Xavier was stunned at the gesture; all the years he was feared by the people he once knew and from others he once saved but that girl made him realize not all of them only judges the book by its cover. When Lily arrived at her apartment, she quickly went in, close the door behind her, fire up her computer and started to learn more on the history of the Livingston Family mainly the mother because she was the last descendant of the supposed ancient healers and might find a clue on how the book works possibly know how to revert Xavier back to being human again. Luckily, her computer was programmed the same way as the library computer did and can access some historical notes and documents. She quickly searched for the Livingston Household and its members and was able to find a biography for all of them including Xavier. It contains some information about each. she clicked on Xavier’s name first and it only that said that “He was the youngest son of Richard and Elizabeth Livingston and he somehow caught an ill with an unknown disease that caused his early and slow death.” She returned to the main page and quickly clicked on his mother Elizabeth and then she hit the jackpot. Her page had more information about the herself and her family. She ignored the ones about the Livingston and was aiming to find some information about her ancestors and also hoping some information on the mysterious book. She almost scrolled through the whole page but eventually she felt tired and decided that she would continue first thing in the morning, then she got ready for bed.
The next morning, Lily woke up with feeling energized and jumped out of bed. She made herself some breakfast and hurried to the computer and continued her search. She once again scrolled through the information in the page but she couldn’t seem to find her mother’s tribe of origin but when she was about to surrender, she noticed a something peculiar. At the lower part of Elizabeth’s name was her information and below it there was a section about where she grew up and who was her parents. Lily slapped her forehead in frustration and said “How could I missed that.” She quickly read the information and she noticed that there was a name “Nature’s Purist” was underlined signaling that it can be clicked on and she did just that. It opened another tab and she waited for it to load; it took a while but a few minutes later it revealed an article. It said that the tribe was called the “Nature’s Purist” and was natives in the town before it was built. When the town was found and they their new ways of living they were forced to live the woods. They specialized in healing and restoring dead trees in their area. It also said that during the construction of the town, the people ran out of wood for their houses and decided to cut down some trees in the nearby forest. They didn’t know that the trees there were protected by a powerful curse and whomever will cut them down prematurely with suffer a horrible illness. Lily had a theory on what this illness was but she wasn’t sure then she continued, when one of the men cut down a tree with the curse he immediately started to dizzy and a few minutes he started to vomit uncontrollably. Another man came to his rescue and right after he touched his shoulder, he too began to undergo the same symptoms and then the cycle continued, whom ever touched the infected the cursed will pass on to them regardless of whether they cut a tree or not. Lily’s theory was correct, it was the town’s plague of the 18th century. It lasted for months and the people didn’t know what to do but one of loggers was running out of the woods told the mayor that there were people in the woods and assumed that they were the cause of this plague. They went and asked for their help to stop the disease that was killing their people, the elder agreed and the tribe created a cure. When the townsfolk were cured, the mayor and the elder swore that they would share the land and to not bother each other. This pact when on for years and somehow got stronger, some of the tribesman moved to the town and were gladly accepted but not all were fond of this unity and claimed that they would bring another curse upon them. The mayor reassured them and told them that they mean them no harm, some calmed down and agreed but others were relentless.
The date wasn’t stated but there had been a war between the town and the tribe because of same problem they had before but only this time it was different mayor who was in charge and it was one of people who disagreed having their tribesmen in their town. They fought with guns, spears and swords eventually the tribe lost and was forced further in to the woods, never to return again. She was awestruck upon learning this after pondering for a second, she scrolled further down and was able to find an image, it a catalogue of the tribe’s native language and alphabet. Lily was filled with excitement when she read that it was stored in the library. She got dressed and headed to the library, she ran across the neighborhood with speed she didn’t know she once used. When she arrived, she someone observing the place after turning around. “Lily, just the girl I wanted to see! he said. She spotted just a few feet away from him before saying “Mat? Is that you? What ae you doing here? With a surprised tone. “Well, I was planning my next “Myth Busting Episode” here and I’ve heard that you were the local librarian so came here to see you”. Lily eyed him for a moment after hearing this, Mat was her would-be-fiancé right after she caught him cheating on another girl a week after he proposed to her. They were laughing, flirting and kissing like nobody’s business when she saw them. She still remembered how she dumped him by throwing her engagement ring and hitting him square in the eye, embarrassing him in the entire restaurant and they never spoke since until now. “I can’t believe you have the guts to show your face to after what you did.” she said angrily. “Woah! Woah! That’s why I here to say sorry and to make amends.” “Is that so?” she said sarcastically “Yes! I am and I want for us to start over again.” he said. “You think I am going to fall for your dumb alibies? Well guess what I am not that girl anymore.” She passed by him and was heading to the library but Mat grabbed her arms and continued to plead while kneeling down. “Please give me a chance to prove myself to you.” he said desperately. Lily rolled her eyes and pulled her arm from his hold.