A young teenage girl (Kasumi Yamazaki) struggles from a broken home while a young investigator (Ex Takahashi) suffers from internal turmoil. Both of these characters randomly get powers that forces them to work together to stop unknown creatures from destroying Japan. There are a bunch of obstacles along the way, but for some, power becomes too much. Will the power devour Kasumi or will the struggle become too much for Ex? Read to find out!
Good story. I read the initial chapters and its really good. i liked the story development and characters too. Keep up the good work.[img=recommend][img=recommend]
The synopsis is interesting & it hooked me to read the story further...I liked how the author used the book title Kasumi from the Protagonist...There are a few minor errors that can be corrected by the author...The author's writing style is well written & dialogues are fantastic...Good work, Author!
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