V2Ch119 New Memorial

The walk back to Heiarch was dredging. I felt as though I had gone a week without much needed sleep. I forced myself to keep moving despite my lethargy.

Whatever spell that person had used, it was incredibly effective. If I don't figure out how to counter it, I may be subject to his whims once more in the future.

By midday of the second day of walking, I had managed to get past the border without any pursuers. I wanted to get at least a ways further before I let myself relax.

Come nightfall, I was too tired to think. I tripped on my own foot and just let myself fall. The solid ground felt comfortable and cool to the touch.

The next time I opened my eyes, I could see the sun setting. Some wild animal was chewing on my arm. It was snarling and tugging at me. It looked like some kind of hybrid between a miniature giraffe and a hyena.

I ripped my arm from its grasp and snagged the nape of its neck. I brought its head to the ground and rolled over to my side. I tapped its nose.

"No! Bad gyinaraff-thing. Bad."

I let go and it backed away out of reach to snarl at me.


It ignored me. I let out a sigh.

"Stupid wild animal. Shoo!"

It got close to snap at me. I smacked the side of its face. Nothing excessive.

It backed away again. It looked confused before turning to run.


I got a look at my arm. It was still healing from the damage the creature caused. I looked at the sky. It was brighter than before.

I looked to the sun once more. It was on the wrong side for dusk. It was actually dawn. I guess I slept through the night. Another day or two of walking and I'll be back in Heiarch.

I sat up to assess my condition. My clothes were much worse for the wear than I thought. It was like many animals were feeding on me overnight. My pant legs were torn up to the knees. My shirt was almost non existent. Whatever I had left was stained in blood. I was surprised that I wasn't covered in dried blood.

I lowered a hand to the ground to get myself up. The soil was wet. Had it rained overnight? I must have slept like a log.

I did feel rested.

I resumed my walk to Heiarch. It took another two days of walking. I wasn't in a hurry.

I saw the southern wall of the city. There were several battalions of military, foot and mounted, waiting in front of the wall.

A single mounted unit started making its way toward me. It wasn't long before we met.

"A human? What are you doing out here?"

I hadn't thought about it at all. I reached up and felt my head. The cloak was completely gone.

"I've been traveling."

"You just came from the south. Do you conspire with the anuran people?"

I wasn't sure how to phrase what had happened without sounding crazy.

"Uh, no. This was a gift from the anurans."

I held up the rifle.

"It's a new technology that they recently developed. They hope to improve relations by sharing this technology. It's called a gun. This specific kind is a rifle, meant for long distance attacks. It's common application is usually for hunting game. In a bad situation, it can be used for defense."

I showed the scout how it worked and gave him the rifle along with the ammo.

"Please wait here. I will see what the general wants to do."

He took off again. I walked over to a nearby tree to rest in the shade.

This was a complication. They now know that I'm human, which means that my permit is false. Not that I have it on me. I can't use that as ID anymore.

Which means I have no ID. How will they respond?

An hour later and I was given permission to re-enter the fee zone. However, I was under strict supervision. Two griffon guards were following me the entire time.

It didn't take me long to find a throne room where I could easily ditch them. It didn't matter to me because I was going to bail on Heiarch ASAP.

I made it to the Assassins Guild hideout while dodging several guards. Much harder during the day.

I entered the familiar hall of assassins and was greeted with emptiness. It was cleared out of and stands, chairs, tables and signs.

This was my only lead. I had no idea where else to look. Was there another guild hideout in the city? Did they leave and go to Reinstorm or even Fricity?

There was an opening in the back that I had not seen before. I think it was covered by a stall when I was here before.

I went straight to the dark opening. I wasn't even two steps in when something hit me hard and I flew back. I landed on my back and something heavy was on top of me.

I was about to retaliate when I felt a gentle hug and sobbing.

"Lake... I was so scared."

"I'm sorry I took so long to come get you. At one point I thought I had lost you."

I relaxed and hugged her back. The feeling of her soft fur and warmth was so comforting. It was like the world felt okay again.

Heavy footsteps started up toward us. Wrath had emerged from the dark hall.

"Sorry, leader. Someone betrayed us. The Assassins Guild was exposed and cleared out by the authorities while you were gone. Wrath has failed you."

"What happened to the others?"

"One stayed behind while the others escaped. He was killed."

Frustrating. One good thing and another bad. Even if they were killers, they were willing to help me.

"Wrath, do you know who it was that stayed behind?"

"Wrath does."

I lifted Babur up with me as I stood.

"Babur. Come with me. You too, Wrath."

There was a central pillar in the area. I brought them over. I activated my void glove and started carving out the name of the dwarf assassin that came with me to the Swamplands.


Wrath recognized the name and realized what I was doing. He started carving out a name of his own accord with a tooth he broke off.

When we were done, there were six names on the pillar.

"These five names are those that came with me to rescue you, Babur. I never expected help but, they gave it freely. They lost their lives and deserve some kind of remembrance."

"Wrath has carved the name of the one that stayed behind to save the rest. Wrath will remember him well."

Babur looked at the names and touched the pillar.

"Thank you."

We stayed for a moment to remember the lost.

"Let's get out of here. Did you two find someplace to stay?"

"Wrath has a place. Come. Wrath will take you."