V2Ch88 New Restaurant

Morning came. I was surprised to find that I was the last one awake. We all had our breakfast and went to gather supplies for the final week of travel. It wasn't long before we were back on the road. I took another dose of my daily poison. It was low now. I might empty it within the week.

A week of travel went by fast. As we came over the final hill, we could see the bustling city in the distance. It looked as big, if not bigger than Fricity.

Getting in was the easy part. We spent several nights at an inn. During the day, we split up into two groups to search the city for a suitable location. Babur went with Goldie while I tagged along with Kurio. This way, the two groups had protection and someone who knew what to look for.

The morning of the sixth day at the inn, I had finished my last drop of poison. Hopefully, my poison resistance would be highly resilient from this point on.

By the end of that same day, Kurio was upset and hungry. We were near the middle of the city. I stopped someone to ask where the nearest restaurant was. They told us that the closest one was several blocks away. As we made our way there, I spotted a guild I had not seen before. A Protectors Guild. It looked abnormally large and bright on one side while a small dark addition was on the other.

I managed to convince her to take a quick look with me by offering some dessert along the way back to the inn. She changed her tune real quick. We went into the Protectors Guild and saw some people were hanging around. I looked in the direction of the addition in search of a door. What I saw looked like a large stage with a ragged curtain. It was in disrepair and had junk stacked all over it. A receptionist called us over.

"In need of protectin? I got ya."

"Not really, we were curious about this addition you have on the side. What is it?"

"It's nothing but storage at the moment. Before the Protectors Guild came along, this used to be a brothel and burlesque show. The owner was losing a lot of money because he only employed certain races. He focused on his own tastes and not the customer's taste. The only way out was to sell and here we are! Anything else I can do for ya?"

I looked at Kurio. She had the same Idea.

"Can I speak with the headmaster?"

We had to wait a day to speak with him as he was a busy man. We returned with the entire group and struck a deal. We would purchase the addition AND remodel it without help from the guild. Goldie was a little upset at the price. 150 gold was not cheap but, it was well within my means. Everyone was dumbfounded when I turned down the payment option and handed the gold over on the spot. I spent another 17 gold to hire a remodeling crew along with a decorator.

The restaurant was only a few days away from opening. All we needed was food stock and we were ready to go.

Goldie approached me.

"So. We open in a few days. And..."

I tilted my head at her.

"Something wrong?"

"No. Not... with the restaurant. It's just... How can I thank you? The amount of time and money you put into keeping my daughter and I safe. It's more than anyone has ever done for us. I want to make it right between us. As much as I can, anyway."

"Yeah. There is something you can do for me. Come over to me and I'll show you what I want."

I said it with a sly tone. She was hesitant. I knew why and that's how I wanted it. She came close enough that we could feel each other's breath. I looked her in the eyes for a moment. I could see a slight worry.

"With this next action, your payment for my services will be complete. Are you ready?"

"Y... yes..."

I reached in for a big hug. I held her like this for a minute or two then let go.

"Okay. You're all set."


I gave her a sly smile.

"What? You thought I wanted something else? I was already planning on getting you set up ever since I had the idea to bring you two with me. I've caused too much pain to others. I want to help wherever I can to try and make up for it. You are just the beginning."

"I see. I still feel indebted to you. If this is how you think of it, it makes me feel like I'm stealing from you."

"Just think of it as a present."

"You're stubborn."

"Takes one to know one."

I stuck out my tongue at her. She waved me off in amused frustration. I was cleaning a table while we talked. She sat on the edge next to my arm.

"I know you don't plan to stay. How long before you leave?"

"I want to make sure that this place is up and running as well as making its own keep before I leave. You can think of me as an emergency fund until that point. If there are any accidents or damage, I'll cover it."

She hugged my right arm.

"Oh, Lake. You are too good to us. I wish I had a husband like you."

"If I didn't have someone to find, maybe I would've stayed but I can't."

"I know."

She let out a large sigh.

"I'll be around for a little while longer. You don't have to miss me just yet."

"I know."

She refused to let go of my arm. I couldn't get back to cleaning like this so I just gave in and rested my cheek on her head.

I heard light footsteps behind us. It must have been Kurio because the footsteps disappeared after her door opened and closed.

"That daughter of mine. So sneaky and yet, considerate enough to let us be. She gets her sneaky nature and quick temper from her father."

"All the other good parts must be from you, then."

She gently placed an open palm on my chest.

"Heh. Charmer. If you're too good to me, I might not be able to let you go."

Her voice trembled as if she were expecting me to crumble away in her arms.

I wanted so badly to just take her in my arms and tell her I'll stay. That would be too short sighted. I can't just give up on Sophie. She is my long term goal.

I almost wanted to tell her, "I'm sorry but it's just not meant to be." I felt like saying that to her now would just be cruel. At the same time, not saying anything makes me feel as though I'm leading her on. Truthfully, I suppose that is what I'm doing to Kurio. I haven't really spoken to her about my plans to leave. Nor the fact that I don't think I would be a good relationship for her.

I feel like such a douchebag.

The mood broke as the front door opened and the person hired to make the sign walked in. Goldie quickly pulled away from me and turned toward the kitchen while hiding her face from me. I think I heard her sniffle.

I returned to my cleaning as she spoke to the worker.