Act 1

Lily is a 28-year-old girl who works as a librarian in their local library. She isn’t like the girls in their town, other girls would go out on parties and going to malls every weekend the stereotypical-teenage-habits. But Lily is different from all of them, she always kept to herself and spending most of her time reading books, and taking a stroll in parks and enjoying what nature has to offer. One day while working, she was reading the latest news in the papers “Escaped convicted murderer as found dead” was the first thing she read. Interested, she scanned the news further, apparently Joseph Andrews was charged with 7 counts of child murder. Moving from town to town and was caught in the neighboring town. He escaped however when he was being transferred to a maximum-security prison. He knocked out one of the guards holding and headbutted the other one before he sprinted out in to the woods. He body was later found mangled and was ripped to the point where he wasn’t recognizable anymore. His remains were found near the abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods. The only thing the police knew that it was him is the torn clothes he wore that day. They didn’t figure out what happened or who did this to him. They took the body to the forensics team for further examinations. Lily was shocked upon reading this; she knew where that mansion was and she sometimes go to that place to read especially when she is reading horror stories. She always immersed herself when she is reading and that place was her go to place where she reads her assortment of books. That house was said to be haunted and some people saw a dark figure walking around and several people were reported to be missing or just disappeared near the woods of that abandoned mansion. But this was just an urban legend so she didn’t give it much thought

It was a few weeks later since the day of the tragedy and everyone somehow forgot the gruesome ordeal. Lily was no different, she continued her day as usual going to work on weekdays and chilling on weekends. On Monday however she was working overtime because the night shift was not feeling well and since Lily needed the extra cash, she volunteered to cover the night shift for 3 weeks and she would work until 10 pm. The night was boring compared to the morning shift because there were less people around usually students studying overnight. When 10 pm came she spoke through the microphone and told the few people in the library to exit the premises, this routine went well until the 3rd week of her night shift. She was walking to her apartment when she noticed some eyes on her across the street, two guys were looking at her. She didn’t mind it at first but when she passed by them that’s we the two men started to walk, this unnerved her slightly so she walked a little faster. The two noticed this and they matched her pace while switching lanes. When she saw this she immediately ran as fast as she can, the two men followed after her. She outran two so she ran through the woods, she thought that she could lose them in the trees and they would just give up but they still followed her. She knew the woods well because of the years being in there and so she went to the abandoned mansion. She ran the route still the two men hot on her heels and without a second thought she ran inside, she thought that they wouldn’t go inside because of reputation of being haunted. She closed the door behind her and ran up the stairs, when she was at the top, she waited a bit to see if the two were still chasing after her and surprisingly enough the two busted through the door. She continued to run hoping to find an opened door to hide in. While she was running, she can notice something in her peripheral vision something moving but when she looked, she saw nothing there. She continued to find a hiding spot and finally found an opened door at the end of the hall. She went in and closed that door it was a small room but filled with boxes and crates, she blocked it with anything she could grab. After that she hid in the corner and waited intently for any signs of the two men. She heard them opening doors and yelling things like “Where are you missy?” and “We just want to talk to you that’s all”. After a few minutes finally arrived at the room she was hiding, they tried twisting the knob but it would budge they then tried to ram the door with their shoulders. Lily was scared out of her mind while listening to the two men forcing their way through still yelling. “We know you are there missy, come out before we get angry” one of the men said. “And you don’t want to make us angry” yelled the other. Lily sat and cried hoping that they would just give up and leave her alone. Sadly, with a final kick the door eventually gave in. The boxes and crates flew to the walls, the two men walked in slow and menacingly “Hello missy, you shouldn’t have blocked that door now were angry” one of them said. “Now you we are going to have some fun” the other one snarled. She screamed and cried for help, but the men covered her mouth and grabbing her so she could move. They were almost ripping her cloths of when suddenly she saw a black tentacle wrapped around one of the man’s torso. Before they could process what was happening, he was thrown to the wall with a loud thud. The other man turned his head and was met with a terrible sight, there was a dark figure standing in the door frame. It was like it was wearing a hooded cloak darker than the night, it was covering its entire body and coming out under it were long eel-like tentacles that were flailing around in different directions. Before the man could react, the creature grabbed him by his torso along with his arms and raised him up hitting his head and pinning him on the ceiling. It walked towards Lily slowly, it walked like it was gliding on the floor. She was frozen from sight of the creature now inches from her. She could move nor speak, she just watched as the thing neared its hooded visage. Their eyes met and she was able to see its facial feature if there were any. It only two glowing white orbs for eyes, it opened its gapping mouth to reveal teeth that looked like smaller version of sharks serrated teeth. It looked at lily like it was observing her very soul, learning who she was. She felt disturbed but safe at the same time like he sensed a benevolent aura in the creature that made her think it was saving her.