Act 2

Their traced was disrupted when the other man who was earlier thrown to the wall was charging and armed with a bat he was carrying. He brought it down to the creature’s head with a loud crack followed the other half of the bat falling into the floor. It was a good swing but the creature was unphased by this and it looked him dead in the eye. He backed away from shock and attempted to run but before he could do just that one of the creature’s long tentacle of shadow pierced his chest. Lily covered her mouth upon seeing this still crying from what is transpiring. Then it looked towards her again and she thought she will be also killed by this monster, she prepared for the worst but it didn’t come. Instead of its appendage impaling her, she heard a voice. “Do not be afraid” it said. It had what she thought to be a male voice but echoes every time it uttered a word. “I am not going to harm you” again it said. This mad Lily open her eyes to see that it was just looking that her. As she met it gaze once more it spoke “leave this place now, you are not safe here.” It stood and from its dark body it formed an arm that pointed towards the door. Lily didn’t hesitate and now with adrenaline flowing in her body she stood up and sprinted as fast as she could passing the creature and smacking the still impaled man on the head. She didn’t stop until she was out of the mansion, as she ran, she could hear the slowly fading screams of the two men along with the sounds of flesh tearing and bones breaking. She ran and ran until she made it to her apartment, she opened the door and closed it with a force she didn’t know she had. She leaned her back against the door and slumped down on the floor sobbing on her knees. After that she changed her clothes and walked to her bed exhaustedly. She woke up the next day with a mild headache, she grabbed her phone from the night stand and saw that it was 8 am she has to open the library at 9:30. She got out of bed and she noticed her clothes was on the floor. The memories of what happened last night hit her like a truck. It was all real, her attempted violation and the creature. She sat on her bed again as she felt noxious at the thought. Thirty minutes as gone by after she stood up, put the clothes on the laundry and got ready for work. As she walked to the library, she could get thoughts out her mind and what the thing told her. The creatures voice played a constant loop on her brain causing her to lose focus on her work, she even ignored a guy who was going to borrow a book for a whole 5 minutes. She only noticed him when she grabbed her mug of coffee, she apologized and continued to tend to his book. She managed to set her thought aside and continued the day as normal. Her nightshift was over by then and she was able to go home early, as she passed by the part of the woods where she ran through to get to the mansion. She contemplated on whether to go back or not but she decided that it wasn’t the time to do so because it was almost 5 pm. After supper she watched a little television before she got to bed, however she stopped upon arriving in the news channel. “Two men were found dead in the middle of the woods” the headline announced, apparently a couple was hiking in the woods and noticed something lying in the grass. The couple went check out what was going on and was met with a gruesome sight, two corpses mangled and were torn to pieces. They reported it to the police after that they were still couldn’t explain who or what did this to them but Lily knew the whole story. After that she decided that she would go back to the mansion after the tension of the murder subsided. After a week on her free day, she returned to the woods and followed the trail to the mansion. It was in the middle of the day so she assumed that the creature would not come out. When she arrived at the location, she first scanned the area for any signs of someone lurking around. After that she slowly walked towards the door, she grabbed the handle and twisted it slowly so it doesn’t make a sound. She opened the door with a faint creek, she went inside and scanned her surroundings. Even in the middle of the day the lobby was dark and the air was filled with dust, she grabbed her flashlight from her back so she could see better.

The lobby wasn’t that large of a mansion but bigger than a regular house living room, she saw the stairs she climbed when she was being chased and notice that it was stylishly divided in two separate stairs. “Classy” she thought to herself and continued retracing her steps to the room where she hid in. As she walked, she had an unnerving feeling of someone watching her from a distance and noticing moving figures from out of her peripheral vision. The memories came flooding in as she found the door where she hid, she grabbed the handle attempting to open it but she paused however by a feeling of something standing behind her. She froze upon noticing this and she knew what it was she slowly turned her head and there behind her was the dark hooded creature looking down on her. She screamed and jumped away hitting the her back against the door, she raised her arms in defense and expected the worst. It took a second before she realized that the thing didn’t attack her. She opened her eyes to see that it was just standing there and was looking at her. Even with its blank stare she could see the look of confusion in its orb like eyes and the she heard it “You are brave for coming here alone, why did you return? each word echoing as it spoke. “I’ve come to know why did you help me? What did you do to those men from weeks ago and what are you?” she spoke fear was noticeable in her voice. “Curious, you are afraid of getting killed by a monster but still chose to return for answers? You are either brave or foolish, or maybe both” it said with a visible smirk on its face. Lily was slightly offended by this without her realizing she replied with “Excuse me? First, I am not foolish, I am brave. Second, I came here because I wanted to know how could a thing like you even exist and why would you help me?!?!” she covered her mouth after that and fear enveloped her once again.