Rose wanted the freedom of the wind so that she could fly past her worries and desires. Tristan wanted the same thing except he wanted one more.....invisibility. When the two meet in an unusual turn of events, dreams unlock and barriers fall off but what stories await them? How will they survive the obstacles of life.....only one way to find out.
Life was wiped out by one choice.... one man's decision. I still couldn't grasp the fact that he...
My hands tightened around the pillow, a whimper breaking out like an animal twisted in a foothold trap.
I lost everything.
I felt his hand tightening around my torso from behind... as if he wanted to let me know that I wasn't alone.
That this night would pass away like any other and all I needed to do was hold on long enough to survive tonight.
But I knew...
I knew this night would never go away.... this n-night, it would stay to haunt me for the next week... next month... years... decades...
I love this. I mean; the first chapter alone was 💥 mind blowing. You show such professionalism and its admirable. I mean; damn youve got skills. Wel done. Aider cares😘❤🙌💯 Good one [img=recommend]
Hi! Author here... I hope with all my heart that my book will be loved by you... Feel free to comment and tell me what you feel about the book❤ tarastone_ ps- there is an instagram page dedicated to dreams and ashes called _t.a.r.a.s.t.o.n.e_ to follow Rose and Tristan's life beyond the pages of a book. Hope your day will be Rosiful❤
The synopsis screams adventures and romance so I got curious for what was about to come ❤️ the novel is great and amazing as well as the author ❤️ keep up the good work ❤️
Reveal Spoiler
The descriptions in this story is absolutely amazing. I am able to vividly imagine everything that is going on. The very first chapter in this story was quite the attention grabber... The attention to detail. Good job author.
I love the characters dream. It's an amazing amd rare dreams. They also have good reason of why they want it. Well, I can say that the author really did well. It captured my attention!❤
I'm hooked, the first chapter is really realistic and your writing WOW I look forward to reading this. Good writer wuth a great story ♡°♡°♡°
I'm currently reading it and I love it. It literally caught my attention.great job! Keep it up I'm looking forward to read more! Nicely done!
I love a good romance story, it's always feels good to read a good love story. This novel is great. The trails Rose and Tristan face is what every love story entails. Two people from two different background wanting two different things. I can't wait for more♥️♥️
What happened to Rose’s mom is sad, imagine her being with her drunk father all the time. I cant even imagine what kind of part Rose would be in!!
Oh, that book cover! Its really apt. Loved the way the author described the synopsis. Great storyLine. What can I say? Im partial to the name Rose. The author did a fine job of expressing each character.
This genre is not typically my cup of tea; however, the author had created a story that is both captivating and angelic. I love how poetic and lyrical the passages are. It is a professional form of prose that I praise deeply. This novel is a perfect example of a prolific and passionate author. Great work. I will certainly continue reading.
bruh this book is too good to be true. that's why I was wondering why wasn't my own book getting good reviews and all lmao keep up the good work!
I love it. your writing skills are good! I read your chapter 1 and I love how the story goes as well. I love the background and the plot is intriguing. it was very promising to read. good job author. keep it up!
This story was a blast! The author had done a good job writing this kind of story. With the way he delivers every word, describing each scenes and the flow of it was nearly perfect! Keep up the good work, author❤❤❤