I ran up the stairs and rushed for class.

It was first period and no one was in the hallways.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Shannon and Ryder walking hand in hand, their pace showing no need to hurry... how were they like that?

My eyes left them and landed on another person.... Tristan, he was already looking at me.

"Hi", I waved to him.

My voice was almost inaudible since I knew he couldn't hear me from the other side of the room.

He bit his lips and waved back,"Hi".

His voice was inaudible too but I saw his lips move.

This was the person I spoke to for about two hours last night.... with his girlfriend.

And here I was with a racing heart.

I looked down to my feet and started walking again and at the exact same moment Shannon decided to call out for me.

"Hey Rose! Come over here"

No God.

I took a shuddering breath and started walking towards the group of four.

"Hey so were just talking about the trip and Rose...", Shannon turned to me," would be joining us"

I blushed and looked down feeling overwhelmed with the attention, "I-I mean if you guys are OK with it"

"We're totally fine with it", smiled Shannon.

"I mean really... does she have to come? I don't mean to be rude... but she's kinda... boring"

Ruby's words made the whole group turn silent.

"Umm.... I-I well I w-wouldn't come then it's fi-", I shook my head, my face turning red.

Why would she say that...

"No she's not boring Ruby she's smart and fun, you just have to.... know her", filled in Tristan breaking the silence. He tried to catch my eyes and I took them off the floor and looked at him.

His lips were curved up in the tiniest of smiles and there was a certain sparkle to his eyes... like he actually believed what he said. And it made me happy, at least one person has the capacity to have faith in me.


He shrugged and said nonchalantly,"No need to thank me you're ... pretty cool".

After having said what he said he reverted back to his shell. And I saw that and it hurt.... why would he want to hide from me.

What would he want hidden from me?

He mentioned to have had problems that made him vary of trusting someone but I somehow hoped that he would trust me.

I parted from the group half hearted and went back to class.

Last night we spoke volumes about so much and standing next to him now made me just ..a little bit happy and less alone.

Classes went by and I played with the pendant on my neck.... my mind a few thousand miles away from Bloomsville High.

At lunch I sat with Tristan and his friends.... Shannon's doing and human company turned out to be quite enjoyable.

Logan was definitely the calm, practical one of the three and Ryder was the joker.

Tristan brooded his way through lunch... yeah definitely the broody one of the group.

We would share looks once a while but not say anything in acknowledgement.

I don't think anybody even knew that we spoke to each other.

"And he had to get dunked with ice....", Ryder chortled like a pig.

"I had to? I was forced to, you lost the bet and I PAID THE PRICE", Logan was furious.

"What can I say, should have run faster princess"

Everyone at the table laughed while Logan scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah like he can beat a turtle if he tried", came Tristan's snide comment while he put a french fry on his mouth.

"Shut up f***s"

I shook my head and chuckled.

Maybe I could fit in...

School got over and I planned to head back home as fast as possible.

I haven't been focusing on my studies as much as I wanted to and I wished to catch up. Also, I was trying to summon up the confidence to confront my Dad.

I needed to talk to him about the money, my future plans, our future...

I was terrified.

Walking down the stairs of my school, I cracked my knuckles and took out the phone to call him.

My heart beat very hard as I waited for him to pick up and the call went to voice mail.

I let out a breath and tried again, my feet bouncing on its own to shake up some stress.

It went to voice mail.

Maybe he was at his new work place...?

I could feel my anxiety kicking in, the intense need to find out whats going on but I shoved those feelings to the back of my mind and pushed my feet to walk back home.

No... that.... I can't do that... the anxiety was too much and I called him again because it became physically impossible for me to stop thinking him.

He picked up the call.


"Rose? How good to hear your voice again... did you miss me?"

I shiver went down my spine.... this wasn't Dad.

I fisted my hands.

"Who is this?"

"Don't you remember me?... Next time your house will burn" and a sadistic laugh came from the other side of the phone.

I remembered that voice.... that voice that has been plaguing and haunting my memories countless times since the first time I heard them.

...The man with the phoenix tattoo...

"What do you want... where's my Dad?", my voice was ice cold.

"Oh the old man's here.... one month is up kid"

My eyes widened .... I had forgotten... today is the day our time line ends.

I gulped.

"I'll come to Bear's"

The call ended and I wasted no time.

I wasn't scared to die, I wasn't scared to be homeless.

I was scared to lose my Dad... my only family.

Right now fire flowed through my blood because I wanted to protect him, take him away from everything that hurts.


I looked up to see Tristan.

"Is everything OK , I saw you on the phone with someone and you looked worried"

I should tell him.... he might know where Bear's is.

"Do you know where Bear's is", I asked without wasting a second.


"Take me"

Author's note


Question: Who says this in which movie.... you've seen this movie...