Act 4

They took the risk and they immediately gathered the materials and location to perform the healing but they didn’t know that they were being watched, they were in the middle of it when they heard people outside their door but they didn’t stop even when they heard a loud banging at the door. they didn’t have any choice the incantation had already been disturbed by the constant yells outside so they hid little Xavier in the attic and secured it. The next time thing he heard were the screams of his family, he climbed up the window and watched as angry mob dragged them and tying their hand and covered their heads. The he saw the villagers were preparing ropes and you know very well what happened next.” The heard someone trying to open the door, he grabbed a long black cloak covered himself in it and hid in the corner just as the door flew open. He tried his hardest to not make a sound. Three men climbed up to the attic and was scanning the room trying to find the him.” “Did they find him?!” Lily interjected clearly engaged in the story. It took a glance at her and Lily blushed and looked back at the portrait. The creature continued “The men was nearing his hiding spot and he was shacking from fear, they found him huddled in the cloak and was crying softly. Before they could grab him, they noticed something wrong, his body was radiating with a dark aura and was shivering then one of the men tried to grab him but before he could put his hand on him a black tentacle wrapped around his hand. This made the man reel back from shock and before he could do anything, another black appendage pierced his skull spraying blood on the two other men faces.

Lily had a sudden realization upon hearing this part of the story but it continued. “As the body of their companion slumped into the floor, they could only watch in horror as the boy became something out of this world, he became a monster.” The creature was visibly angry at this point the dark aura from his body had become more ominous and his tentacles were extending around him. Lily was backing away slightly her eyes still at the creature that she now known as Xavier. He was nearing the end of story “As the men backed away, I looked at them with hate and my body was filled with a rage I couldn’t control. As I screamed in anger, they too in fear and everything when black after that. The next thing I saw was the mangled bodies of the two men, the walls were coated with their blood then he heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I hide in the shadows once more. I watched them climb up and saw the corpses of the three men in terror. I caused a ruckus in the room so they would leave. As they returned to the town, I cut my family’s dead bodies from their ropes and buried them as best as I could after that I spent the rest of my days in this mansion alone, feeding of the souls of those who I find suitable. Lily was still processing what Xavier told her, this when her fear for him returned yet she still stood near him and was able to say something to him “So this is what happens when the spell is not done properly?” she asks nervously. At this point, Xavier was calm enough to reply to her, he placed his head on the portrait and said “The book stated that if ever the spell was not executed properly, that person being ritualized will be shrouded in darkness and will be hideously morphed. Another effect is that it will continue to live until the spell in active.” “That’s why you are still alive after all these years.” Lily interjected. “Indeed” Xavier simply replied. “If the book had the incantation that made you into this then it might have a way to return you back to normal” she said with a smile. “Even if that’s the case, I couldn’t understand or perform the spell on my own, I was still a toddler back then.” he said. “Maybe I could help you find a solution. If there really is a way, we would be able to find it.” Xavier looked at her inquisitively and slowly came towards her. “Why are you helping me?” he said. “Well, you deserve a second chance for a normal life and also you saved me so it’s only fitting that I would help you find a way.” Xavier pondered for a second before replying “Very well then but I must warn you it is a dangerous task you are putting yourself into.” “I have my ways” she said with a smirk before continuing “This will work and beside you are going to help me figure this one out, now where is this book of incantations you speak of.”

Xavier blankly looked passed her as he was recalling where he last saw the old tome. After a full minute, he flew passed Lily and down the stairs then she followed him soon after. They reach the bottom and entered a section of the house that looked like it was the living room. Lily was scanning the room as they went in clearly admiring the sturdiness and beauty of the house even for its age. Xavier stopped near the bookshelf and Lily bumped into him breaking her trance of admiration for the room. “Hey! watch it” she piped up, “Pretty but easily distracted” he replied with a smirk. Lily blushed again and quickly changed the subject “Why did you stop anyway?”. Xavier didn’t reply but he materialized an arm and grabbed a book from the top of the bookshelf. “Here it is, my mother’s book of incantations” he said while handing Lily the book. “Wow, how does is this possible, after all these years it still in great condition” she said amazed. “I do not know how it is preserved for all these years, but I theorized that as long as one individual is still affected by one of its spells it will live on alongside that person to give them a chance to find a solution.” Xavier said. “Well at least we know there’s a chance to bring you back to normal” Lily said confidently. Xavier just looked at her and was still trying to figure out why she was doing this. “Very well then if you’re so determined on this, I’ll leave the book in your capable hands and it’s getting dark so you should get going before you get into trouble again.” he said while he slowly glided passed her. Lily looked on her watch to see that it was 4:30 in the afternoon, she sighed and headed to door. Xavier was halfway at the stairs at this point and stopped to watched Lily went out but before she did, she also glazed back at him and gave a polite wave and closed the door.