I could see the figure of the beast-woman waiting for me at the border. Her tail writhing in anticipation for my arrival. At this distance, I could not make out who was standing there but, in my mind, I knew exactly who was waiting for me.
I came within a few steps of the border. An invisible wall separated the exile and the village elder.
"Elder Nimer."
She kneeled and bowed to the ground at my presence.
"What have you called on me for, today?"
She sat up and looked me in the eyes with determination.
"Elder. I've heard of a trial. One that allows an exile back into the tribe. My exile was due to failing the fourth trial. That should…"
"That qualifies you for the fifth trial. Yes, it is true. Passing the fifth trial can allow an exile back into the tribe. There are conditions to take it and repercussions for failing it."
"I have someone I can trust. He is nyot here at the moment. He should be on his way within a day or two."
"I see. You know the first condition. The trial is for two people. Two people that can trust one another wholeheartedly. Do you knyow the last condition?"
She looked at the ground. She does not know everything about the fifth trial. Could she really be ready?
"I don't, elder."
"You must endure a walk through the village. You can nyot run through it. You can nyot shield yourself. You knyow what happens when an exile comes into the village. You have seen it yourself when you were young."
"But… if I can't defend myself…"
"For the fifth trial, you will be under the protection of the guards. Nyo one will be allowed to make an attempt on your life. This I can promise. Lastly, do you knyow the repercussions for failing the trial?"
"Permanent exile. Coming back into the village would be a death sentence. You would be shunned from all other villages in the Beast Lands. I can nyot stop you from taking the trial, but I can suggest waiting until you are older and wiser."
"Nyo. I'm ready nyow, Grandfa…"
I put my cane up to her face.
"Do nyot bring familial relations into the conversation. You knyow better, Babur."
Bah. I called her by name. For all intents and purposes, I should only be calling her "exile."
"You're right. I'm sorry."
I let out a sigh.
"Exile. I want you to know something."
"What is it, elder?"
"My name is Nimer. I am an elder of Oofo village in the Beast Lands. I have forsaken all bonds with my relatives to make this village a better place. In here, I hold power. I can have you executed for talking to me if I wanted to."
Her face showed me exactly what one would expect from a stranger being threatened with death.
I took a few steps forward until I was outside of the village border.
"Out here…"
I looked at the scenery. The forests to the east. The distant foliage of the swamps to the north. My village to the west.
"Out here, I am Nimer. A resident of the Beast Lands. Grandfather, to Babur. I made no promises to treat family like strangers outside of the village."
I reached out a hand. She looked confused but placed hers in mine.
"You've grown into a beautiful young woman. I'm sorry for the way I've had to treat you and your father. I wish things were different. I would love for nyothing more, than for you to come back into the village. I may only be able to watch from afar but, it was worth seeing you grow up. So happy. So full of life. If it were up to me, I would have given you a different trial. One that I knyow that you could have passed."
She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around me.
"Nyot too strong, dear. I'm an old beast."
It's been so long since I've had a hug. Especially from a relative. It's nice. I miss this closeness.
"Do tell me if someone is coming. I probably shouldn't be seen like this."
"It's okay grand…"
I gently patted her head.
"You can say it. I'm just an old beast out here."
"Eh-heh. Grandpa. I'll let nya go now so nya don't get into trouble."
We parted from each other. She was on the verge of tears but held them back.
"I'll give you as many details on the fifth trial as I am able. I hope that you can pass with ease. When will Leo get here? Why is he so far behind?"
Her face told me a story of sadness.
This isn't good. Who else could be her partner?
"He's… dead."
"Babur. I'm so sorry. I knyow how much he meant to you. And, you to him."
She showed signs of frustration as she turned to her side.
"How would nya knyow how close we were?"
"I told you, I watched from afar. It may not seem like it, but I saw many things. Your sister, for instance. We haven't said hi in years yet, I know that she was sad when you left. Her husband is not what she had hoped. Her life is subpar compared to what she had thought it would be. For a spoiled brat, she got what she deserved."
That put a smile on her face. If only a small one.
"It was my fault. I… I killed him. Leo was the one person that kept me going and my overzealous personality is what killed him."
"Oh. Babur. That sounds exactly like the reason you were exiled. We made you leave so that you wouldn't hurt anyone in the village. Are you really sure that you are ready to take the trial?"
"I am!"
I let out a sigh.
"Who is the one that will take the trial with you?"
"His name is Lake. After Leo, it took me a long time to get my mind to a stable state. Then, I met Lake and I almost did the same thing to him. It brought all of my bad memories and thoughts back. I ran away. I was at my lowest point and he found me. He wouldn't leave me alone and he… he wasn't afraid of me. Even Leo showed fear when I… But, Lake is different. In more ways than one. I trust him more than anyone."
"So you trust him. That tells me nyothing about your progress with…"
"He trained me. I'm better at controlling myself. I can control my supreme beast with ease now."
Babur walked over to a large rock that happened to be nearby. She found good grip points and lifted the mass with ease.
"See? Nyothing to it!"
I expected her to toss the rock in a random direction to further show off her strength. To my pleasant surprise, she merely placed it down on the ground. This one simple action had shown me that she had grown in maturity.
"You say he trained you? Is he a supreme beast as well?"
"Ahh… uh well. Kind of?"
She looked as though she had stumbled into an uncomfortable subject. What would be wrong with someone who is a supreme beast or someone who isn't?
"Kind of? What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well. I'd prefer for you to meet him in person. Also, there's one more thing I want to talk to you about."