Three weeks later. Kasumi is doing homework in a room in the new apartment. She has headphones on and as she focuses on her work. She takes off her headphones and presses her index finger and her thumb to the bridge of her nose.
“You don’t seem to be doing well.”
“I’m doing just fine. I just…” Kasumi trails off. Kasumi continues rubbing the bridge of her nose. “I’m just worried.”
“About what?”
“My father. Who else?”
“I mean, if your father happens to take you back, he won’t be able to hurt you like before.”
“How do you know that?” Kasumi asks.
Kanai places a hand on Kasumi’s shoulder. Kasumi stops rubbing the bridge of her nose and stares straight ahead.
“Kasumi, you’re only weak when you tell yourself that you are.”
“I seem to tell myself that more often than not.” Kasumi scoffs.
“All you need to do is to believe in the strength that you have.”
“I’ll try.”
“Who are you talking to?” Sato peers into her bedroom door carefully. Kasumi jumps and spins to turn Sato as Kanai disappears.
“N-No one. What’s going on?” Kasumi asks.
“Nothing.” Sato looks down at the ground as Kasumi spins back to look at her work. Sato looks back up at Kasumi who’s back is now turned against him. “Would you maybe wanna do something later? Given that it’s your birthday and all.”
“That would be great.” Kasumi smiles.
“Get ready and then meet me downstairs. Happy 18th birthday, Kasumi.” Sato gives Kasumi a sincere smile before leaving her room. The scene cuts to Kasumi wearing a flannel with shorts and white high-top converse. “Where do you wanna go?”
“I’m happy as long as we don’t order take-out again.” They both lightly chuckle.
“Let’s go then.”
Ex is leaning on a wall across the street from Kasumi and Sato’s new apartment, observing the area and also following Sato and Kasumi. After Sato and Kasumi walk a fair distance away from Ex, he stops leaning on the wall and discreetly walks a distance behind them. He keeps his fedora covering his face in case Kasumi or Sato happen to look behind them. Ex carefully scans the environment again to spot four different men also following in the same direction dressed in black.
These guys again? Shit.
Sato and Kasumi walk out of a bakery. Sato is smiling and laughing at the things he’s saying while Kasumi looks preoccupied.
“You’re being followed again.” Kanai warns Kasumi.
“Hey, Sato. Can we go to the river?” Kasumi asks.
“Sure thing, Kasumi!” Sato smiles.
“Why did you do that? If you go to the river, you’re in more danger that way.” Kanai says.
We’re not being followed. Leave me alone.
Kasumi and Sato walk to the river with five people (including Ex) following closely behind. Kasumi falls to the ground next to the water.
“You alright?” Sato asks light-heartedly.
“You wore me down with all your talking.” Kasumi jokes.
“Pfft yeah right.” Sato smiles.
Sato sits down in front of the water, staring down at it in a serious way. Kasumi spots his behavior and sits up, slightly worried.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah I'm fine.” Sato smiles nervously.
“Please tell me, Sato. What's wrong?”
Silence falls between them, causing discomfort.
“I’m so scared, Kasumi.” Sato says in such a low tone that Kasumi barely manages to hear it.
“Scared of what?” Kasumi asks, concerned for her older brother.
“…of becoming him. Our father.” Tears begin building in Sato’s eyes as he thinks those horrible thoughts.
“Sato, you’re nothing like him.” Kasumi reassures. “There’s absolutely no way you’ll turn out like him. You’re so sweet and caring.”
“Mom told me that he was like this when he was younger too.” Sato continues. “One day, he just started hating you out of pure hatred and took it out on you by hurting you. What if that happens to me?”
“Sato, listen to me.” Kasumi sits up to where she’s right even with her brother, looking down at the water as well. “I don’t want to hear you say anything like that. Especially after you just saved my life and decided to take care of me just so that I don’t have to feel the pain anymore. I will be forever grateful for what you did.”
There’s a small pause of silence between them, this time, comfortable.
“And hey,” Kasumi adds, “we can now spend that money you’ve been saving up for on other things. Like good food.” Kasumi giggles at her teasing statement, making Sato smile. “Long story short, you’ll never be our father. You’re always going to be you. Just because you came from him doesn’t ever mean you’re going to be him. Got that?” Sato nods. “Someone great once told me, we’re all we need in this world.”
Sato chuckles and then quickly narrows his eyes and sharpens his hearing. Ex hides behind a tree, not only from Sato and Kasumi, but also from the four other men dressed in black.
“Sato-” Kasumi starts.
“Shh. Someone else is here.” Sato interrupts.
“Come on. We’re leaving.” Sato says in a quiet tone.
Both Kasumi and Sato stand. As soon as they turn around, the four men reveal themselves. Two of them hold guns with silencers. One of them shoots Kasumi in the knee and the other shoots Sato in the shoulder. Kasumi falls to the ground, holding her knee and grunting in pain.
“KASUMI!” Sato shouts.
Before Sato could rush to her, the two men not containing guns hold Sato back. The two men holding their guns approach Kasumi slowly.
“How does the boss want her?” One of the men asks.
“He wants her alive. Kill the brother. We don’t need him.”
One of the men with a gun turns to shoot Sato in the head. Sato is royally pissed and trying to get free.
“Kasumi.” Sato says, struggling.
Right before the man pulls the trigger, something zooms past, faster than light itself. Suddenly, the man’s hand detaches from his arm and flings to the ground along with the gun. The man starts screaming. Just then, the other three men’s heads quickly detach from their shoulders. Kasumi squirms on the ground as Sato frees himself from the dead men’s grip.
“Kasumi! Are you ok?” Before Sato could reach her, a flaming green sword stops him cold in his path.
“Stop right there. Whatever you do, do not touch her.” It’s Ex.
“Why not?! Put your sword down!” Sato yells.
“Duck.” Ex says.
Sato ducks and Ex swings his sword to slice the last man’s guts wide open, killing him instantly. Sato holds his shoulder in pain. Ex’s sword disintegrates and his clothes fade back to his normal clothes he was wearing beforehand.
“Come on. We all three have a lot to talk about.” Ex says.
“Kasumi can’t walk! Besides, why should we go with you?”
“Because there’s something I need to discuss with her specifically.” Ex says stoically. “There’s no way you’re just going to let her come with me, so I need you to come too. Besides, I have a kit at home that you can use. I’ll be able to help Kasumi.”
“How can we trust you?” Sato asks genuinely.
“Judging by the fact that one of these dumbasses mentioned a boss, there are definitely more of them out there. You don’t have a choice.” Ex says stoically.
Sato reluctantly looks to the ground, at Kasumi and then back at Ex who’s waiting impatiently.
“Fine. Have it your way. If you hurt her in any way, I’ll fucking kill you.” Sato looks Ex right in the eyes. “Got that?”
“Tch. Whatever. I’m not going to hurt her.” Ex holds out his hand to help Kasumi off the ground. “Climb on my back.”
“What! She’s not climbing on your back!” Sato abruptly stands up off the ground and then clutches his bleeding shoulder in pain.
“There’s no way she’s walking and you can’t carry her in your condition.” Kasumi loopily complies. Ex bends down and picks up Kasumi on his back. Her arms dangle over his shoulder. “Follow me.”
Sato scowls at Ex before silently agreeing.
“I’m not going to slow down for you. Keep up.” Ex adds.
“Don’t worry about me. Don’t drop her.” Sato replies.
“I’m not going to drop her, idiot. Shut up and keep following.”
Who in the hell does he think he is? Kasumi’s been through enough. Sato softens his gaze and then closes his eyes thoughtfully. Then again, he did save our lives. I just hope the bastard knows what he’s doing. Sato looks back over his shoulder at the four mutilated men behind him and then cringes. Who in the hell were they? Why were they coming after Kasumi? More importantly… Sato looks back forward at Ex. ...why is he helping us?
Ex leads Sato through the forest and to a small cabin surrounded by the woods.
“Where are we?” Sato asks.
“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?”
“Don’t insult me.”
Ex sighs and narrows his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it.” Ex says. “All you need to know is that I own this place.”
Sato rolls his eyes and follows Ex inside. The small cabin is somber with very little decoration. However, it’s also very pristine and on point.
“Don’t touch anything and don’t get your blood on the furniture.” Ex says in a threatening tone.
“Got it, boss.” Sato says sarcastically.
Sato closes the door behind him. Ex carefully places Kasumi on the floor in front of the unlit fireplace. Kasumi groans in pain.
“Isn’t there any light in this place?” Sato asks.
“Shut up. I’m getting it.” Ex grabs some matches from a container in the kitchen and then comes back to light the fireplace. He lights three matches and then puts it on the firewood in the fireplace, bringing light to the cabin.
“Where’s your kit?”
“It’s over there. In the cabinet next to the window.”
Sato follows Ex’s directions to the first-aid kit. He looks back at Ex who is applying a tourniquet to Kasumi’s leg.
“What are you going to do to her?”
Ex growls quietly to himself.
“You’re very annoying.”
“I’m looking after my sister. I want to know what you’re going to do to her.”
“Fine. Whatever. I applied a tourniquet to stop the blood. I have to remove the bullet and then I can heal her.”
“Heal her?”
“Focus on your wound and stop asking me questions. She’ll be perfectly fine. I suggest you do that outside. I don’t want blood everywhere.”
“There’s no way I’m leaving her with you in here alone.”
“You can leave the door open if you want. I don’t fucking care, just let me do what I need to do.”
“If you do anything to her-”
“You’ll kill me? Tch. We both know I’d put you down faster than you could say hi.”
“Shut the fuck up. Both of you.”
Sato rolls his eyes again before going outside on the porch of the cabin. Sato sits on the front step with the kit in his hands. He glances over his shoulder to see Ex is carefully taking care of Kasumi and then softly looks down to the ground.
“By the way, you’re going to hear her scream.” Ex warns. “If you don’t want to hear them as much, I suggest closing the door and trusting that I’m not going to do anything to her. However, if you’ll be ok with hearing her scream, then by all means, keep the door open.”
Sato ignores his statement and focuses on himself. Sato clenches his fists and shuts his eyes tight. Calm down. He’s trying to help. He doesn’t seem like he’d intentionally hurt her. Focus on yourself and then you can help her. Sato unbuttons the top three buttons of his shirt before sliding his shirt off his shoulders to reveal the gunshot wound.
Kasumi tries to sit up but Ex carefully lays her back down.
“Don’t move. You’ll make the bleeding worse.”
“What are you going to do?” Kasumi asks.
“I have to remove the bullet which is quite painful. I need you to bite on this to prevent you from screaming too loud.”
Kasumi nods as Ex places a wooden spoon in her mouth. Before doing anything, Ex puts on gloves. He then grabs a small pocket knife and tweezers. Ex observes the wound and then makes a cut, causing Kasumi to scream through the wooden spoon in her mouth.
Ex moves quickly and efficiently. He moves some of her skin out of the way to reveal the bullet, now making Kasumi breathe heavily and whimper. Ex takes the tweezers and inserts them inside the wound to grab the bullet. Kasumi grips Ex’s jacket and tightens her fist ferociously, making Ex widen his eyes in surprise. Kasumi’s fist loses its strength and falls weakly to the floor. Ex snaps out of his surprised state and continues his work. He pulls the bullet out and sets it on a small cloth on the floor besides him.
“Please...stop.” Kasumi begs.
Ex ignores her and takes his gloves off. He holds his right hand above her wound. Her wound begins to close and heal as if nothing was ever there. After that, Ex stands up and throws the materials he used away.
Sato is finishing up stitching his wound. After he finishes, he cleans up the wound while flinching at the pain. Sato buttons his shirt back up and then heads inside the cabin to find Kasumi asleep on the couch and Ex washing his hands.
“What happened? Is she ok?” Sato asks.
“She’s fine. Looks like nothing was ever there.” Ex states stoically.
“What’d you do?” Sato asks.
“To be completely honest, I don’t know and I don’t really care. I don’t know how long she’ll be asleep, but she’s pretty exhausted.”
“While she’s asleep, I would like to apologize.” Ex stays silent as he dries his hands and then finds some scotch and two glasses. He pours scotch in the two glasses and silently slides one over to Sato who drinks it in one gulp before setting the glass back down on the table. “You saved our lives and I was being a total dick. I’m sorry about that.”
“I’ve already forgotten about it.” Ex says. Ex drinks his scotch before pouring more in both glasses.
“Thank you.” Sato says.
“Don’t get the wrong idea. I saved you both because I had to save her.” Ex motions towards Kasumi.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m bound by a shitty supernatural contract to keep her safe. Basically, if she dies, I die.”
“But why?”
“I won’t say anything else until she wakes up. If I remember right, she should know what she has to do as well.”
“What does she have to do?”
“That dumbass is the only person in the world that has the ability to save it.”
“Save it from what?”
“I’m waiting until she wakes up.”
“Very well.”
Moments later, Kasumi wakes up and shakily sits up on the couch.
“Look who’s finally awake. It’s been long enough.” Ex says in a monotone voice.
“What happened? What are we doing here? Sato?” Kasumi throws out multiple questions.
“You and your dumbass brother got yourself in a shitty predicament.” Ex says stoically. “Long story short, I saved both of your sorry asses.”
“Why’d you do that?” Kasumi asks.
Ex motions for Sato to tell her.
“You are the only person that has the ability to save the world.” Sato says.
“What?” Kasumi becomes confused.
“Kasumi, something will change starting when you wake up.” Kanai says.
“What do you mean by that?” Kasumi asks.
“You were given a specific power. You are to use this power for nothing more than saving the world.”
“Saving the world? That’s cliché. What am I saving the world from?”
“Nothing more than the sins that haunt this world. All you need to know is that if you fail, humanity fails.”
“Right. No pressure. What power was I given? How do I activate it?”
“It will come to you naturally. For now, keep in mind what I told you.”
“Right. I’m supposed to save the world from its own sins? Why should I have to do that?” Kasumi asks.
“Can you remember anything else?” Ex asks stoically.
“That...if I fail, then humanity fails.”
“Sounds about right.”
“Then who the hell are you? Why did you save us and how do you know this?”
“I was also given abilities. However, mine are designed to save your ass specifically.”
“So that’s how you were able to heal her.” Sato says.
“How in the actual fuck are we supposed to do this?” Kasumi gets easily overwhelmed with the burden of saving the world.
“I was given more details than you apparently. We don’t have a lot of time. You need to learn how to hone your skills. I could care less about humanity.” Ex thinks back to his mother laying down in the hospital bed. Ex looks down at his scotch glass. “But if you die, I die. I don’t exactly want to die so young. It tarnishes my name and makes me weak.”
“What do we do next?” Sato asks.
“Well, Kasumi and I train. You try to find something to make yourself useful.”
Sato scoffs off Ex’s statement. Kasumi stares at the ground with wide eyes.
“I’m supposed to save the world? How?” Kasumi mutters to herself.