People Staring

Thank you guys for reading this far guys, I really appreciate it.... Am gonna make the book more spicy so keep reading to see What's gonna happen next.

Am thinking of ending the book soon also and end it at chapter 20 and after that am gonna publish one of my other books that am currently working on.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!!


As Ryan started his bike a huge grin made it way on my face showing off all my whites.

"Hold on kitten cause we're about to take my baby for a spin," Ryan said cockily.

I wrapped my arms around Ryan's torso tightly and securely after he uttered those words.

"You better not kill us both Ry," Charlie whispered sweetly.

"We haven't had any children together as yet, and get this I maybe many things but I'm definitely not a murdere Ryan stated seriously.

I didn't need a mirror to know that my face looked like a tomato because I felt my cheeks heated up seconds ago after Ryan muttered such comment. I know what he was doing though, he's only saying those sweet things to make me fall in love with him so he can win but that won't happen,well at least I hope.

The breeze was refreshing and relaxing as it smashed against the hairs on my skin, and also causing my hair to fly all over in the air blowing out my curls, but luckily I carried a brush in my bag just in case things like this happens.

15 minutes later

As Ryan pulled up into the schools parking lot I removed my hands from Ryan's torso, I actually think I left a mark on it due to how tight I was holding on him. I heard him yelp in pain when he was riding but I don't wanna die at least not today.

"With that speed you could have killed us both," Charlie hissed while climbing off the bike back.

"I love it when you get mad you look so cute when you do," Ryan stated with a smile.

"Lets get going hun," Charlie stated softly.

"Not before doing this you have to give daddy some sugar first," Ryan stated with a smirk.

"What are you talking abo__________," Charlie didn't get to finish her conversation because Ryan interrupted her.

I was surprise when Ryan smashed his soft lips to mine,I was shock at first until i felt him sucked on my bottom lip for a few seconds before I felt him bite my top lip gently asking for permission to graze his tongue in my mouth and I gladly grant him his wish and opened my mouth slightly so our tongue could attack each other.

Few minutes later Ryan broke the kiss leaving me disappointed that his lips left mine causing me to pout, The idea that we were at school then flashed in mind causing me to go numb.I quickly turned my head to look if anyone was watching, I nearly fainted as I saw the whole school staring down at us. Some of them were shocked, some looked disgusted and some were smiling and of course gossiping not like am surprised or anything.

"Babe we've now cast a scene, how am I going to go throughout my classes today without people gossiping," Charlie asked with a pout.

"Don't worry I'll be by your side so you don't have to worry my love, remember we're in every class together," Ryan said with his eye brows raised while smirking at the same time.

"Is it the first time you guys are seeing a couple kissing before," Ryan asked the students that were staring.

I watch as the students rushed inside of the school upon hearing Ryan's comment, I don't know why today had so many surprises but one thing for sure it won't end well. God please help me go through today without fainting or worse throwing up, Ryan's voice made me come back to reality.

"Lets get to class before Mr. Smith gets mad," Ryan stated with a serious face.

"Your right, and that reminds me I have choir practice today," Charlie stated with a bright smile.

"I'll stay and watch, besides am your ride home anyways so I don't see why not," Ryan stated with a cheeky grin.

"I'd love that, now lets get going I have to stop by my locker and class will be starting in 5 minutes," Charlie stated before pulling Ryan forward.

It took us less than 1 minute to reach our locker and luckily ryan's locker was next to mine.

"Bitch why are you all over my man, you better back off before my girls finish u off," a unknown person said with disgust.

"Hoe please, there are a lot of fish in the sea so if he wanted out I wouldn't stop him, but am pretty sure Ryan wouldn't be so stupid to fall for a low class brat like you, Charlie spoke up with distaste"

"You better shut it, because you have no idea who your talking to and the name is Mackenzie by the way," Mackenzie stated.

"Oh so now am suppose to be afraid of you, girl please what could you possible do with those sticks you call hand," Charlie said bursting into laughter.

"She did not just insult me, take that back!" Mackenzie shouted angrily.

"Girl bye, I'd love to continue chit chatting but I have class to go to, so if you don't mind we'll have to continue this conversation some other time," Charlie said as she rolled her eyes.

Without waiting for the brat's response I grabbed my books out of my locker and closed it back with the combination, I pulled Ryan in the direction our class was at, he was staring at me in disbelief of what I probably said back. I know I was a bit harsh but I had to let out some of the pain that was inside, its not okay to do that but I can't help nor control it.

"Look before you judge me I couldn't keep my pain down any longer and i___, " Charlie gets interrupted.

"It's okay char I completely understand, no one ever talked to Mackenzie like that before so that's why am surprised how you stood up to her. I like girls who can stick up for themselves," Ryan spoke up truthfully.

"Thanks, but why are you being so nice to me," Charlie asked curiously.

"I'd love to answer that question but we've reached Mr. Smith's class and we are just in time anyways so later on I'll answer your question," Ryan stated with a grin.


I hope you enjoy this chapter, I did a lot of editing but am going to check it back and edit back this chapter

Remember to vote, comment and like I always say if its possible share!!!

So questions:

Why do you think Ryan is been so nice?

Ryan and Charlie kissing again awws go team rychar!!!

Mackenzie has the cuts to say Charlie is taking her man wow

Ryan staying quite isn't that odd?

Does Ryan and Mackenzie has history together?

Who is Mackenzie ?

Who are Mackenzie girls?

Where is Carter?

You have to read the next chapter to find out.........

Peace out shout out to my fans and readers I really appreciate it all!!!