22: Something Special

I stared at the open screen of the laptop...

It had been 4 hours since I fought with Dad, and I haven't gone down stairs ever since.

My stomach grumbled and my hands shook from hunger but I refused to go down for some reason.

I was angry at him and I knew that but the fog of dread had engulfed me again making me blind to any kind of emotion. Something on the bed rang.

My phone.....

I ignored it.

At this moment, the pendant on my chest was the only thing keeping me afloat and my.... laptop.

There was a picture of Mom and I in our front yard, hugging each other.... smiling.

I wished she was here with right now, to help me find out what was right and wrong.... Did I actually mess up in my hassle to save Dad? Would he ever forgive me?

Am I a good daughter?

There was a knock on the door.


It was Dad.

I didn't respond.... feeling the sudden urge to turn invisible.

He cleared his throat from the other side of the door.

"Sweetie I bought you dinner"