I had passed through a small village of fairies. They were nice and pointed the way for me. As I had originally thought, the large tree was the center of Wart Forest.
I was nearing the edge of the village in Wart Forest. It was lively and bustling with many races, though primarily treants, fairies and fae made up a bulk of the populace. I was surprised to see a few lizard-people here as well. Beast-people and dark elves were in no short supply, either.
Fricity and Coaction City seemed like playgrounds compared to this place.
There were many larger buildings on the ground and underground. Many smaller houses and huts were up in the various layers of canopies along with homes carved into the trees themselves.
As I came closer to the center of the city, the only tree that seemed exempt from the connecting canopies was the one large tree in the middle.
There was a large circular opening around the ground surrounding the tree. There were many smaller portable shops along the paths that circled the tree. This seems like some kind of central trading area for non-specialized goods.
The crowds were loud but two voices stood out above them.
"Come on Durt! Stop slaking!"
"Wait, Ruby! Watch out for…"
I was knocked over from behind.
"Ow ow ow."
"Ruby... You need to watch where you're going."
I rolled over to see the fae that had knocked me over. As far as I could tell, she looked young. Her hair was long and straight with a silverish blue color. She had four insect-like wings, like a dragonfly. If Ruby really is her name, it fits well with her ruby-colored wings.
The guy was helping her up off of the ground. Durt, I think she said. He had a handsome face and a bright smile. His hair was short like mine but blonde. His wings were a shimmering rainbow color and smaller than Ruby's. He held out a hand to me.
"I'm sorry, sir. She doesn't always look where she is going. Please forgive her."
I took his hand and stood up with his help.
"No harm done. Are you okay?"
I asked Ruby. She showed a bit of embarrassment before responding.
"I'm really sorry. We are in a hurry to get registered for one of the competitions happening today. I wasn't looking where I was going."
"Competitions? Sounds interesting. What kind?"
I could tell the both of them were anxious from the way they were slowly stepping away from me. They were trying to go.
"Um, I'm really sorry but, if we don't go now, we won't be able to register. I really need this to speak to the Ent."
The Ent?
They started to turn.
"Wait! One last thing. Can I register, too?"
"If you can keep up with us."
Durt responded. I hoisted my backpack and grabbed hold of the straps as I started running.
I caught up to the pair in no time. All three of us were dodging people left and right.
"You're fast! I'm surprised you can keep pace with us. What's your name?"
I nearly crashed into a group of fairies. I managed to leap at the last second and cleared the highest flying member of the group.
"Oh! Fancy moves."
He remarked.
"My name is Lake."
"I'm Durt. Well, Durthanial. But, Durt is how everyone knows me."
He pointed at the girl who crashed into me earlier.
"And she is Ruby. My older sister."
"She's older? I would have guessed you to be the older one. You seem to act more mature while she seems... Free willed?"
"Yeah. I do look out for her a lot."
Ruby started to gain speed. She must be close and intends to pull out all the stops.
"Turn here, I know a shortcut."
I followed Durt to the right. We went through a less crowded alley. We came up to a very narrow space between the backs of stalls. I had to hop sideways to get through with some kind of speed. Durt simply floated through with his wings buzzing in the air.
We came out onto a major path and made a left. At the next intersection, we made another right.
Ruby's voice sounded out behind us.
Durt shouted back. After, even he started to pick up the pace.
I felt a smile form. I wasn't about to be left in the dust.
I caught up and almost passed him when he suddenly turned left. I followed his turn and promptly passed him up down the path.
I came to a skidding halt. Looking behind me, I saw Durt and Ruby waving at me from a large stand on the side of the path. I backtracked to them.
"This is the registration stall. If we were going further than this, I think you would have won. You should enter the race with us."
"The race. You said there were other competitions too, right?"
"Yeah, but you are only allowed to enter one competition."
He turned his attention to filling out his details on the form. Ruby seemed to be already almost done.
"Over here."
The receptionist waved at me.
"You can fill out your form over here."
She held out a different quill from what I've gotten used to. It was almost a fountain pen. I guess technology developed better in a few areas while I was locked away in a cave at the bottom of the ocean.
Papers were strewn about. I found one that looked reasonable and started filling out details.
"Okay, Miss Ruby? You are now entered in the obstacle race."
Durt handed his form in as well.
"Aaand, Mr. Durthanial? Your entry into the obstacle race is official as well. Thank you both for participating and best of luck to you."
As soon as I finished the last line, the receptionist yanked the paper away from me.
The receptionist leaned over the counter.
"It's okay. Since I have your form in hand, you will still get in."
She winked at me. She was pretty but not my type.
"Let's see... Lake? Okay... Yes, yes. Good! All set Mr. Lake. You are officially entered in the Fighting Rings."
"Fighting rings?"
Durt finished for me.
"What happened to the race?"
The receptionist held out the form. The title at the top of the form was clear as day. I slapped my forehead with my palm.
"It was covered up by other papers. I didn't read it before filling it out."
I pointed at the form.
"Could I change over to the race? I didn't mean to enter the fights."
A large older beast-woman put her hand in front of the receptionist.
"Entry is done. If you don't like the competition you entered, you don't have to participate."
Durt put his hand on my shoulder.
"I guess that's it, buddy. We speedy types usually aren't great fighters. You should probably just watch the race from the sidelines."
"Bah. Was the race the only way to speak to the Ent?"
"Well, no. But you have to place first in one of the competitions. Three people will get to see the Ent today. The winners of the obstacle race, the fighting rings and the singing contest."
Durt nodded.
OH, THANK THE HEAVENS... I would much rather attempt the fighting rings than singing.
"Eh. I think I'll do alright."
"Wait. Are you really going to enter the fighting ring? People die in that contest. The proctors attempt to stop fatalities from happening but, they can't always get there in time. You signed the waiver at the bottom."
"Oh. That's what that was for? I thought it was for if I tripped and fell. So, do all of these competitions happen at the same time?"
Ruby chimed in.
"The Race happens first. This gets the audience excited. The fighting rings are up next. The more violent people in the audience can get their fill while the rest go and find food or good seating for the singing contest. Obviously, singing is last. Most of the time the songs are more relaxed and help the evening crowd calm down from all the excitement."
"Sounds like you two have been around the block before."
"Block? What block?"
Durt asked.
"Uh... I just meant that it seems like you are really familiar with what goes on. As if you have taken part before."
Ruby laughed while Durt kept a straight face.
"Yeah. Last year was actually the first year that we didn't participate since we started. We put in so much training that we were sure that we were going to win... Until we met you."
Durt sighed.
"I guess there is always someone better."
I patted his shoulder.
"Good thing that "one" person that is better, happens to be in a different competition then, huh?"
He let out a nervous laugh as he scratched his chin.
"I guess so."
"Tell you what, Durt, Ruby. I'll cheer the two of you on if you cheer me on. Deal?"
Durt and ruby nodded their heads in unison. They held out opposite hands and the three of us shook.