20: Hope is a dirty business

"I think its time we go back home", my voice gravelly to mine own ears.

I raised my head from his shoulder and looked at him.

"Are you sure?"

I let out a breath, my mind turning chaotic again at the prospect of facing Dad.

"I don't really have a choice"

His hand wrapped around mine, "You saved his life... don't ever feel guilty about that"

I tried to smile but I couldn't so I just nodded my head.


We got up from the ground and dusted ourselves.

Tristan reached for my hand and we walked down the forest together.

I think he was being so protective to support me and I couldn't help but feel grateful to the universe for showing him to my life.

I tightened my hand on his as we walked down a slope and reached the bike.

"Buckle up"

He gave me my helmet and I fastened it, mounting the bike to sit behind him.

"You need to teach me to ride bikes someday"

"Someday...definitely, hold tight"

His sexy grin showed an appearance for a moment.