We pulled into the tiny village just as dusk began to dim the area. I suggested staying at the inn tonight. Everyone agreed. I paid for two rooms to give the girls some privacy.
As I entered my room, Babur followed me in. I wasn't surprised by her at this point. We were sleeping next to each other for about a month now.
What surprised me was finding the other two girls in my room after dinner.
"Don't you want your own room? Ya know, privacy away from a guy?"
"I've gotten so used to sleeping in the same area with everyone. I think it's better with all of us in the same room. It feels like a family."
Goldie said.
"Yeah, you're like a stupid perverted older brother and Babur is like my du... strong... older sister."
She may have dodged a bullet there.
"Du? We're nya about to call me dumb?"
Maybe not. Babur got into a pouncing position.
"Uhhh. No? I was gonna say du... durable!"
Babur launched at Kurio. Babur caught her prey and began to tickle her. In her writhing to escape, Kurio managed to hit her attacker on the nose with an elbow, causing her to fall back. Babur wiggled her nose for a second before locking eyes with her prey once more. Kurio knew she fucked up and she ran out of the room with Babur in pursuit.
"Those two. They really are like sisters."
"I know what you mean. Though, I kinda think of you as their sister too. You all go well together."
"Oh, stop. I'm too old for that."
"Nah, you still look young. Me on the other hand. No matter what I do, I will outlive any wife that I take. I'll look just like this when she is on her death bed. If I have any children, I will look the same as I do when they are born as when they die. I get to see it all."
She came over and sat next to me. She had a look of concern as she put a hand on my shoulder.
"That's so sad. Why do you say it like that? You sound like it's just another thing in daily life."
"Well, for me it is. I've already outlived two wives. It hurt but I will cherish the moments I had with them. That's all I can do."
"Oh, honey."
She pulled me in for a hug. I appreciated her worry for me. I could feel her concern in the way she caressed me like a child.
"Mom. Stop hugging the pervert. He probably likes it more than you think."
She pulled away from me, revealing her tears.
"What's wrong?"
Kurio rushed over to her.
"No. Nothing's wrong. We were just talking and I got a little emotional."
I was looking down at the floor in front of me. Babur's feet came into view. I looked up.
"Nya look a little down. Nya can touch my boob again if it'll make nya feel better."
Kurio shouted. I let out a smile at the simple gesture. Even if it isn't quite the right time or place. Her innocence is what put that smile on me.
Kurio shouted again. I reached out and pulled Babur toward me. I rested my face on her stomach. I took a few deep breaths and felt a little better. I let Babur go.
"Thanks for looking out for me, Babur. And you too, Goldie."
"What about me?"
"Thanks, Kurio. For singing a song to help me sleep."
She looked at me funny.
"What? I've never done that."
"Right. But, you can start now."
I stuck my tongue out at her as I walked to the other side of the bed and pulled the blanket back. I got in and removed my shirt. I looked over and saw all three of them staring at me.
"I don't think you have ever removed your shirt in the tent before."
Kurio remarked.
"Okay. We arent in the tent. Do you want me to remove my shirt in the tent from now on?"
"Um... no... but..."
"I vote yes. Nya."
"I, for one, think that going to bed is an excellent idea. I'm all tuckered out."
Goldie chimed in. She moved to the far side of the other bed and stripped down to her underwear. I didn't see much since Kurio was blocking the view. Not that I was trying to peak... Maybe a little. I patted the open space on the bed next to me.
"Coming in?"
"You wish. Pervert."
I shrugged. Kurio was fully clothed when she got under the covers next to her mother. Babur was last. She stayed up to blow out the lantern. It was pitch black in the room. I felt her climb into bed from the foot. She cozied up next to me as always. Something felt slightly different.
I jerked my head when I felt something land on my face. I grabbed the cloth and felt out what it was.
It was Babur's shirt.
Of course.
If she wanted to play like that, I was going to give it right back to her. I turned to my side and reached under the covers until I found her head. I teased her by feeling every other inch of her face before moving on to her shoulders. I felt out her arms and got a good grip on her. I pulled her up until we were face to face.
"Shhh! I'm trying to sleep."
Kurio sounded annoyed. We giggled into each other's faces. I held her against me and pressed my forehead to hers. She nudged her face closer until our noses met. I couldn't see anything but, It just felt right. My heart began to race.
"Your heart."
She whispered. She must be able to hear it with her feline ears.
"Are you okay?"
"Better than okay."
I couldn't hold back anymore. I kissed her. It was a short, simple kiss. When we broke the kiss, she let out a quiver of joy and nuzzled herself against me once more.
I caressed her hair until I couldn't stay awake any longer.