"It's just another day to the border."
Aquila informed us.
"It talks!"
I teased. Babur and I were trailing behind her.
"While you've found your voice, can you tell me what's up? Ya'know, before you lose it again."
I ran up to her left side. She turned her head to the right.
"I wanna knyow, too!"
Babur ran up to her right side, giving her no option to look away from us.
"Those guys seemed really mean. And yet, nya seem to be upset that they got chased away."
We all marched forward another few steps before she made a sound.
Babur and I were of one mind, stepping ahead and blocking Aquila's path and looming over her for an answer. Her face showed a worried look. I think she might be on the verge of tears.
"Those guys hated me already."
She mumbled.
"If they hadn't seen me, I might have been able to go back."
She gasped for air as she sobbed.
"I can't go back. They will kill me for sure. That guy's cousin that you were looking for? They betrayed him and killed him so that they don't have to share the loot from the people they scam."
She looked at me angrily. She reeled back a fist and let it fly. I didn't move an inch when she made contact.
"It's your fault. IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!"
She lowered herself to the ground as she cried. I crouched to meet her at her level.
"Tell me. What is life like in that little town outside of the walls?"
"It was my life. It was a delicate balance of knowing who to avoid and who I could trust."
"You shouldn't have to balance in life. Yes, there are teetering points, but that's just part of life. If you have to balance all the time, when do you have time to be yourself?"
It didn't seem like she had an answer.
"Did you have family or friends back there?"
She answered meekly.
"BUT, WHAT IF I DID! What if I had friends back there? What if my parents were still there?"
Again, she showed anger.
I made sure she knew that my next sentence was dead serious.
"Then, I'd go back there and do something about those evil men. Maybe I should have already..."
Her face churned with a hint of fright.
"You could have killed them if you wanted to... Right?"
"Why didn't you?"
"I've done enough killing. I would prefer to avoid killing if possible. I was hoping that by letting them go, that they would realize that there are people out there stronger and more capable than them. Maybe they might rethink how they do things. If you think they won't change, I could go back there and make them disappear for you. You could go back there and live that balancing act you call life."
She seemed conflicted but, with no less fright than before.
As I stood up, I noticed Babur was looking at me with as much curiosity as Aquila.
"If there is nothing for you back there, you could come with us."
"I like that idea! What do nya think?"
Aquila's confusion was at an apex. She was looking back and forth between Babur and me.
"I won't make you come with us. It's just an option. If you need time to think about it, take all the time you need. You said you would travel with us into anuran territory anyway, you can turn back at any time if you want."
"And, If you decide to turn back, I am willing to go with you to take care of those bullies. I can find my way back after that."
She started to say something but couldn't vocalize it. I figured it was best to let her make up her own mind from here.
"Let's keep going for now."
I held out a hand to help Aquila up. The remainder of the day was filled with questions from Babur. Aquila was quiet again. As it got dark, we could smell the ocean on the wind. We were close to the shore but, we decided to make camp where we were.
Aquila seemed to be more considerate of the food I made for us. She looked at it, smelled it and seemed to enjoy the taste more openly. I was wondering if she was savoring a final meal before turning back.
That night, Aquila seemed restless. By morning, her usual ritual of sneaking silver out of my backpack was underway. She was so distracted that she had not noticed my gaze.
She was more cautious and slow in her doings. She gazed at the coins in her hands. She showed signs of regret before putting them back. She took out her coin pouch and started putting them all back. Even the gold I originally gave her for her services as a guide.
I sat up. The noise startled her and she closed her eyes in guilt as she knew she was caught.
"I wasn't gonna stop you. As long as you didn't take more than the five gold that was promised to you."
"You knew? The whole time?"
"Ever since that first rainy night. I'm a light sleeper."
"I'm sorry. I'll just go."
She stood as high as she could in the tent and started to push the flaps open.
"Babur. Your new sleeping pillow is getting away."
Babur's eyes bulged open and looked at the griffon at the entrance.
"Pillo... UHG!"
In one quick motion, Babur shifted forward and grabbed Aquila. She brought her back under the covers between us.
"What are you doing? I stole from you! I tricked you into thinking I was a real guide. I'm just a nobody with nothing."
"And yet, you said you would guide us. Your job isn't done. You can be a nobody and still get a job done."
I laid back down and looked at her. She looked a little uncomfortable in Babur's grasp.
"You can loosen your grip."
Aquila took in a large breath as if she were being suffocated and was finally allowed a reprieve.
"Being a nobody isn't a bad thing. It just means you haven't found out who you are yet. You just need the right people in your life to help hold up a mirror. I have a feeling that no one in that little town is willing to be that for you."
"What if I'm still a nobody where you are going?"
"Everyone is nobody when they go someplace new. You have to make a spark and show others that you are somebody worth knowing. I considered myself a nobody in Fricity until Babur spoke to me. I could have chosen to ignore her and stay a nobody. Instead, I humored her and talked to her. We had a rough game of cat and mouse... I was the mouse. And, we became friends. I helped her out of a shitty spot and we've been together ever since. Sometimes it's only one person that makes you into someone. Now, It doesn't matter if I am a nobody in a new town, because I'm someone to Babur, and she is my someone."
Babur reached out and wrapped her hands around my head before pulling our heads together, sandwiching Aquila in the middle.
"Point is, don't dwell on what you aren't. Because you can become something with time and effort."
Even if she was squished between us because of Babur, I think she tried to lean into me a little.