I returned to darkness. But, not my darkness. A darkness that belonged to someone else. An eerily familiar darkness.
"Foooouuuuuunnnnnnndd yaaaaaa."
I forcefully ejected from the darkness and shot up from my sleeping position. I felt something heavy land in my lap. I was breathing hard. I was looking dead ahead at the tent opening. I was happy to see it.
"Ow-uh. What's your problem?"
"Lake? Are you... okay?"
Kurio sat up in front of me. I suddenly remembered why I tried to go into the darkness in the first place. This could be worse than the worst-case scenario that I had in my head. Kurio and I were front to front. Our chests were maybe a foot apart. As I followed a line down her shirt and stomach, I eventually stopped at the lack of any distance between us at our groins. I looked up in horror and found her scratching her head.
"What gives?"
She hasn't noticed yet.
"Ahem... Lake?"
That was Goldie's voice. I turned back to Goldie, expecting her to be angry with my extra close proximity to Kurio. Instead, I found my hand dead center on her left breast under her shirt.
I was wrong about Goldie. I had thought she would be covered head to toe in fur. Her breast was soft skin. No fur. The fur in her cleavage only went down so far. She did well in hiding her skin.
She seemed more coy than anything as my hand involuntarily squeezed. I tried to put my weight on my right side to remove my left hand... I felt something soft under my right hand, too. I turned my head yet again to find Babur on her back, still sleeping. My right hand was on her right breast.
I was dumbfounded at my predicament. I was waiting for a scolding and or a beating of a lifetime.
Instead, Kurio simply leaned forward onto my chest.
"So warm. Still sleepy..."
I removed my left hand from her mother to hold her against me. She seemed to be slouching and ready to fall over.
"Do... you want me to lay back?"
She nodded her head
I started to lean back slowly. I gave her time to readjust her legs. I ended up on my back and her head was under my chin. I let out a sigh of relief.
I looked at Goldie.
She whispered. She then winked at me and reached out to push on the tip of my nose like she was disciplining me. I shuffled my nose the best I could in response to the slightly uncomfortable feeling.
I thought I felt something to my right. I did a double-take at Babur. She was now looking at me with her goofy grin. My hand had never left its spot.
Her cat-like reflexes were sharp. I quickly tried to remove my hand but, she instantly grabbed my arm to hold it in place. As I realized what just happened, her grin grew wider. She must have seen me blushing, because I know I felt it.
She moved closer and rested her head on the edge of my peck. I lowered my arm down around her head to get it into a more comfortable position.
Goldie stood up and adjusted her clothes.
"I'll go start getting breakfast ready. I'll call you when it's done."
I nodded my head as best I could without bonking my chin on Kurio. As soon as Goldie left, I felt a sensation of warm wetness that traveled and became cold. Kurio was drooling on my chest.
How 'does' this happen?
While the girls drifted back to sleep I returned my thoughts to the darkness. That voice was different. But, the way he spoke... it was just like Y'gdrim. A sibling or a friend from her past that grew up learning the same dialect?
"Girls? Lake? The food is ready."
I must have been further lost in thought than I realized.
Kurio heard the call and used my chest to push herself up. She must still be half asleep since her position on top of me didn't seem to phase her. She stood and waved her leg over me as she made her way to her backpack to search for clothes to put on.
I tried to sit up but, Babur still held my arm tight. I had had enough of my bashfulness and gave her a big squeeze with my hand.
Her eyes popped open and her hands let go. I used that opportunity to get free.
"Come on. Food."
"Nyaaa. Fine. I was so comfortable."
She began to pout.
Our supplies were low at this point. I stopped eating as much and began skipping meals to makes sure everyone has enough food until we get to the next village. Hopefully, we can reach a small village where we can restock by the end of the day. After that, it's only a week left of travel before we reach Coaction City.
Even with low supplies, I couldn't resist the vegetable stew with bone stock. It smelled amazing.
"Lake! Did you drool in your sleep?"
Goldie called attention to the stain on my shirt.
"That was from your daughter."
"What? I don't drool!"
I said in a sarcastic tone. Goldie began laughing out loud and Babur chuckled a bit.
"Really! I don't!"
"If it makes you feel better, you can say it's my drool."
She huffed and began quickly downing spoonfuls of the stew. After breakfast, we all helped take down the campsite and pack it into the carriage. Upon leaving the camp, there was a wide curving patch of dead grass and trees that seemed to surround us. The others didn't seem to notice. I was all too familiar with it. As we started down the trail again, Kurio was acting a bit more shy than usual. Goldie seemed to notice this too. When the other two were asleep Goldie brought it up.
"It seems she's taken a liking to you."
"Yeah. I kinda noticed that. I hope she doesn't get too attached. I don't think I'll be around that long after we get to Coaction City."
"That's a shame. I wouldn't mind a few grandchildren."
"Yeah, well... She is a bit young. I do like her but, I don't know that I would be right for her. I think we are more... friend material."
"Maybe you should discuss that with her. I have a feeling that she likes you a little more than a friend."
I hope Goldie is wrong. I don't want to hurt her.
Our journey continued onward without any major incident.