V2Ch127 New Race

As we waited for the obstacle race to start calling for the competitors, Durt and Ruby started showing me around. The first thing they showed me was the primary gathering location for the race. It wasn't ready yet but, there was a WoM object that would project a large image from a separate but linked WoM object. Almost like a T.V. reporter that's reporting from out in the field. That's how it sounds to me, anyway.

They didn't show it to me but, the singing competition would be held on the far side of the Great Tree. The large tree itself is called the Great Tree and houses the Ent. No one but approved and special guests may enter.

I got to see a variety of stalls and new food preparations that I had not experienced in Eyse before. I had seen a variation of meatloaf on a bun. Kind of like a hamburger but not.

After we had stuffed ourselves with snacks and talked for a bit, the announcement was made for the racers to start preparations. The siblings waved at me as they walked toward the event area.

"Good luck! Not that either of you will need it."

I stuck my tongue out at them. Only Ruby turned around to see. She returned the gesture with a smile.

I found a seat that was slightly out of the way while still within a reasonable distance of the race track announcement area.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Mineral and Fauna! Welcome to this year's Wart Forest Competitions!"

The voice sounded like it was coming from nowhere while at the same time, everywhere. It was like I was listening to surround sound speakers.

"The first competition will be the bi-annual Obstacle Course!"

A large flicker in the middle of the forest ahead of me grabbed my attention. It was like a massive tv screen with no physical aspect to it. The visual reminded me of futuristic T.V. shows and movies that featured projected screens with no backing. Just an image in the middle of the air.

The screen started showing an overhead view of the obstacle race. The starting line was filled with contestants and it was easy to find the path that they would take. It was a large oval.

The first obstacle looked like it would be fairly close to the starting line, just before the oval started its first curve. Another two obstacles would be along the upper stretch. A fourth along the entirety of the second curve and a final obstacle just before the finish line. Five total?

"The first obstacle today will be the Closing Rings! Three walls with nine circular openings in a three-by-three formation will be the first obstacle! Sounds easy, right?


Each time someone goes through an opening, it will shut behind them. Only when someone goes through the last opening on a wall will the other eight doors re-open. Those in the lead will have an advantage. Those behind will find it much trickier as more openings close."

The images on the screen showed off a presentation of how the doors work. Nine fairies went through each opening one by one. Each opening closed behind each fairy until the last fairy went through. The final door never closed, but all the others opened.

"The Second obstacle is the Lava Pit. Tall pillars extend upward over a lava pit.

Runners must leap between the pillars and avoid taller pillars, or obstacles, to get across.

Fliers can choose to take the runner's path or fly between the pillars below the runner's playing field. The extreme heat and a race of magma people related to Golems, aka Lava Golems, will launch off globules of lava at fliers that take this route, making it a dangerous flight. While flying below the runners is not against the rules, flying above or at the level of the runners, are grounds for disqualification. Fliers are allowed to fly up to the runner's level if they feel flying low is too dangerous. Any further flight after reaching the runner's level will be grounds for disqualification.

Once a contestant reaches the end of the lava pit, flight will no longer be restricted outside of the obstacle."

Once again, the images were showing off the obstacle. A fae was taking his time hopping across pillars. Another was pretending to avoid lava shots as she flew below the tops of the pillars.

"The third obstacle, wall climb.

At a certain point before entering the wall climb obstacle, there will be a three-way split. Fliers confidant in their abilities can take the right path. Swimmers can take the left. All others can take the central path.

The right path will take fliers to a wall of fairies that happens to reach an astonishing height. Upon reaching the top of the wall of fairies, the flier may then descend on the other side of the wall. A line of fairies will show the fliers where to go to reach the finish line of the wall climb. This finish line must be passed before the contestant continues on to the next obstacle.

Similarly, the Left path will take swimmers to depths that an average individual would find dizzying!

Lastly, if you can't fly or swim, or you don't have confidence in those areas, the central path is for you. It is an average wall climb for those in good or better condition. Fliers or diggers that attempt to take advantage of this will be disqualified. Hand and foot placements must be on the designated colored pieces on the wall."

This one seemed straightforward. Climb a wall, fly up a wall or swim down a wall. All three eventually ended at one location. The height for the fliers and the depth for the swimmers evened out the playing field. No one had an extreme advantage over the other.

"The fourth obstacle. Trap Forest.

This one is simple. Get through the forest!

But, can they?

This forest is filled with traps. On the ground, in the water, in the trees and even in the air. Nowhere is safe in this forest. Nothing fatal but some traps could cost individuals an entire lap!

Fairies with red lighting will help show you where not to go. Going past the fairies will get you disqualified. Going above the treetops will also disqualify you."

The screen showed several traps being set off by fairies and fae. Some were nets, others were globs of something super sticky. Ropes, hidden wires and trap doors. Several traps were hard to see through all the foliage.

"Lastly! The final obstacle! Collection!

This obstacle is very open and easy to navigate. However, the exit is not that easy. Unless the contestant can collect enough of a special currency from the fairies and treants roaming the field.

There are three exits. The first exit costs only one coin! Cheap, right? But, you get what you paid for. The cheap exit is long, winding and filled with more obstacles.

The second exit costs ten coins. While it is still long and winding, this one is free of obstacles.

The last and most expensive exit costs 30 coins. It is a straight door that opens up and gives you a straight path to the finish line! The most desirable course of action but the hardest to attain in a short amount of time.

This is another instance where those in the lead will have a major advantage."

The screen showed the field with many fairies and treants wandering around. A pretend contestant walked up to a fairy and politely took the coin from her. The screen shifted over to the three doors with the Eysian numbers for "1" "10" and "30" written above. A fae had walked up to the one coin door and held up her coin. As she got close, the door lit up and the coin seemed to disappear from her hand. The door opened as soon as the coin was gone.

The fae that paid for the one coin door was shown casually jogging through the winding path and getting beaten up by traps and moving obstacles. It was funny but I felt bad for her.

The fairy that paid for the ten coin door was shown floating through an easy but curvy path.

A large beast-man with a massive beer belly paid for the 30 coin door and put up a thumb to show his approval before he started waddling through the door toward the finish line.

"This race will involve three full laps. Whoever completes all three first will be the grand prize winner.

With the explanations finished, we will now ready the racers. This will take only a moment longer before the race begins. Hold on tight to your seats."

As I waited for further announcements, the screen just showed a view of the racers preparing at the start of the finish line. I couldn't pinpoint Durt from that height but, Ruby stood out quite well with her red wings. She was near the front.

I heard something fall just to me left.


A small dark elf boy and fallen. Tears began to well up and he started to sniffle. I walked over to him and helped him up.

"Are you okay?"

He shook his head no while covering his eyes with his arm.

"Where are your parents?"

"...no ..."


"... I dunt no."

"You don't know? Would you like me to help you find them?"

"Jolis! There you are. You shouldn't run off like that, buddy. I was getting worried."

A young male dark elf came running up. He kneeled down before the small boy and removed his arm from his face.


The boy hugged his father and was lifted off the ground. The elf turned to me.

"Sorry if he was any trouble."

"No trouble at all. He had a little spill and I helped him up. That's all."

"Well, thank you."

He nodded to me and left.

I couldn't help but be reminded of my own father. A man that would be nearing the age of 120 if he were still alive. I doubt it though.

I put my hands in my pockets and looked up at the sky. Images of him and the both of us passed through my mind like a slide show. The two of us at an outdoor shooting range. Riding dirt bikes. Him drinking margaritas on those rare occasions. The day I went to go find him and heard him crying in the bathroom after his father had recently passed. He wasn't known for crying. I let him be that day.

I don't even get to know when or how he died.


The announcer's voice was a welcome distraction. I was getting too lost in my thoughts. I looked for my seat but it was now taken. I leaned up against a nearby tree instead.