V2Ch109 New Beach

"When we get to a new town, maybe you can find some kids your own age and play with them. Maybe make a..."

"Kid? I'm 27, thank you."



"Uh... You look... young? For your age?"

Considering I had not seen a single griffon hatchling in Heiarch, her size was the only thing to judge her age by.

"Yeah yeah. My father was a dwarf. I got my mother's body and my dad's height. What's your excuse for wearing a hood all the time? Got some secret under there?"


"What is it? Is it some sort of mutation? Were you born without ears? Do you have a second face on the back of your head? Do you have the characteristics of three or more races?"

"Nope, nope, no and nope. Maybe I'll show you if you make up your mind and decide to come with us."

She crossed her arms in disappointment.

"Bah. You're no fun."

She turned to Babur.

"Do you know what he is hiding?"

"Yup. But, I'm nyot telling."

"Hmmm... if Babur knows, then it can't be something gross or scary. I know!"

She pointed at me.

"A rare race! Human?"

On the nose... -_-

"And... would there be something wrong if I were... human?"

"Wait. I was joking. Are you seriously a human?"

I figured since I've been caught, I may as well remove my hood.

"Wow... a real live human. I've only heard about your kind in storybooks. Is it true what they say?"

I scratched my chin.

"What do they say, exactly?"

"That humans are the most tenacious, bloodthirsty, battle-hardened, slave-owning, race-hating creatures on the planet. At least, they used to be. Before they supposedly died out."

She started poking my face and feeling around my head.

"Some humans could fit that description. Not all of them, though."

"You don't seem very special. I thought you would have hard skin, massive muscles, spikes and all sorts of other things on your body. You seem like a beast-man without the beast."

"That's kinda what humans are. Their bodies are not all that special. It's how they think. Some humans devote their entire life to a singular purpose. Others try to learn everything about anything. Some simply enjoy the pleasures in life. Some can only get pleasure from causing pain to others. Humans are so diverse that you can't really define the entire race with a few simple descriptions like battle-hardened.

I pushed her finger away from the edges of my eye.

"That hurts."


Babur started to snore. She had gone back to sleep. Aquila glanced behind her to confirm and looked back at me.

"You said you would go back and "take care of them," If I decided I didn't want to go with you. Would you really kill them for me?"

She began whispering.

"Do you want me to?"

I could see the concern and uncertainty that she showed.

"I... I don't know."

"Do you really want to go back? Would it be better for you if they were gone? Not just fewer bullies but overall. Would your quality of life improve?"

Her hands grabbed onto my left arm. She squeezed as she processed the question.

"Take your time. I don't need an answer right now."

She cozied up to me and fell asleep.

We lost half a day to extra sleep. Both of the girls were more lively. They were chatty and curious about each other. I simply strayed behind to watch and listen.

It wasn't long before we reached the border of the Plaines Lands and the Swamplands. It was right at the start of a pleasant-looking beach. Both of the girls took off their shoes and ran over to play in the water. I kept a lookout. The beginnings of the swamp were still within sight. I wanted to make sure we were not caught unawares.

After an hour of play, we continued down the beach at a slower pace. Aquila walked along the soft sand where the water barely reached. Babur stayed near me.

"What do nya think she will do?"

"I'm kinda hoping that she will come with us. I think she could use some friends."

"I'd like that."

The Plaines Lands were now out of sight. The beach, the ocean, the sky and the treeline of the swamp were all that we could see.

"Maybe another day's travel before the beach ends and we... you will have to make your way through the swamps for real."

Aquila informed us.

"Does that mean you've made a decision?"

She shook her head.

"No. Not yet. I'd like to spend one more night with you before I make up my mind. If... that's okay with you."

"Of course it is. But, should we keep pace at night and sleep during the day? Babur said the swamps are more lively at night."

"That's true, but not so much for these beaches. The swamps depend on their humid environment. Not the fresh breeze and saltwater of the ocean. Most of those dangers refuse to traverse the beaches. That's why this route is "Safer" than the western path. It gives at least two days of safe passage."

"Alright. Shall we set up camp here?"



It wasn't long before the tent was set up and good food was in our bellies. That night, I had trouble sleeping. The crashing of the ocean waves kept my senses going wild. I sat up. I hadn't noticed before but, Babur was sitting at the front of the tent, watching the ocean. Aquila was sound asleep.

I moved in closer and sat right behind her. I wrapped her in my arms and she casually leaned into me.

"Can't sleep?"

"Just wanted to listen to the waves. It's always been a calming sound for me."

She answered.

We took in the sight of the ocean and the sound of the waves for a while before she got cold and returned to the covers. I stayed up for just a little while longer.

The morning was just as casual as any other. As we walked, Aquila had a smirk on her face.


"I saw you two last night. I've been wondering but, I think that scene confirmed it. You two are lovers, aren't you?"

I think I immediately blushed.

"Uh... N-no. Not really... We are close, but..."

"Oh? Not lovers? That's not what it looked like last night."

At that point, I could tell she was purposefully teasing me. Babur tapped her shoulder from behind. She started whispering into Aquila's ear while hiding her lips with her hand. I was slightly worried about what she might be telling her.

"Oh! I see. Sounds complicated... And juicy."

"Juicy? What did you tell her?"



They started running ahead, laughing without a care. I was left behind in a daze. I rolled my eyes, smacked my forehead and marched on.