32: Night to some

And that's how on that fateful day, I ended up in front of Ms. Wong's house.

The sky was black, the day was over.

But mine was just beginning.

My heart raced.

"Are you sure?", asked Tristan.

I took a deep breath and let it out.

"I have no other choice"

I looked at him. He nodded his head.

Let's do this...

I was risking the lives of Ms. Wong and Mi, but this is good for everyone if all goes well.

I hope...I hope...I hope.

"Let's go"

Heartthumpingthumpingthumping we rushed up the stairs.

I rang the doorbell. Ms. Wong... Jennie, although I never call her that... opened the door.

"Hell's bells look who's decided to show her face. You look like you got run over by a train, girl".

No... did I?

But there wasn't time for explanations.

"Ms. Wong, I need your help"

She looked surprised for a moment then flicked her hand in my companion's direction.

"Who's the boy?"

"He's my friend"