V2Ch117 New Magic

As I ran toward the fight, I watched as the stranger used his magic to send the massive saucer of land that once covered my city flying at the god.

It hit the god and the sheer weight knocked him back. That was a good blow to the god, I had to agree. Even so, my people were harmed when the stranger removed it. I can't forgive him for that.

When the god's body hit the ground with the chunk of land on top of him, the ground shook with great force once more.

All of this shaking may change the Swamplands forever.

The god's tentacles went up as it hit the ground and fell down lifelessly as the landmass crushed him.

If he was dead, now was my time to take out the stranger. I took a knee and aimed true.

*Click* *Bam*

I got my shot off. The sound was loud. He heard it and defended himself again. My shot was thrown off course. Probably by some kind of spell.

Now his sights were on me.

I started to run while I reloaded. I finished my reload but, my feet suddenly felt heavy. The extra weight seemed to dissipate as my lower body was engulfed in water. It took only moments before I was in a solid sphere of water. The stranger pulled me to him, high up in the air.

"Fughin frohs. Neber thrusted ahny ahphibianh."

His words were garbled by the water. I wasn't worried about running out of air. My kind is well suited for the water. The problem was, the spell somehow prevented me from escaping.


That sound. Even in the water, I knew what it was. The stranger looked toward the sound and shifted far back from my position. The spell loosened and I began to fall. The limb of the god came down and clipped the edge of my feet, forcing me into a spin that sent any nearby water flying out.

I landed on the side of the tentacle and slid down to the ground.


The god was angry and was getting serious about attacking the stranger. Tentacles hit the ground one after the other. I felt like the entire world was bumping up and down at each hit.

I realized that I was still leaning against one of those tentacles. It felt soft and slightly cool to the touch.

It began to lift. I moved away. I was expecting it to chase after the stranger. It was held mid-air as if it was waiting for something.

I suddenly realized I had a chance to see what my gun could do up close. I took aim.


Nothing. I was in the water. The gun powder was useless. Luckily, the pouch that I keep the gunpowder in, is waterproof.

I reloaded as fast as I could. Who knows how long this limb will just float here within reach.

I took aim once more.

*Click* *BAM*

My shot hit.

It hit...

And, it fell off without so much as a scratch or a bruise. Even up close, a gun is useless against this thing. Maybe he really is a god.

I suddenly got the urge to fire at it again. I was angry about the fact that I could do nothing. I started reloading. As I did, the tentacle began to glow a purple hue. It was like a magic covering. Was the god able to use magic as well?

It only extended about halfway up the tentacle but, what was its purpose?

I took aim and fired another shot. This time, nothing happened. I didn't hear my shot hit. I didn't see the bullet fall. It was like it just disappeared. I tried once more with the same result.

"What is going on?"

As I stared at the limb, a rock suddenly flew by my head. It hit the tentacle. I know it did but, It didn't fall or bounce. Just like my bullets, it disappeared.

"It must be some kind of anti-matter shield spell. Anything that it touches is decomposed from the most base of ingredients. In other words, it turns anything it touches into nothing. It's supposed to be a defensive spell but, using it as an offensive ability is quite ingenious."

This idiot is back.

"I've only read about spells that can slowly decompose anything that passes through. This spell is on another level entirely. Instantaneous decomposition is unheard of. Something worthy of a god."

"Can we do anything? I tried shooting him before the spell showed up. My bullets just bounced off."

"No. Not us at least. You tried your way. Let me try mine."

He ran over and crouched under the hovering tentacle. I leaned down to see him jumping up and down, waving his arms on the other side.

"Hey! Down here! Let me help you! Give me some magic so I can help you, stranger!"

He is gonna get himself killed. I only took a few steps before I saw his feet lift off the ground and his voice stopped.

"Stupid fucking frog! Here! I'll use you as my next spell."

I quickly moved under the limb and watched as the person I was just talking to had been crushed and bled. His body and blood were misshapen into a large arrow and sent flying at the god's face. It seemed to do nothing to the god.

More tentacles came down and chased the stranger into the forest on the far side. He was below the tree line, hiding from view.

I suddenly noticed that I was no longer being hidden from the sun's gaze. The purple limb had moved back. It quickly moved toward the forest that the stranger was hiding in. It was about to swipe through the forest. I was expecting a loud and constant crashing through the trees.

To my surprise, I couldn't hear anything from it. Not even the sound of movement through the air. It carved its way through trees with ease. The first sound I heard was the treetops falling and hitting the ground. There was no splintering of wood. It was as if it was sending the majority of the tree trunks through a portal to some other realm while leaving the stumps and tops behind.

I had a sudden thought.

What if the stranger fell for this trick and was destroyed with this attack? Would the god continue its attack on Anura Alpha?

I almost didn't want the god to win this fight.

Once again, the ground began to shake. I could see a large chunk of forest in the far-off distance, rising above the rest. Eventually, it became clear that it was the same kind of spell the stranger had used once before.

The landmass had launched itself toward the god. In response, the god used its purple, spell-covered tentacle to slice the massive chunk in half. Both halves missed the god by a lot. One half landed dangerously close to the edge of Anura Alpha. I watched it teeter on the edge. I was worried about it falling in, but it happened to fall away from the city last second.

I saw something show up behind the god. It was a small circle. Some kind of magic. The stranger was trying something. Another large landmass was lifted up. Roughly the same size as the last. The god prepared for what was to come.

Once again, the chunk of land came flying at the god and he cut it the same way he did as before.


Something was inside the chunk of land this time. It exploded, sending out chunks of flying debris in every direction.

I tried to see what would happen next. I should have been watching for the debris.

A chunk came right at my head, I saw it too late...