Itagi and I spoke for a while. It turns out that he was from the same small village to the east as Durt and Ruby. The first time they all came to the festival, he tried to do the obstacle course with the other two. He failed miserably. In the following years, Itagi started entering the Fighting Rings. He faired much better. Though, he was out of the ring last year because Grampus injured him pretty good the year before.
Eventually, Itagi's number was called. He wasn't gone for very long. The announcer continued to narrate the other fight while Itagi sat back down next to me.
The numbers in the A-group dwindled until it was just Itagi, the large lizard-woman, a centaur and myself. We overheard the announcer call out the end of round 2 as well as the beginning of round 3. Sure enough, another unfamiliar official came in to retrieve two of us.
"Number fourteen and sixteen."
By now we both knew what that meant and followed without further instruction.
"Let's get this over with. Good luck with your match."
Itagi let out a nervous smile and held out his fist. We bumped fists and emerged into the arena. Two individuals from B-group were already present on the far side. Grampus and The Black Hunt. I have a feeling that Itagi is going to lose this round.
"You two are in the ring on the right."
The official pointed. We looked at each other in the realization of what that meant.
"I take it back. Luck won't help you win this round."
I teased. He lightly punched my shoulder without looking at me.
Slipped through his lips.
We took our positions in the ring. He was shaking the entire way to the ring. His stance reminded me of a sumo wrestler. Knees bent, leaning forward and one fist touching the ground while the other hand was braced on his thigh. One part of his stance was something a sumo wrestler could never imitate. His wings were positioned straight up. As much as he was shaking, his wings were as still as a statue. I could tell it was partly his determination showing through.
"You know, you're a scary guy, Lake. This is your first time in a competition like this and you are so calm. I couldn't even stop my wings from shaking my first time here. Now, this is the best I can do in front of you."
"Nothing to be ashamed of. Nerves can get the best of anyone. Just think of it this way, you won't die today."
"That's 'cause I'm gonna win."
The referees were still getting into position. I took a moment to observe the other ring. Grampus was confident like in his first fight. He looked like he was concentrating more, though. Like he knew that he couldn't slack off and had to be careful with his current opponent.
The Black hunt... He had a voracious look in his eyes. A quick glimpse in my direction revealed some kind of vile intent. I started to worry for Grampus.
I took a deep breath and locked eyes with Itagi once more. All of the referees put up their symbol for "ready." A few moments passed until...
Itagi started running at me. He got close and prepared to swing. I steadied myself and blocked just before a hit.
My block encountered no force from his attack.
I took a hard hit to the jaw from my left. I didn't see him shift over far enough to make such a punch. I stumbled to my right but stood back up. He was already close.
I put my arms up to block another punch. My right foot was swept out from under me. I can see him clear as day until I can't.
I caught my fall with my right hand and lept backward off of my hand. I felt kinda cool because it was a move I had never used before. It felt like something from a martial arts movie.
Itagi ran at me again. His running speed was slow and easy to follow. I watched him run at me with his wings still firmly straight up and down. I dropped my guard and watched him fervently. Once more, he got close with a readied fist.
I saw his wings move for the first time in the arena. It was only a small twitch but, I saw it. As soon as his wings moved, he was gone. I tried to duck low, but it was too late. I got a swift uppercut from below.
The moment my eyes focused on him again, I saw his wings twitch and he would be gone again. I took over a dozen blows like this. My body couldn't keep up with his speed. I know I could, but I refuse to use Mother's power for something like this.
My body was healing any wounds but that wasn't stopping the headache that was building. My sight was getting blurry and it was hard to focus.
I stood my ground. I wasn't about to let myself get tossed out of the ring for something like this. The hits kept coming. One after another. He was brutal but far too kind. He was trying to knock me out without going for more painful or vital spots. That was to be my advantage. I just had to wait for the right timing.
My body was getting heavier and harder to keep up. My sight was fading in and out. The blows were numbing but still dizzying.
It finally came. The attack that is meant to end it. Itagi took longer to wind up than normal, but the attack was as fast as any other. The blow was severe. My vision is going black...
That's how I imagine my body should be feeling after such punishment. I used that image to act the part. He let his guard down thinking that I was nearly out for the count. I grabbed hold of his wrist before he could remove his fist from my face.
My body was already off-balance at that point. I simply let myself fall the rest of the way down and rolled backward while kicking him toward the edge of the ring. I never let go of his wrist, causing him to land on his back with his feet in on the dirt outside of the ring.