V2Ch89 New Opening

The day finally came when the restaurant was supposed to open. Babur, Kurio and I put in our footwork to pass out flyers the days before. I went to guilds and posted a flyers near the task boards, with permission.

The main draw was the performance that Kurio was going to put on. She found a couple new bandmates to play instruments. The interesting thing was that she was going to do one performance for two rooms of people. The stage that connected the Protectors Guild was repaired and left so that she could perform for them as well as the restaurant.

I was happy with this because that meant the girls practically had permanent free protection as long as they are here. If someone tries to mess with the restaurant, the protectors would be willing to help at a moment's notice. They all saw how kind Goldie was while renovations were going on.

The guild itself is a very noble one. While the requirements of requesting a task from them seem strict, it is for very good reason. Task requests must be approved. That meant the protected could not be someone on the run from the law or someone trying to dodge debt collectors. If a protector were to take on a non-approved task and end up protecting the wrong person then that protector could be removed from the guild. Their rules were in place for noble reasons. That's why I feel comfortable with leaving the girls here when I'm ready.

There was a crowd of people waiting for the opening. Goldie pulled me aside only moments away from the opening.

"I want you to pull the rope for the sign when we open. It's only right that you should be a part of this ceremony."

"Oh? Alright! Just tell me when."

She shouted a few orders at the kitchen and wait staff that was hired. An opening like this needed more than just her to make and serve the food. It was a smart move on her part. She then hurried toward the door. I followed her through where some of the protectors were hired as guards for the entrance for the first two weeks. There was a rope attached to a cloth that covered the sign. I stood by it as she quieted down the crowd.

"Hello everyone! It makes me so happy to see so many people show up. I've been blessed with a new restaurant and now I'm blessed with everyone here! In a moment, the doors will open and you will be invited in, first come first serve. First, I would like to introduce you to a few people. To start, my name is Goldie and I will be the head chef in the kitchen. I grew up cooking and have been a cook all my life. I really hope you enjoy my food. Next, my life couldn't be complete without my daughter, Kurio."

Goldie motioned at Kurio, who was standing off to the side. She took her place next to her mother.

"My daughter has been supporting me for as long as she was able to walk. Her voice is like that of an angel and I hope you will all agree when she sings for you tonight."

Goldie hugged her and sent her inside to get ready.

"The other person I'd like to introduce you to is someone with a huge heart. He saved my daughter from a bad situation. He helped us leave a place that was no longer suitable to live in. He kept us safe as we traveled here on a carriage. He is also the reason that we are able to open tonight. His name is Lake and he is the largest reason we are here and safe."

She held out an open hand to indicate that I am the person mentioned.

"As soon as Lake uncovers the new sign, the doors will be opened for dinner!"

She nodded at me. I tried to pull straight down but it seemed to be caught. I started walking backward toward the street. Success! The cloth fell and revealed the new sign.

[The Golden Lake

Restaurant, Bar, and Music]

It put a smile on my face.

The doors opened and Goldie rushed in ahead to begin preparations.

I didn't have any important jobs as I had only learned a little cooking over the past few days. I did simple things like peeling and chopping whenever it was needed.

Kurio's show was a hit. Everyone enjoyed her singing. She sang four songs per group of diners. Her bandmates seemed a little off tune but that's understandable since they didn't have a lot of practice with her music yet.

The only plates that returned to the kitchen were empty ones. Everyone loved the food and it literally showed. Meals were even brought over to the Protectors Guild through a door that was built in.

The launch was very successful. I couldn't be happier for the girls. Kurio seemed very tired after three separate performances. She quickly retreated to her new room the first chance she got.

I stayed in the kitchen to help with cleanup. The other employees went home. It was just Goldie and I doing the finishing touches. While Babur was sweeping outside.

"You did great. Kurio, too."

"That doesn't mean we aren't tired. I've been making meals for five people for a month. I feel like I lost my ability to do large services."

"Not at all. Your body may be tired but, your mind was on top of every detail all night. You have a knack that most people can't match. I saw and heard it for myself. I don't think I could ever match you in a kitchen in a thousand years."

"All it takes is passion and practice."

We stayed quiet for a while.

"So. The sign. Not that I'm ungrateful. I just would have expected to see Kurio up there."

I heard Goldie giggle.

"It was her idea. I told her that you kept refusing any real payment. She said this could start us on the road of getting you back for all the good you've done."

"That daughter of yours."

I finished up my chores and tried to help her finish hers. She stopped me.

"No, no. I've got it. If I rely on you for everything, I'll forget how to do anything. You should get some sleep. I'll finish up here in a moment."

Her back was to me as she continued washing the last of the dishes. I reached out. I was inches away from touching her shoulder. I paused. My heart was pounding. I wanted to do more for her. Something was screaming inside my head. It was telling me that If I go any further with her, I wouldn't be able to turn back.

I pulled my hand away and left. I found Babur waiting for me outside. I locked up and we returned to our room at the nearby inn.