a face that said, "Really? You only just now noticed?" I took a sip of water as the assassins stopped hiding their presence. I heard footsteps behind me and Babur. The third was now visible a short distance behind Kurio. I set my cup down and cupped my hands together.

"I'm here for the girl. Get in my way this time and you all die."

I casually stood up and stretched my arms out. I heard the two assassins behind me take a defensive stance.

"Man, you guys are uptight."

I saw Kurio looking at me, frozen in utter horror. I winked at her. It didn't seem to calm her any.

"You don't usually move in groups. New rules?"

"A rogue assassin Is always hunted by two more."

"Ah. I missed that in the rule book. I guess offering you her tongue won't make these two go away."

"You can't win. Don't interfere with my task."

"A bit too late for that. If any of you try to move from that spot, you will die."


I heard the light ruffle of grass being crushed underfoot behind Babur.


"One down. I guess he didn't believe me."

Now Babur was looking worried. I bent down to pick up my cup of water. I took a sip and began walking toward Kurio's tasked assassin.

"Looks like you get the idea. One step is all It would take."

I took another sip only four feet from him. He got cocky and threw a dagger directly toward my heart.

"Not smart."

He said with confidence. Kurio screamed. It woke up Goldie.

"What?! What's Wrong?!"

She emerged from the tent which caused Babur to move toward her to protect her. This prompted the assassin that was behind me to try and move.


He disappeared from sight. The man in front of me saw his buddy fade away before looking back at me.

I just stared at him and took another sip.

"Ahhhh. This is some good water."

I pulled the dagger out of my chest.

"Aw... My shirt got stained."

I looked the assassin in the eyes.


I drank the last of the water in my cup and waved at him with my other hand. He made no sound as he was jerked backward into darkness without warning. I turned back to the camp and sat in my seat as if nothing had ever happened.

"What's out there?"

Babur asked.

"Some friends. They won't hurt anyone without my permission."

Kurio was still shivering and visibly disturbed.

"You... You were stabbed. How can you be so c... calm."

I held up my hand and wiggled my fingers.

"Remember when I severed my finger? I can heal from any wound. Idunno about your girls but, I'm getting sleepy."

I casually strolled over to the tent and took my place in my sleeping bag on the far left. I almost wanted to laugh because the fire was instantly put out and they couldn't get into the tent fast enough. I had purchased two larger sleeping bags because the nights could get cold. Goldie and Kurio were sharing one while Babur shared one with me. She slipped in behind me with little effort.

"What were those?"

She whispered.


I left it at that. I was tired and didn't feel like explaining my power that could control other creatures with shadows.

Maybe another day.