After a few more minutes of walking, I swapped the ring from my ring finger over to my middle finger. It felt a little stupid to have it on without someone else wearing the other.
I had a bit more of an energetic feel to my steps. I was in a good mood. There were many positive thoughts floating around in my head, but I came across one that caused me to stop in my tracks.
If the Ent is in Wart Forest and it's in the center of the Forest Lands... it might take a lot longer than a few days to get there and then to Oofo Village.
A smile dawned on me.
"I've got the extra energy to spare. May as well use it."
I spoke to myself.
I did a few stretches to prepare. I crouched down into a sprinting start. I felt my legs fill with latent energy. Like a dam holding back water as a lake fills to the brim. My legs were ready to release. I refused to open the dam. I held it closed until it burst.
All of the energy in my legs released at once. The wind and forest sped past me. I started flying past the lower branches of the giant trees, narrowly missing some and breaking off a few smaller ones. I reached a peak height before my momentum started to slow and gravity began taking hold of me once more.
I managed to land on a larger beach, causing a splintered indent at my landing spot.
I refilled my legs with even more energy than before. As I released all that energy, the large branch shattered at my launch spot, causing the rest of it to fall to the ground. The force that propelled me this time had launched me even higher. I shot through the trees and emerged into the open sky.
The treetops all seemed to stop at the same height. It was like looking at a bed of green nails. The only exception was a tree that must have been five times the size of those around me. It stuck out like a sore thumb.
More memories came rushing back as I began to descend. Memories of the day I died in Eyse. A tree, larger than others. Me, falling through the sky.
The difference between now and then was night and day. I currently have no fear of falling from these heights. It just meant a little recovery time would be needed if I got hurt.
Back then... I was so scared. I knew I was going to die. I tried to convince myself that I might be able to survive but I knew it wasn't possible.
The sight of the giant tree disappearing from view brought me back from memory lane.
I decided to try my luck with landing on my feet from this height. I braced for the landing.
"I landed it!"
I took one step forward with my right foot.
My ankle broke. Go figure. But, that was a much better result than I would have expected back in Missing Star.
A few minutes later and I was walking fine again.
I was headed straight for the giant tree in the hopes that it was part of Wart Forest.
Sometime later, in the village of Oofo.
There was a smell in the air. It was tantalizing. A young, sharply dressed servant came in with my meal only moments later. He placed it on the table before me and set out utensils.
"Off with you. I've nyever needed a… foork before. Why would I need one nyow? I don't understand why the other elders insist that I start using these things."
The servant bowed to me, exposing his large floppy ears that seemed almost hidden as he stood up straight once more.
As per my habits, I was quite content with poking the chopped-up food with my claws and prying the meat off with my teeth.
"Uhg… even eating is tiring at my age."
I spoke aloud to no one.
"Then maybe you should give yourself to the gods and abandon your mortal body, elder."
Another young and also familiar voice came from the doorway.
"That, my boy, is a privilege for those that have served faithfully until they can serve nyo more. I still have years left to give in service to our people. You know this."
I picked up my cane and pointed it at him, shaking it like something should come out and punish him from afar.
"Sorry, elder."
Even if he is my grandson through blood, I cut all ties with family when I became an elder. It helps prevent corruption in the upper ranks.
"I don't nyormally see you this early in the afternoon, Amur. Have you something to say?"
"Well, there is an exile at the village border. She is requesting to meet with an elder."
"So send one of the others. I don't deal with exiles and that's a long walk for an old beast like myself."
"I would have in the first place if she weren't asking for Nimer."
I took another bite of meat.
"Where is she?"
I asked after I swallowed the bite.
"The eastern trail. Just outside the border of the village."
"And she was definitely outside of the border?"
I took another bite.
"Yes. She knows what her status entails."
I pried a small bone piece out from between my teeth. I placed it on an empty portion of my plate.
"How long has she been there?"
"I watched her arrive as I was leaving for a hunt. I came back here to tell you."
"So, nyot long. I will go. I will also take my time going. An exile who respects the rules is allowed a meeting with an elder once every eight years. If you go back out to hunt, do nyot say anything else to her. That is village law. I should be punishing you for speaking to her in the first place."
"I never spoke to her, elder. She spoke at me and I was simply relaying something I heard spoken aloud."
"Good boy. You can leave nyow."
"Would you like an escort or a guard to protect you?"
"There is no need. I do nyot fear her."
Amur bowed and left.
"Stubborn youth."
I skewered another two pieces of meat before standing up. I could feel my body creek and moan as I made the effort to stand. I needed my cane as much as ever, these days. As I made it to the zenith of my height, I rewarded myself with the two bites of meat left on my claw.
I wandered over to my closet filled with clothes. I removed my lounging robe and looked at my body in the mirror. The image before me was that of a hunched beast-man, covered in pale white fur.
I reached up and found a day robe that would be easy to travel in. A dark grey color, quite common among the other villagers. Aside from my speed and white fur, I should blend in somewhat.