V2Ch118 New Victor

The explosion of that chunk of land caught me off guard. I was getting more and more pissed at this bastard. His movements and spells are too similar to Y'gdrim. They have to be related somehow.

I began swinging my tentacles wildly at the cloud that the explosion had caused.

I thought I could hear something in the distance. It was like a tiny voice nagging at me.

'Lake, on the ground, to your left.'

Rage had pointed out.

I looked down. I saw a figure. Though it looked tiny because it was far below my current position, I could tell this figure was large. He had something of a familiar color.


I could barely make out the voice. It was Wrath. He made several gestures that made no sense from this distance.

'I can enlarge your vision for you, Lake. Just a moment.'

Fear said. I watched the tiny Wrath grow larger and larger in my sight. He had something on his shoulder. No. Someone.

"BABUR! He must have rescued her before the execution. Fucking Wrath came through for me."

Babur was unconscious and still handcuffed. I made a circle shape with one of my tentacles and pointed back toward Heiarch. Wrath gave a thumbs up and took off.

I felt like the world mattered again. Like, suddenly this battle was pointless. My body began to relax.


Fear shouted in my head.

I looked back and saw an eerily similar spell to what took Taaffeite away. I began to shift to one side but it was too late.

I fell and hit the ground. The spell got me. It took me out of my shadow Kraken. Am I now in another world? I pushed myself up and saw the similar swampy surface I had traveled across over the past night.

"Got ya."

I looked up and saw the anuran floating on a riffle. A magic circle was floating beside him. It activated and launched some kind of magic rope out at me.

It bound me tight. I tried to use my strength to get out but, It felt like my strength was getting sapped. Not just my strength, everything. This rope was draining me. I didn't have any energy to move.

"Like it? 'HE' taught me this one while ya were hiding. One of the few useful spells, effective against a user of the potion. I still can't kill ya, though."

He kneeled down in front of me.

"Thought ya got rid of me last time, didn't ya?"

"Last time? I never met an anuran until today."

"Anur-what? Oh. These filthy frogs? Useless creatures. I tried to get their weaponry much further past simple powder guns. They were so excited to get these rifles that they didn't even look at the more advanced stuff. That's not even the worst part."

He leaned in close.

"They have such boring faces. Hardly any kind of facial expressions at all. It makes me sick."

He straightened up and walked a few steps away. There was another anuran body on the ground nearby. He kicked it.

"Ya can torture these things all day and their faces never change. Whatever god made these creatures was an idiot."

"What do you want from me?"

"I told ya last time. I want ya to go away. Don't tell me ya forgot about our fight in the Faelands? That was one hell of a way to end someone. The pebbles I launched at ya today were nothing compared to that mountain. Fuckin epic."


"Ya still don't get it. I have no idea who this frog was. I have no idea who that other elf was. These bodies are like suits to me. I don't care who they were or where they came from. My master supplies me with the bodies and I do his bidding with them. If ya hadn't guessed, he also supplies me with mana from whatever dimension he was sent to."

That's... a lot to take in.

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Oh... Look behind ya."

I turned to see another dimensional teleport spell.

"Why didn't you send me away with the last one? Wasn't that a waste of a spell to just bring me down here?"

"That last one was just a basic teleport. Albeit, a fancy variation. There was no guarantee that I would get ya in that shadow. Very nice by the way. If I ever get my real body back to Eyse, I may try to improve upon that form."

"What do you mean, improve?"

"Times up. The spell is almost ready. Say hi to some dead planet for me."

I was trapped and about to be sent to yet another dimension. No guarantees that it won't be in the middle of space.

At least Babur is safe.

I won't have that regret.

I heard something. Movement. The anuran that he kicked earlier is still alive. He stood up and held his bayonet pointed at the body thief's head.



The anuran shoved the bayonet through the back of the head of the body thief.

*Click* *BAM*

The body thief fell to the ground. His dimensional teleport spell vanished and my ropes vanished along with it.

The anuran that shot him reloaded and pierced my heart.

*Click* *BAM*

"Sorry. Not that easy to get rid of me."

He backed up in surprise. I was getting some energy back but, I still felt a bit lethargic.

"Are you actually a god?"

I smiled.

"No. Far from it. I'm just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or, right place at the right time. Depends on who you ask."

"You were the one controlling the black shueger, weren't you?"

"Shue... Is that what you call it? It's just a large squid. My people call it a Kraken. Strikes fear into the heart of sailors the world over. It was just a form I wanted to take. I saw the tentacle of one once. It scared me. I figured if it scared someone who is immortal, then how would mortals feel?"

"You wanted to strike fear into the hearts of my people? Why? Why were you attacking us?"

"Well. I'll answer you if you answer one last question for me. Do you know about prisoner OBF?"

"I heard the call go out for their execution. I don't have anything to do with that, though."

"Then I don't have to kill you. That prisoner was the entire reason I was here. I simply wanted to rescue her. I had no intention of going on a rampage but when I heard the call out for her execution..."

"So... Are you still going to attack us?"

"No. I think I'm done. You helped out with that evil guy. I won't bother you anymore."

I turned and started making my way toward Heiarch.

"I'm Heyro."

I stopped and looked back.

"Heyro... I'm Lake."

I was about to turn away again when I remembered something.

"By the way. I'm not really keen on your people having that weapon advantage. I'm gonna take one back to Heiarch. Not to give them an advantage. I just want to make things even. It's just a deterrent."

"You can't do that. We worked hard to get where we are."

"With a technology that your people never had until someone interfered. Advances like that will go to your head. Stay home and help your people. That's more important than fighting a war that nobody wants, isn't it?"

He reached out as I turned away. He said nothing, though.

The day was just starting. I was tired and didn't want to walk. I wanted to just lay down and sleep.

I can't be caught off guard right now.

I need to get back to Babur.