
Chapter 17 - Four Years Later

Four years later, Ex walks through the halls of the police department. His hair is much longer and tied back in a bun. He looks to be a tad bit taller and older. He’s messy yet very composed. Ex makes it to his office and shuts his door behind him. As soon as he makes it to his chair, an investigator knocks on the door to his office, frustrating Ex.

“What is it now?” Ex says, annoyed.

The investigator enters his office with caution.

“Chief wants to see you in his office.” The investigator says carefully.

“What for?”

“I don’t know, but it didn’t sound good.”

“Of course it didn’t.”

The investigator leaves. Ex gets up and walks to the Chief's office. Ex gets to the Chief's office and shuts the door behind him.

“Hey, Ex. How are you?” Shusuke asks.

“Why’d you call me in here?” Ex asks in a monotone voice.

“I asked you a question. How are you doing?”

“Couldn’t complain.” Ex says, uninterested. “Your turn to answer. Why’d you call me in here?”

“I wanted to thank you. And I wanted to tell you about a call I just got. A couple in the Minami region claims to have seen one.”

“Damnit. Sometimes I really hate this job.”

“You’re the only person that can take care of these.”

“I know. Be sure to keep your mouth shut about this. I’m serious.”

“My lips are sealed. But I need you to take care of this.”


Ex turns to leave, but is then stopped.



“I can tell that these last few years have been rough for you…”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’m just saying, if you ever need anyone to do something for you or just need help, I’m here.”


Ex leaves.

Ex follows the sidewalk. He takes off the tie to his shirt and puts it in his satul. He closes his eyes and listens very closely to see if he can hear the footsteps of the creature that he’s supposed to find. He hears a scream of help that wouldn’t ever be heard with normal hearing. He opens his eyes and heads directly in that direction. He sees a woman in distress and a man injured on the ground. The creature strikes at the woman, but before it could reach her, Ex slices its arm off. The creature locks eyes with Ex and then smiles.

“Get out of here.” Ex orders.

“Look at that. It’s the little boy. Where’s the little girl?” The creature teases.

Ex grits his teeth.

“I’d shut up if I were you.” Ex warns.

“She’s still alive, you know.”

Ex clenches his left hand tighter around his sword before staring directly at the creature with nothing but anger.

“I was going to try and get useful information out of you. But it seems you don’t have any useful information anyway.”

Ex stabs the creature right in the heart and twists the sword to ensure death. After that’s done, Ex wipes the blood that splattered on his face after changing back to his original outfit. He sees the woman helping the man up. Ex’s eyes widen at the familiar people.

“Oh it’s you.” Hirata says, unimpressed. Ex smirks and walks over to Hirata who stands as straight as he can. “How’s Kas-”

Before Hirata can even say Kasumi’s name, Ex punches him right in the gut enough to disable the much larger man. Hirata puts his back against a tree and slides down, holding his stomach in pain. Sando takes a step back.

“I should be the one to tell you.” Ex smirks. “Your daughter has been missing for over four years. But now that she’s not here to stop me…” Ex kicks his foot up directly next to Hirata’s head, scaring him. Ex leans down to make sure Hirata hears what he has to say. “I can make you pay for all the things you’ve done to her.”

“Please...stop.” Sando begs.

Ex side-glances at Sando and then narrows his eyes at Hirata.

“Tch.” Ex takes his foot off the tree and looks down at Hirata with nothing but pure hatred in his eyes. “I should’ve left you both here to rot.”

Hirata stands up and smirks at Ex. Ex isn’t phased in the slightest.

“You should be thanking me.” Hirata says.

Ex grips Hirata's arm and puts his foot on his left shoulder. He dislocates Hirata's shoulder, making him shout in pain.

“EVERYTHING I’ve done to her has made her the person she is! She’s much stronger.” Hirata shouts.

Ex grabs Hirata’s shirt roughly and shoves him back against the tree, ultimately pissed.

“You wouldn’t know that would you?” Ex says through gritted teeth. “Did you even hear me you fucking idiot? Or are you just that much of a dumbass you can’t comprehend words?”

“Please…” Sando continues to beg.

Hirata shoves Ex off of him and catches his breath.

“We know things that you don’t.” Hirata says, strained.

Ex recoils in disgust.

“Shut the fuck up.” Ex threatens.

“While you’ve been sitting on your ass, we’ve actually managed to figure out where she is.”

“Watch your fucking mouth.” Ex threatens. “I’ve been protecting the sorry asses that live in Japan from these monsters.”

“Monsters?” Hirata walks up to Ex and stares him down. “You really don’t know anything.”

“Stop it! Hirata, you’ve already said too much. Thank you for saving us, sir. We have to go.” Sando says.

Ex takes a knife out of a halster strapped to his ankle and throws it faster than the speed of light. It nails Sando’s hand to a tree. She gasps in pain and begins crying.

“Shut up. Your crying is just as disgusting as your personality.” Ex diverts his attention back to Hirata. “Let me ask you something” His voice becomes more distorted as he slowly draws his sword. “All the hell you put her through, was it worth it? Can you still live with yourself knowing that you’ve done those things to her?”

“If you want to know the truth-” Hirata says without hesitation.

Ex kicks Hirata in the back of his left knee, cracking the bone and making him fall to the ground.

“I changed my mind. I don't care.”


Ex pauses for a moment. His lips curl into a small and crazy smile.

“You’ll get what’s coming to you. Next time you come across one of these things, I hope it tears your guts out.”

Ex turns around to leave, and then stops in his tracks.


When she curls up and cries as a response to direct pain. The girl could take a beating which always surprised me. But it wasn’t the beatings that got to her. It was the other stuff.


Ex tightens his fists and clenches his teeth. His power glitches in a way that’s painful to him.


“She’s good in bed.”


Ex’s power glitches in and out making him transition back and forth. He kicks straight through a tree, making it fall. Ex turns around, maniacally smiles and walks back to Hirata, punching him square in the face using all of his power. Hirata is flung back with full force. Sando struggles to pull the knife out of her hand.

“Please stop!” Sando shouts.

“I don’t care what you do or how you do it, you just can’t justify hurting your own daughter.” Ex says with a distorted voice. “Let alone sexually. People like you make me sick. If you think I’m done with you, you’re mistaken. Taking you to jail would be too easy for you. Instead…” Ex locks his evil eyes with Hirata’s. Hirata crawls backwards towards Sando trying to get away. Ex slowly takes his time advancing on Hirata. “I’m going to make your life a personal hell. No...you’re going to wish you were in hell by the time I’m done with you.”

Ex draws his sword, changing his clothes and colors. His insane-ridden eyes glow with bright green. Each of his eyes have a fire lit within them. Ex slowly continues advancing on both Sando and Hirata with the intent to kill.

“Why? Why would you hurt such a good person?” Ex asks with his voice still distorted.

Hirata manages to stand and make his way to Sando.

“HAHA! YOU THINK SHE’S A GOOD PERSON?” Hirata laughs with blood pouring from his mouth.

Ex clenches his teeth and growls.

“She was always thinking of others! She risked her own health and well-being for others!” Ex defends.

“That did nothing but get her own brother killed!”

“That’s not true!” Hirata pulls the knife out of his wife’s hand and they desperately try to scurry away. “Don’t leave yet! I was just getting started!”

Ex trains his focus on Hirata straight ahead, ready to sprint.

“You’ll never find her!”

Ex pauses for a second. He falls to the ground in immense pain. He yells due to the pain. Ex stands up with his sword clutched in his left hand. He slices off a tree branch and flings it straight at Hirata and Sando. They barely manage to duck behind another tree.


“Damn you’re in worse shape than I thought.” Ex states.

Kasumi has her hands on her knees bent over trying to catch her breath.

“I’m not used...to physical activity.” Kasumi wheezes.

“I can see that.” Ex crosses his arms. “Are you done yet?”

Kasumi holds up her finger.

“Just one more second.”


Ex tightens his fist as his power glitches in and out again. “Agh!”


“Damnit! Why can't I get him?” Kasumi says, winded.

“You're too ambitious.” Kasumi looks at him confused. Ex sighs out of annoyance. “I'll attack first this time.”

Kasumi glances at him questionably.


Kasumi readies herself. Ex fixes his sleeves before sprinting at her. Kasumi widens her eyes at the sudden actions. With barely any time to react, she grabs his arm and pushes him into a tree. Ex isn't phased one bit.

“Yes! I did it! I finally-”

Before Kasumi knew it, Ex got himself free. But Kasumi wasn't going to let him off that easily, she shoves him on the ground and ends up accidentally falling on top of him.

“YES! I did it again!”

“Pfft. The only reason why you won was because I let you.” Ex mutters.

“Whatever.” Kasumi crosses her arms arrogantly. “Just admit it. I'm getting better than you-”

Ex flips it easily to where he's now on top of her.

“Like I said, you only won because I let you. You still have a long way to go.”

“Whatever. Get off me.”


Ex tries to hold his wrist in an attempt to restrain himself.

“I’ve...lost control…” Ex says, heavily strained.


“Are you lost? I could help you get home-”

“No! Please…I don’t wanna go home.” Kasumi begs.


Ex falls to the ground, changing back to his original clothes. Ex punches the ground with full force causing a full dent in the ground. Hirata and Sando barely manage to escape with their lives.

“What’s wrong...with me..?”


Ex walks to his office in the police department. It’s empty except for two other investigators working really late on a case. When Ex gets in his office, he sets his satul down as he sits criss cross at his desk and puts on his reading glasses. A few moments later, Chief Shusuke walks to the threshold of Ex’s office.

“How are you holding up?” Shusuke asks.

“Fine.” Ex answers, focused on work.

“Because I got a call today from Mr. Yamazaki. Said that the investigator that showed up to help him, injured him. He wanted to press charges.” Ex pauses for a moment before continuing his work. “I managed to negotiate with him. But as your boss, I need you to tell me what happened.”

“Nothing happened. He’s just a scumbag.”

“I’m worried about you, Takahashi. I’ve never seen you like this before. You’ve changed a lot. You’re allowing yourself to get too emotional. That’s dangerous for a job like this.”

“I’m not getting emotional over anything. There’s nothing to be worried about.”

“I’m just saying, you should really start to shape up.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because the higher ups are considering you to be the next Chief of Police after me. I’m the one that referred you.” Ex stops in his tracks for a second, surprised. “I know that there’s no one else better fit for the job, and I’m getting old. I’m not going to be in this field for much longer and I need someone suitable to take over after I’m gone.”

Ex relaxes back to his normal self before the surprising statement and continues to work.

“I’m sorry but I can’t accept it.”

Shusuke pauses and then smiles.

“I had a feeling you’d say something like that. I just want you to think about it. Don’t make any rash decisions because of her.”

Ex recoils in anger.

“I’m not making any rash decisions. Especially not because of her.”

“I’m not just talking about Kasumi. But your mother...she would’ve wanted you to take the job.” Ex stays silent. “And another thing, I don’t want you staying here all night again. Those other two investigators left just a few minutes ago. It’s just you here. Close up and go home, Takahashi.”

“Yes, sir.”

Shusuke gives him a heart-felt glance before leaving. Hours later, Ex rubs the bridge of his nose. He then takes his glasses off and lays his head on the desk, eventually falling asleep on top of all his papers.


“Help...please someone help…”

“Kasumi? Where are you?”

There’s a long pause.

“So much pain...I’m in so much pain…”

“Kasumi? Can you hear me? Where are you? I need to know where you are.”

“...I’m...in so much pain…”

“Are you ok? What have they done to you?”

“Ex...please…I need you…”

“Kasumi? Can you hear me? Please tell me you’re ok.”

No response.


Ex hears distant screams and pleads coming from Kasumi.

“Kasumi! What are they doing to you? Dammit please...let me know you’re ok.”


Ex wakes up on top of his papers. He sits up and sees a small puddle of blood on the papers. Ex feels under his nose with his finger and realizes that his nose is bleeding.


Ex throws away the papers that got blood on it and gets his extra copies of them out. He then cleans the blood from his nose and face. Ex takes his phone and dials Chief Shusuke’s phone number.


“I need you to meet me here as soon as possible.”

“Takahashi? Do you have any idea what time it is?”

“I need to talk to you. It’s an emergency.”

“Oh. I can be there in a few minutes. Is everything okay?”

“I think something big is going to happen. And I think Kasumi will be behind it.”