V2Ch145 New Images

The downward tunnel in front of us curved to the left slightly. The top of the steps going into the ground was a single root of uniform thickness. It wound from side to side in the tunnel forming the stairs that we descended. Lanterns were hung on the right side wall every 30 steps or so.

"What if I said that I have a business proposition for you?"

Victreeno started.

"I'm probably going to say no."

"Now hold on, let me just tell you…"

"I'm searching for someone."

I interrupted him.

"After I finish my business here, I need to keep moving. I have someone waiting for me aside from the person I need to find. I have no interest in staying longer than I have to."

Victreeno took another puff of his pipe.

"So it's like that, huh? That's okay. I'm not hurting for the help. Tell you what. I'll leave you with a different proposition. If you are ever in town, don't hesitate to say hi. If you ever need a job, come see me and I'll give you all the details."

The rest of the descent was quiet. I was thankful for it. Just before the end, the tunnel sharply curved to the right. As we rounded the corner, the bottom came into sight. Reaching the end of the steps, I emerged into a large dome-shaped room. A large tree was in the center. It was illuminated by similar bioluminescence from the caves at Ula Thyfe in the Elf Lands. Most of the area was lit up in a blue-ish hue.

After I was done gawking at the area, my focus turned to the center of the room. The tree itself had a face. It had obvious brows, eye sockets, a nose and a mouth. The eye sockets looked eerily empty. This must be the Ent.

A deep and loud creaking sound filled the area. Ventreeno let go of my shoulder and slapped my back.

"Go closer. The Ent wishes to hear your desired question."

As I drew closer to the Ent, I was beginning to realize how alone we were not. At first, I thought various roots were protruding from the walls in random places. I happened to see a face in one of these root clusters. They were treants. Their bodies were sharp and angular. They had thorns as long as my fingers. Any wrong move and they come down on top of you.

The creaking got louder as I got closer until it started to make sense. The sound was the Ent speaking. My best guess was that limited range telepathy was translating the words in my head.

*Creeeeeek GROAN Craaaaaackkkkkk Squeeeee* "You would be correct."

I spoke those words out loud. While those words were not directly spoken to me, I somehow managed to translate the recent sounds that the Ent had made.

*More tree sounds* "Come closer. You are difficult to read. It is as though there are multiple fish in a single pond."

I translated again. The floor around the cavern was mostly flat with the exception of the rounded tuft of grass that the Ent had set down its roots. I had stopped just outside the grass.

To comply with the Ent's request, I had to step up and onto the grass. The moment I did, several treants left their hiding places along the wall and began to surround me. The Ent slowly started to shudder. The leaves on its branches started to click and rustle.

*Even more tree sounds* "It was at my request that the creature comes closer. Fear not his movements."

The treants simply stopped their advance toward me. A couple had come down from almost directly above. After the Ent spoke, the eyes of the treants were the only movement I could see. They never let their eyes leave my body as I passed them.

*Evermore tree sounds* "Your pond is still muddled. It seems you have guests in the pond that is your mind. Do you wish... No. I know what you want. I have heard it already."

"You heard what I want?"

*Abundant tree sounds* "I can answer what you seek because I know all that has happened. To speak the answer would be an inferior method of communication. Commune with me. Touch of my flesh with your extremity."

I wanted to ask if it just wanted me to touch the bark on the trunk of the tree itself. Somehow I already knew that was the answer to my question. I took the last few steps and reached out with my hand. When my hand got within an inch of the tree, my vision began to blur and show images as if my eyes were not my own.

I pulled back and looked up at the tree.

*Magnificent tree sounds* "Do not be afraid. I would not help someone with evil intentions."

Once more I reached out and placed my hand firmly on the bark. My body felt as if it was being hit with an electric jolt. I became stiff at every joint. My hand felt locked in position and my eyes continued to show me images of unfamiliar places.

The final image that was shown to me was an elderly dark elf woman. My body was released and I fell backward onto my butt.

*Miniscule tree sounds* "I'm sorry for the abrupt connection."

My mouth continued to spew out the translated words, almost involuntarily.

*Excited tree sounds* "Your question has been answered. Are you grateful for the all-knowing Ent?"

"Answered? All I saw were images that don't make any sense. What am I supposed to do with that? I want to know how to..."

A treant grabbed my shoulder and threw me backward off of the grass. I sat up, ready to yell at the rough treatment after a confusing and draining experience.

*Disturbing tree sounds* "You have your answer. It may not make sense now but, you will know everything if you continue your journey."

I stood up in a hurry and speed walked to the tunnel. Ventreeno put up a hand as if he were trying to stop me. I pushed past.

"If the Ent says that your question has been answered, then it has. Do not fear."

I didn't care what he had to say. I just wanted out. How were those images supposed to help.

Stupid. Fucking stupid.

I came to a wall in the tunnel and began to reel my hand back. I almost punched the wall. Almost.

I remembered what happens when I'm frustrated. I wasn't here to make enemies.

I made my way out with no intention of ever returning.