
Hey my lovely readers its been a few days since I last update a new chapter.

I hope your all doing well and I hope you guys are ready for a spicy chapter.



I didn't waste any time getting to my seat seeing that Ryan and I reached class pretty early which was quite surprising, And of course my seat is beside my boyfriend and my twin. Speaking of my twin I haven't heard from him in a few days. I called and texted him one hundred times but he didn't respond to any of my messages which must I say is quite odd, I hope everything is okay though. I'll go to his house after school to check up on him and if not today then tomorrow for sure. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't know that Mr. Brown entered the classroom, Until I lifted my head up off of my smooth desk and looked forward, The class settled down as Mr brown walked towards his chair with a serious face.

"Good morning class, I hope your guys are ready for some serious work this school year, oh and before I forget you guys will be getting your first test on Monday on everything that you've all learned so far," Mr Smith said with a stern face.

My lips curled upwards into a smile as I heard the word 'test', I looked over at Ryan to see a frown settled on his face causing me to smirk in the process, So me being me wrote a note on a paper and put it on his desk.

The letter from charlie

We could study together you know that right?

×××your babe×××

I watched as he place his usual smirk on his face while writing back.

*Letter from Ryan*

Oh, sweetheart your so kind i'd love to but I have stuff to do but next time for sure.

××× your only bf×××

Reading those words, I just nod to Ryan to signal him that I understand his situation but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Just a reminder, the persons inside here who are in the school's choir, I want you guys to meet with me in the music department after school, and start writing the notes off the board, I'll explain next everything next class because time is against us," Mr Smith said with a smile.

"Okay," the persons who are in the choir said in union.

As I finished writing off the notes off the board the bell rang signalling that first period was over, Lucky for me I had Social studies next, which was really a walk over.

"Students make sure you all study for your test and no one should come to class late on Monday, if you do I'll give you detention, Mr Smith said in a serious face."

Everyone walked swiftly out of the class to a different one, as for me I walked quickly to Mr. Thomas class.

I rolled my eyes as I saw Ryan strolling behind me while using his hand to comb out his messy soft hair any guy would die to have his hair if you ask me, As I reached my classroom door I heard my twin talking to a brunette. For a second I was shock but then a frown made made its way on my face replacing the genuine smile that was on my face that no one could remove very easily.

"Carter where have you been, why didn't you pick my calls, you didn't answer my text messages,you got me worried you ass," Charlie mind linked carter angrily.

"I've been helping dad move into his new house, don't get me wrong now I was too busy to call and text back and before I forget I have a surprise for you when you get home," Carter mind linked Charlie back saying with a small smile.

"Carter you know I hate surprises," Charlie spoke up with a serious face.

Before carter could reply back Ryan commented.

"Wait you guys are twins, how do you even know he has a surprise for you char," Ryan asked confused.

"Yes I do, Ryan this is my twin carter, Carter this is ryan my boyfriend," Charlie said feeling uncomfortable.

"Oh so this is the guy you wouldn't shut up about?" Carter said while wiggling his eye brows.

"Good things I hope," Ryan said while smirking at Charlie.

"Listen up guys am not getting detention for none of you guys, and to answer your question Mr rider we were mind linking its a twin thing, and you Mr brown I'll deal with your ass later," Charlie said before stomping away angrily.

Ryan POV

This girl doesn't even know what she's doing to me, I can't get her out of my head, every morning the first thing on my mind is that innocent face of hers, before I sleep she's my lost thought, honestly this girl is freaking me out and this is not like me, am Mr player am not the loyal type of guy but Charlie is pushing my buttons. I don't want to lose the game but I don't want to win either. My friends even started getting suspicious, but what can i say Charlie is flawless, smart, sexy, and she isn't afraid of what people might think or say and what I love the most about her is that she can stand up for herself, she's getting to my brain to the point where I watch her sleep at nights, am wondering how long this game is gonna go far. I know am the type of guy that makes it clear that no strings attach but this girl makes me wanna change.

End of Ryan's POV

5 hours later

I stretched my tender muscles seeing that they are sore from singing and dancing to songs I sang at class, During social studies class Ryan nearly got kicked out of the class for cursing bad words after Mr Thomas. Mr Thomas is nice so far, he teaches well and his smile is warm unlike Mr Smith who is always serious. Mr Smith is good looking he just needs to go easy on himself and smile. Am just stating the obvious its not like I have a crush on any of them.

School over early today at break unexpectedly. It was announced over the school microphone that some of the teachers have meeting. But I had to stay behind and went to practice in the music room with an annoying Ryan following behind me every step of the way.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter...

Am sorry I took this long to update am gonna try updating two days a week...

I'll update on Saturdays and Tuesday's...if i make any changes I will tell you.......

So questions:

Anyways what kind of surprise do you think carter has for charlie?

Charlie checking out her teachers is that odd?

Where is William moving to?

Ryan is changing awes

Do you think Ryan is in love with Charlie, if yes do you think Charlie loves him too?

Ryan getting soft ain't it?

Rebecca is too silent what do you think she's up to?

Ryan never talks about his mom nor dad why is this?

Read the next chapter to find out what will happen...

This chapter is fully edited but if you see any errors plz tell me in my inbox okay.

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Love yah!!