
I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle a scream as tears threatened to leak out of my eyes.

My whole house .....destroyed .

Why ?

Why would anybody do this cruelty ?

My heart thumped so loud that I could hear it pulsing in my ear drums .

Panic set in as another question popped in my head.

Where is my Dad ?

I ran around the house checking all the rooms like a mad woman looking for my dad .

Did something happen to him ?

I searched the bathroom but there was no one there ,the mirror was smashed and the bathtub and closet were wrecked as if hit with an iron rod .

My vision started to blur , I stumbled down the stairs and took out my phone to call him .

That's when I remembered .

This was the new phone Tristan bought me so that meant I didn't have anyone's number to call for help.

You can think about that later Rose call your Dad now , you know his number by heart .

"Ok Ok "

I tried to calm myself and called my Dad .

The phone started ringing and went to voicemail.

Damn it dad why aren't you picking up?

I called again but there was no answer .

Something tickled my leg , I looked down to see a tail peeking out of the edge of my pants .

A rat was scurrying up my leg.

I screamed .

This whole place was making me claustrophobic and I wanted to run.

So I ran.

I ran with tears covering my face , I ran to get away from the horror I just witnessed.

Next time your house will burn.

I ran faster .

After a long time I felt my muscles giving up and my knees fell to the ground on the middle of the road .

Tears had dried on my cheeks and I wiped them furiously.

But they wouldn't stop. I couldn't stop the loud wails of pain that killed me . I couldn't stop crying for a very long time .

Whoever did this to my house will pay .

My thoughts were a jumbled mess right now .

But I have to find my Dad ,I have to find him. He has nobody but me.

I took out my phone and dialed his number .

It went to voicemail.

Taking huge furious gulps of air I raised myself up and began walking.

I have to find him I have to find I have to find him .....my heart chanted like a mantra .

There were about eight bars in this town ,he should be in one of them .

Cars zoomed past by me on the road ,dawn was just breaking .

It was Saturday morning , families would have breakfast together, siblings fool around at home.

I searched the first two bars but he wasn't there .

"Thank you "

I told the bartender and left the third place .

Where could he have gone ?

Did ....did he leave me ?

No Rose stop thinking like that , he would never do that to you .

I fastened my steps and round a corner heading towards the next bar.

My heart thumped loudly in chest , a small smear of panic straining it .

My legs were tired and I was pushing myself to keep walking for the past two hours .

I should have been with Dad rather than with Tristan , I was selfish.

I jumped when my phone started ringing .

"Hello "

"Hello is this Rose Woods, daughter of Alexander Woods?"and a feminine voice

"Yes who is this ?", I said confused.

"I am calling from Royals honey your Dad has been here since last night could you please come pick him up ?"

My heart jumped at the news.

"Yes ", I said and hung up.


The smell of alcohol and vomit filled my nostrils when I opened the doors to Royals Bar . There was a bar counter to the side and many people sat with hunched postures as they downed their poison or waited for the bartender.

If I wasn't in such a hurry I would have been astonished by the number of people present in a bar on a Saturday morning .

My eyes searched frantically for a brown head while clenching my fists to control my thumping anticipation.

At the far corner of the bar my Dad was passed out on the floor.

Without loosing another precious second I ran to him and took him in my arms .

He's alright thank goodness .

He's alright.

"Dad Daddy I'm here Daddy can you hear me ?"

I shook him slightly and heard a small groan .

"Rose ?"

"Yes Daddy it's me let's go home ",I said softly.

I tried lifting him up but he was too heavy .

"Daddy come on let's go wake up"

Another groan .

"I'll pick you up ok "

I took a deep breath and hoisted him up.

He leaned heavily on my shoulder and his breath fanned my face, it reeked of alcohol .

"Rose I don't w-w ann go "

My steps were laboured but I somehow opened the door by managing his weight on one arm and shoulder and pushed the door open with the other arm .

"Don't worry Dad you'll be alright".

There were a few steps to descend before we reached the road.

My chest rose up and down as I panted.

The walk back home would take at least an hour .

I would have made it alone but with Dad's weight crushing me it was impossible .

To make things worse I left my purse back home so I can't even call a taxi now.

My phone didn't have any contacts and Dad always took the subway to work in the nearest city. I was all alone on the streets with my drunk Dad and the only person I can rely on for help was myself .I took out his wallet for money .....My eyes welled up when I realized that he had spent all of it in the bar.

I raised my Dad up again and continued walking .

Half an hour later.............

I called the few numbers in his contact but no one volunteered to help.

My last hope was the one contact in my phone who called last night.....I didn't know who that person was but I had to try.

The phone rung a few times before a deep voice rumbled,

"Hello "


"Tristan "

" Hey Rose ?"

I didn't know what to say ... he was the one who called me last night... but for what ?

" You... you have my...num..number "

"Umm well yeah...I already told you , I have my ways....is there something you want or can I hang up now ? "

I wouldn't have called if I knew that it was him but...I had no choice I have to protect my Dad.

" Yes I... I wanted to ask you a favour "

" Not right now I'm busy "

" Please I...."

I hate myself for begging.

"Can you come pick me up "

"Why is everything alright...I thought I dropped you home."

"Yes but ...but something happened...something bad could you come to Draw Street please ?"

My voice cracked at the end and unintentionally a tear slipped out .

"Hold on I'll be there "


Ten minutes later , Tristan's jeep Cherokee pulled up near the sidewalk.

I was waiting with my arms folded and my shoulders hunched .

He got out and our eyes locked . He stayed frozen for a second then he looked at my sleeping Dad.

Swallowing my embarrassment , I went to him and tried lifting him up .

"Let me help "

The deep voice rumbled very close to my ear and my hairs stood on edge .

Dad was easily picked up from the ground .

Tristan carried him bridal style to the car , I opened the door and he laid the sleeping man on the back seat .

" Get in ", Tristan said and opened the passenger seat for me.

I got inside feeling a deep rock being lifted out of my chest . Though my ego was wounded and I was embarrassed to even look at him I was grateful and my mind was a bit less occupied with blistering thoughts.

The car ride was silent except for the occasional snores from my Dad .Tristan never pushed me for an explanation and I was thankful that I got a few moments of peace to just look out the window and get some peace of mind .

The closer we drove to the house though the more restless I became . I squirmed in my seat looking for a lie or an easy explanation.

Maybe I could tell him that ...I broke the whole place because I was angry........ an-angry .....that my Dad was not home...

What if he made fun of me and Dad ? What if he spread this whole incident in school?

I shouldn't have called him, it was weak and embarrassing. It shows that I couldn't take care of my Dad on my own . That I needed someone.. some stranger to take care of him.

I was fuming .

Red hot fury swirled my insides .

The moment we reached home I jumped out of the car to pick my Dad up and leave Tristan....to thank him and tell him to leave.

But when I noticed people roaming in the lawn my steps halted .

"Hi can I ...can I help you ?"

"You that fuck's daughter "

A man asked ,he was big and burly with the tattoo of a phoenix peeking out of his arm.

"I don't understand "

Tristan lifted Dad out of the car .

As soon as he saw Dad, his face changed .

"You "

He charged .

"Wait !"

The man stopped on hearing me shout.

"I don't understand but please can we please talk this out whatever it is "

What is going on, is it them who broke our house ?

"There is nothing that I have to talk to you kid it's that piece of shit I have words for "

"I'm his daughter so if there is anything that you want to say then you have to tell me."

"Ho look here Marty kid's steppin up for her Dad "

His other associates surrounded him now as if watching a show .His friend Marty I presume made a hissing snake sound and slapped his hand on his shoulder.

"Careful with your words child you don't know who you are dealing with " said Marty.

"Then please enlighten me"

I don't know where all this defiance was coming from but after all the hell that I went through this morning I think I deserve to be a little pissed .

"Your Dad that fucking piece of shit owes us 300,000dollars !"

What ? My throat dried ...

300,000 dollars.

My head spun.

"H-How ?"

"Gambling, drinks,women you name it for a year now "

I closed my eyes wishing that this was just a nightmare and when I wake up all of this will be over .

This couldn't be happening .

That's why he has been coming late .

I clenched my fist and just waited for the guy to say something.

All this while Tristan was watching our exchange with alert eyes.I could feel them piercing my skin.

With this money we could have bought a better home ,a better car ....we could have led a better life .

"Pay up .....now !"said the man with the phoenix tattoo.

"We don't have that much right now "

"Well then we're taking the station wagon "

"I'll call the police "

He laughed a sick laugh making my insides crawl.

"What are you going to say that your Daddy dealt with bad things and now Daddy needs money"

He said mockingly and pretended to suck his thumb like a baby .

I wanted to slap him .

How dare he make fun of me.

I wanted him to leave us alone .

"I'll pay you the rest of the money ....you can take the car "

My eyes welled up when I went inside and got the keys for them .

I was frozen inside and out, I just did what I thought first.

"You have one month time to pay the rest of it or else .... you know right ? We'll burn the house. Bring it to Bear's, your Dad knows the place a lot. "

With that they left .

I let a tear trickled down my eyes and I just stayed there in the lawn .

The sky darkened above and it began to rain.

When I was completely drenched and my tears couldn't be distinguished from the rain drops I got inside .

Tristan was laying my Dad down in the bed room ,he looked up when he heard my footsteps and wordlessly threw me a towel.

"You're drenched "

Stating the obvious much .

"Thanks for the ride "

"No problem "

Then he continued to do what he was best at.....staring .

But I wasn't up for his games today .

I went to my Dad's drawer where he hid all the money. I took out the stash and started counting , one hundred...two hundred ....three hundred ....this won't be enough .

My chain....if I sell it I could get money.

No it's Mom's I'll have to find something else.

"Hey Rose.... "

"Yeah Tristan you can leave if you want thank you again for helping us "

I turned around .

"I was going to ask where the heater is because you are freezing and you should probably change your clothes too "

What is up with him.

"Its by that corner "

My nose was running,I took out a tissue and blew my nose .

I could work extra hours at the Diner and I could ask Mi's Mom for help.Dad's job as an accountant paid enough for the bills but we needed more and I didn't know if he worked anyway.

My lips quivered when I thought of his betrayal .Here I was waiting for him to come home all night while he gambled and drunk, enjoying a life with no space for consequences .....

I wiped angry tears out of my eyes and kept looking for money .

Even if we sell this house, we'll never get enough money and the time to pay for it was a month.

The only escape from this hellhole was to leave this town but go where ? There was no relative or friend who would help the both of us in this situation, a family of jinx I used to joke ....but not anymore.

I began to shake profusely out of cold and dread so I went upstairs to change my clothes and take a shower .

Stripping out of my t shirt, pants and underwear I took a long shower .

My arms and legs hurt from walking so long and my eyes were puffy and red from tears.Looking at myself in the mirror I saw a frail girl with ghost white skin and dull brown hair that stuck unattractively to her forehead . My eyes were dead just like my insides .I felt caged no matter how much I ran finally I will be caught and shackled by my own demons .

Nobody loved this thing nobody cares if it dies .

All I have to do is somehow get enough money to cover the debt and leave for college .

Suddenly my mind flared.

I don't care about anyone .

All I have to do is crush myself and work hard so that we could leave this place forever.

Yes you are gonna make it there somehow, there is no other choice .

My lips quivered, I took a deep breath to calm myself but it was raspy and broken .

With one last look I left the bathroom and went downstairs.

My Dad was asleep peacefully in his bedroom not knowing anything of the hell around him.

The whole place was a mess, I will have to clean it up and dispose off the broken furniture somehow .

Tristan was in the kitchen, I went up to him .

"Hey "

"Hey "

He was cooking something .

"I hope you don't mind me using your kitchen....I thought you'd be hungry so ..."

"That's alright "

All the plates were shattered I wonder where he fished those utensils from .

He really did have his own ways to find things .

When the spaghetti was done, he served it in a plate and gave it to me .

"So what are you going to do with the house "

"I'll have to do something ....I haven't thought through it ...yet "

He nodded his head and looked to the side.

I ate the spaghetti and tried not to moan in pleasure .I didn't realise that I was starving until now, its almost 2:45 and the last meal I had was dinner last night.

"Its not that good.... I don't cook well "

He said shly, there was a hint of pink on his cheeks and he shoved his fingers through his lush midnight locks through the hood.

Something about that sight made me hold my breath and stare .

"It's not that bad "

I ate my spaghetti and there was still some left for Dad.

"You know I know someone who could help you with taking out all this scrap ", Tristan said while we cleaned the living room together . He volunteered to help when I told him to leave .

"Yeah who ?"

"He's a scrap dealer and he'd buy this from you .If you want I could talk to him ."

I thought about it .

"Ok yeah "

"I'll tell him to come here tomorrow maybe "

Why was he being so kind ? This is so not the Tristan Sky who gets beat up in deserted garages.Even now his knuckles were red and cut as if he fought last night after dropping me off.

"Okay "


"This you ?"

He said pointing at a broken picture he just took from the ground .It had 7 year old me, Mom and Dad with our arms around each other . My front teeth were missing and I had two pigtails .

I smiled at the memory .

"Yeah it's embarrassing I don't have any teeth."

"You do just not the important ones like the two front teeth, they are quite important you know"

He pointed to the missing teeth with his fingers.

I scoffed and shrugged .

"I was seven"

"Hmm the beach ?"

"Yeah it was summer vacation, we'd go to the beach and Mom would always get strawberry ice cream for me from this favourite shop of her's and there would always be a customary picture as a family ....this is one of them "

"Your Dad, he seems ...different here"

My smile dropped.

"She was everything to him ....and without her he just gave up"

My face morphed to one of loss and wistful thinking.

"I wish she didn't.... die"

I looked around me, this whole house was once filled with laughs and warmth and now everything is broken with rats and dust to keep us company.

Tristan looked at me for a moment and then he turned his face away as if he didn't know what to say.

"Hey you don't have to worry about me, I'll be alright"

I said with a tiny reassuring smile.

"Yeah right.... of course"

He shook his head if to shake away negative thoughts.

"Are you alright Tristan"


We continued working in silence from then, I didn't understand what was going on in that head of his and at the the same time I didn't understand the small drop in my heart when he said that it was time for him to leave.

Was I getting too attached to Tristan?

I shouldn't be, he already had a girl and with the way my eyes always searched for him when he cleaned the next room and the way my stomach clenched and I smiled involuntarily when he smiled at the family pictures I knew that if I continued down this path my heart will be broken into a thousand painful pieces.

Stay away Rose, stay away from Tristan Sky.

Author's note:

I have nothing special to say today... jingle bells jingle bells jingl- ... Ananya stop being weird. That's right my real name is Ananya and its means unique. What is your name?