V2Ch146 New Range

When I emerged from underground, the familiar guards were still in place but, Ruby was nowhere to be seen. I went up to the guard that we had talked to in the first place. The one that was ready to arrest us before Victreeno intervened.

"Uh, Excuse me. The fae that was with me earlier, do you know where she went?"

The Guard eyeballed me grumpily. Even if I was Victreeno's guest, he still didn't like me.

"An official took her away. I think they went to the singing stage for some award or something."

I raised a hand and started pointing in several directions until he grunted in disapproval and corrected me to the west.

"Thank you."

I hurried off. I'd rather see Ruby's face than stay there a moment longer.

It wasn't hard to find the next venue. The crowds were flocking in one direction. It was getting more and more difficult to navigate without bumping into someone.


A voice I knew had called out.

"Lake! Here!"

From above. Durt flew in and reached out a hand. I grabbed hold and he started to raise me above the madness.

"Do you know where Ruby is?"

I ask.

"Yeah! They are gonna announce the winner of the Obstacle Race before they start the singing competition. Officials came to our stall looking for her. I told them that she took you to the Ent."

That must be how Victreeno knew we were at the Ent.

"I have a backstage pass since I was a competitor and she is my sister. I'm sure they won't mind the winner of the second event to be backstage, too."

We landed close to the stage. Fairies forced us down as there was no flying allowed past a certain point. Durt got past the security guard and after revealing who I was, I got in with no problem as well.

We all met up behind the right side of the stage. Ruby had a change of clothes. She wore a pretty red top with a knee-length blue skirt. The flying lizard-man was there too. He huffed at the sight of a second annoying competitor show up. He seemed to have no idea who I was.

Ruby whispered into my ear.

"They couldn't find any concrete evidence of cheating from him. An official filled me in about a potential cheater and they asked me several questions before I was allowed to come here. Durt said he met up with the registration person and she told him you saw something."

Ruby hugged me without warning.

"Thank you. For looking out for us."

"And look at this! After our parents got back to the stand, they said we could close up for the night. When I was putting everything away, I found this gold coin under a stack of shirts. A GOLD COIN!"


"Sorry. But, seriously!"

"Durt. You should take that to the lost and found. Someone may have lost that."

I decided to chime in.

"I don't think they will miss a single gold coin."

I tried to look away as inconspicuously as possible, seeing as how my coin purse weighed one gold coin less than it did this morning...


Rouby started.

"LADIES, TREANTS AND SIRS! Welcome to the annual singing competition. We will begin shortly. Before that, officials and judges have come to a decision about the winner of the Obstacle Course."

Ruby lost her train of thought and began listening intently. An official had both her and the lizard-man come out onto the right side of the stage. A single fairy was floating in the center of the stage, holding the award to be given to the winner.

"Here today, we have the two potential winners. When I call out the name of the winner, please walk to the center of the stage to take your award!"

Ruby and the lizard-man seemed tense.

"Part of the reason that the decision took so long was that there was evidence of a tool used for cheating. There was a thorough investigation but no solid evidence could be found on who the perpetrator was. At this time, we feel that neither contestant was involved in the cheating attempt. As such, we have decided to go ahead and proclaim the winner. Please show your support for this year's winner, Rue Hibi!"

She lost.

"That's a weird way to say my name."

Ruby perked up and waved at the crowd. She started trotting toward the center stage with a huge smile.


"Get back here!"

Durt and I tried to call her back. She simply winked and waved at us. She wasn't listening. The lizard-man, Rue, started chuckling as he watched her misinterpret the situation.

"I love it when fools are their own undoing. This is the best kind of entertainment."

I couldn't help but attempt to cover my face. But, before I could,



Ruby tripped on her own foot. Her skirt flew up and she was essentially flashing the entire crowd her underwear.

"I can't..."

This was too much for my brain to handle. There were a few shows and movies back on earth that had scenes that were just... soo embarrassing that I had the toughest time watching it all the way through.

This moment right now is a real-life moment that I can't watch without feeling shame for Ruby.



Embarrassment? My powers...

"Oh, fu... RUBY!"

I ran toward her. She was fine. Still sore from her fall but nothing out of the unexpected. But, where did that scream come from?

I paned my head to the crowd. I felt the blood drain from me. It was filled with...



I uttered. Ruby finally got herself off the ground, only to see the sea of death before us. Waves of people lying on the ground, grey and lifeless. As if their very essence was sucked out of them.

"Mo-m? Dad?"

Durt rushed to her side, seeing that there was clearly something wrong.

"Ruby what's going... on..."

He stopped his advance halfway through when he noticed the surrounding quiet. He rushed to the edge of the stage and found a few survivors that were closer than anyone else.

"Are you hurt? What happened? Was this an attack?"

The scream must have come from one of them.


"I saw it. I watched it happen. Horrible... Horrible."

The Rue had spoken. His firm and upright demeanor had transformed into that of a shivering lost child, unsure of what to do next.

My eyes caught movement to my right. Ruby was reaching out with her hand. She was searching for something... Or someone. Her eyes filled with tears. It was as if she already knew what had happened to those she could not yet find.

My body began to shake. I knew I was responsible for yet another tragedy. These people didn't deserve this. Not one of them.

How could such an involuntary emotion cause so much death in the insignificant time span provided? I was fine. I didn't even feel the power activate. It just... did its own thing.

I knew I had this power.

I knew it.

I did.

I've never seen it stretch so far. It was always a small area surrounding me. Never in the area closest to me. Ruby and Durt, as well as a few others. They survived thanks to that odd pattern given off by my power.

But, that's not much of a consolation for what I've just done.