11: Moody

I had a bitter mood after the last conversation with Dad.

Our future had never been more uncertain and all I wanted was to wake up and realise all of this was a bad dream and everything's alright.

I looked up to the sky... it was a cold day tonight far colder than usual and strangely I just didn't have it in me to enjoy nature today.

I just wanted to sleep.

In school I moved along the sea of children like a speck.. an unnoticed dust.

I couldn't concentrate on my classes either because every one minute my mind would replay the image of rats scuttling the floor and a burning house.

It was lunchtime and I was sitting in the bleachers with a tray of untouched food.

"Hey it's pretty cold huh", the guy with the chocolate eyes sat next to me.

"I like it"

"You're freezing", he said amused.


He shook his head as if to say no,"Wear this".

He removed his jacket and gave it to me.

I didn't want to turn it down so I wore it and to be honest I didn't mind.

"Was your Dad home last night"

"Yeah he was.. he's getting better", I told him in a it's all alright voice.

He nodded his head.

"You know I actually have been wanting to show you something so will you come with me tonight"

I smiled," What is it?"

"It's a surprise" and he came closer, our noses almost touching.

"I just want you to relax you know with everything going on"

I smiled he's such a caring friend... probably my only friend.



We looked up at the intruder to find that boy who hangs around Rose sometime.

"Hey", said Rose.

"You mind me joining you guys"

Yes I do.

"It's alright you can" said Rose.

I let out a sigh.. Rose is too kind sometimes.

"So whats up"

"Nothing we were just you know talking"

He nodded,"Tristan right?"

"Yeah you're.."


I nodded uninterested.

We made small talk as we ate lunch, nothing too complicated, every once awhile someone would crack a joke and Rose would laugh.

And I'll catch myself staring everytime she does.

Rose was just Rose that brown haired girl with dark circles under her eyes and rosy cheeks with a million thoughts speeding her mind faster than she could capture.

The fact that she could smile with a heavy heart makes me so I don't know...

Unable to stay away from her maybe...

And what that fact entails makes me want to run far away from her.


School got over and I went straight home. Dad was there so I cut his hair for him and shaved his beard.

"How do I look?", he said.

"I have to say you have a pretty face inside"

"Pretty? Your Dad's hot child", I smiled at his cockiness...I missed it.

He looked at the mirror with his chin between his right hand.

"Hmm not bad... come here sweetie"

He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into it. I am so grateful that he is with me right now breathing, healthy and wanting to make a change and I'll work really hard to show him that I care too.

After showering I put on fresh clothes and went off to work.My phone pinged and I smiled involuntarily.

Tristan- Hi


Tristan- You ready for tonight's surprise.

I smiled.

Rose- What is it??

Tristan-You'll see

Rose- Uh huh

Tristan- I'll pick u up from the diner at 8


I reached the Diner, changed to my work clothes and started taking orders.I think the success of our Diner is because of the approach we had to food in itself. Every new dish is first tested by Mrs.Wong herself and later served to the customers . And every dish has a signature beverage that goes with it which Mrs Wong herself picks up. All the alcohol in our store is what she buys spending lots of money and once a while I'll hear her complaining about the expenses.

I helped Mi with the homework and fed my baby kitten.

I kissed his little head and whispered him goodbye.

When shift was done with I walked out the door and saw him leaning against his motorbike hoodie up, a dangerous grin on his face.