
Chapter 18 - Pain is the Greatest Motivator

“How long has it been since we’ve first captured her?” A man’s voice echoes.

“Four years.” Lucile responds.

The scene reveals a small room with Lucile sitting across from her boss. There are a few bodyguards littered across the room.

“Tell me everything that you’ve learned. I want a detailed four year report.” The man tells Lucile.

“The first test we ran was to see if just having Takahashi’s blood injected in her would heal her just as well as he could in person based on observations.” Lucile explains. “The test proved a success. This also proves the fact that Takahashi’s power is infused in his blood while Kasumi’s is more infused in her brain and soul. Next, we did a test of cannibalism. The first few weeks proved nothing. She showed extreme signs of discomfort and sickness. But then, after a few months of being forced to do it, she started craving it and willing to eat it. Although cannibalism hasn’t affected her power any, her mental stability has plummeted.”

“Ok. What do you mean she’s craving it?”

“Well...she started refusing normal food and outright asking for...human parts.”


“Next came the ring. The ring you wanted to test has proven successful. However, even after a year of wearing the ring and going through the mazes, we still suffered a major issue.”

“And that was?”

“She still refused our orders. So we had to bring in that doctor from America.”

“Ah, yes. Dr. Smith.”

“He’s done a significant number on her. Not only was he able to break her down, but he made her easy to mold into what we want.”

“What is he doing to her?”

“Well...I’d rather not say.”

“I said I wanted a detailed four year report. Give me the details.”

“Very well…”


Kasumi lies down curled up on a cot. Her wrists and ankles are cuffed and chained to the cement walls. Her eyes are closed. She has the same wraps as always, but now, she has wraps on her hands and feet. The ring is on her left index finger. Her hair is much longer and she looks much older.

“Wake up, Kasumi.” A woman orders. Cold water splashes on Kasumi, waking her up. “You’ve got a long day ahead of you including Dr. Smith.”

Kasumi immediately sits up and widens her eyes.

“No! Please! Not Dr. Smith....I haven’t done anything wrong!”

“We didn’t say you did anything wrong, darling.”

“Please...why are you doing this to me?”

“Don’t blame me, Kasumi. I’m just doing what I’m told.”

“Out of all the people in the world…” Kasumi’s expression changes from a numb expression back to a pained one. She begins crying. “Out of all the people in the world, why ME?!”

The woman ignores Kasumi as three other people enter the room. Kasumi tries to get away from the person with a syringe, but fails due to the chains.

“Please! Don’t take me to him! I’ll do anything you want!” Kasumi sobs desperately.

The person with the syringe shoves it in Kasumi’s neck and injects the sedative. Kasumi begins immediately trailing off into a weak and numb (but still awake) state.

“Please...ple..ple..” Kasumi’s voice trails off.

The people strap her onto a rolling metal bed. Kasumi dazes in and out of reality as they roll her into another room. All Kasumi can see are the dim lights in intervals as they roll her down the hall.

“You’ve gotten so much weaker. Kasumi, I’m disappointed.” Kanai states.

“I-I can’t…(gulp) help it…”

Kasumi feels the bed stop but the world is still spinning around her. She hears a distant conversation happening next to her.

“How long until it wears off?” Dr. Smith asks.

“Soon. We only need her in this state long enough to move her.”

“Perfect. How long do I have her for?”

“The whole day.”

“Is there anything specific they wanted me to do?”

“No, they didn’t specify. They just want you to shape her up for the plan that will be happening tomorrow.”

“Perfect.” Dr. Smith states sadistically. “So I can do anything I want to her as long as I don’t kill her.”


“Alright. Thank you. Can you order them to take her wraps off? I need to see her whole body.”

“Yes but the wrap on her left wrist stays.”



Kasumi wants to move. She tries her best to move but she’s too weak to even wiggle her finger. She hears the sound of fabric being torn and then feels a cold breeze. She then feels the restraints on her again. The bed she’s on gets moved up to where the end with her head is slightly elevated.

“Ok, thank you!” Dr. Smith says.

Kasumi hears a radio playing some faint music in the background. She then feels his fingers graze her body up and down.

“Come on, Kasumi. Wake up.”

Kasumi’s full feeling comes back and she blinks her eyes to clearly see the doctor peeking over her with a sadistic smile.

“There she is.”

Kasumi knows she can’t get out, but tries anyway.

“Please...spare me today…” Kasumi begs weakly.

“You know I can’t do that, Kasumi.” Dr. Smith’s mood switches to a lighter and more cheerful mood. “BUT, I will let you choose what I do first. What’ll it be...centipedes OR...fire ants!?!”

Kasumi shakes her head repeatedly.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.” Kasumi begs.

“If you don’t choose, Kasumi, I will.” Dr. Smith says, disappointed.

“Please...please...I beg of you...spare me today.”

“He’s not going to do it.” Kanai states.

“Centipedes it is.”

Dr. Smith turns around and grabs something out of Kasumi’s sight. But she assumes it’s a centipede like he says.

“Please...no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No, NO!”

Kasumi’s voice elevates as he approaches her with the centipede. He holds the wiggling creature in between his index and middle finger. Kasumi’s eyes widen as she continues saying no and pleading for him to stop. While still holding the centipede in between his two fingers, he places his hand just below her knee and travels slowly up her thigh. He takes a knife in his left hand and cuts open a spot on her upper thigh.

“You know…” He stops right before reaching the open cut. “This is going to hurt like a bitch.”

“No please-!”

The doctor lifts the skin of the cut, allowing the centipede into her skin, causing her to scream on the top of her lungs as it crawls around.


Lucile is still speaking with her boss.

“Thank you for your report. It’s to my understanding that you expect to execute plan A tomorrow?”

“Yes. But first, we need him. We need Takahashi. Once we get him, we’ll be unstoppable.” Lucile explains.

“I see. How do you plan on capturing the investigator?”

“We’ve been having people closely observe him so far.” Lucile states. “He’s very sharp. He’s definitely the smartest investigator in Japan. He’s also extremely skilled in combat. There’s no way we’ll be able to just capture him like we did Kasumi. The people that we have closely observed have stated that he misses Kasumi. That he’s still wanting to find her. The ONLY chance we have is luring him here. But there’s still no way he’s going to come alone. We have to prepare for, most likely, the entire police force in Kyoto, Japan at least.”

“I understand.”

“We have contingencies for that. We’ll use Kasumi to weaken Ex so that we’re able to get him.”

“And then we’ll be able to take over anything we want. With Kasumi’s power, we can do absolutely anything.”

“Correct. And with Ex, we’ll be able to heal her anytime she gets hurt. Therefore, our power is limitless. And even when we do get him, we’ll have to break him down like we did Kasumi. But that should be easy seeing that his weakness is her.”

“How do you plan on breaking Takahashi?”

“That’s easy. Just make him watch Kasumi being hurt. He’ll do anything for us to stop hurting her.”

“Exceptional work Lucile. You’ve exceeded my expectations and even your own father’s skills.”

“Thank you, sir.”


Kasumi is quivering, crying and rapidly breathing. There is blood and cuts all over her body with salt flakes and dead bugs around and inside them. Dr. Smith’s attitude changes from sadistic to caring and warm.

“I hope you know…” He leans down and picks up some of her hair and smells it caringly and creepily. “I don’t like hurting you like this.”

“Then...then...then stop…” Kasumi quivers.

“You know better than I do that I can’t do that.”

Dr. Smith smiles warmly at her before turning around to grab something. Kasumi’s eyes widen once she sees what it is. It’s a slimy leech clamped in between tongs. Kasumi bites the insides of her lips to keep them shut while furiously shaking her head no.

“Hmm-mm. Hmm-mm.” Kasumi shakes her head no even more. And shuts her lips tightly.

“Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

Kasumi continues her actions as he steps closer. He pries her mouth open. Kasumi whines and tries to shake her head away but it doesn’t work. He drops the slimy leech in her mouth, causing an immediate reaction. Kasumi gags a few times. She throws up the leech.

“There we go. We’re done.”

Kasumi coughs a few times before cringing. Dr. Smith takes off his gloves and goes to the door to exit.

“Clean her up.” Dr. Smith orders. “I’m done for the day.”

“Yes sir.”

Dr. Smith remains in the room and watches. Kasumi lays strapped helplessly to the metal bed as people approach her. Two men and three women.

“Don’t even think about doing anything. You’re outnumbered here and you’ll easily lose.” The woman threatens.

“Is what they’re saying true, Kanai?” Kasumi asks unknowingly out loud.

The two men and three women stare at her then at each other confusingly.

“Right. Let’s clean her up and get her wrapped back up before she gets back. She should be done any minute now.” A man states.

“Yes.” Kanai responds. “What they’re saying is true, Kasumi. You can’t win. Not now anyway.”

“Took you long enough.” Kasumi smiles to herself.

“Don’t make her get up from the bed. Let her do it on her own. She needs to use her strength to push through the pain.” Dr. Smith orders.

They unstrap Kasumi from the bed and step back.

“They’re not going to leave you alone until you stand up. Get it over with, Kasumi.” Kanai states.

Kasumi weakly giggles to herself.

“You were always down to earth like that.” Kasumi mutters.

“Just do it.”

“You got it, boss.”

Kasumi clenches her teeth as she uses all of her strength to sit up. She gets off the bed and immediately falls to the ground on all fours. Two men go to help her up but Dr. Smith intervenes, keeping them back.

“What did I say? Leave her alone. Let her do it herself.” Dr. Smith orders.

“You’re stronger than you think, Kasumi. I promise you.” Sato says. “Believe me, Kasumi.”

I believe you…

“Then stand up. If Ex is still alive and if he comes to get you, you don’t want him to see you like this do you?” Kanai says.

“No I don’t.” Kasumi says through gritted teeth.

“Get stronger. If not for yourself, then for him.” Sato says.


“Good. Stand up.” Dr. Smith orders.

Kasumi stands up weakly. Her knees are shaking and her body quivering.

“Don’t let him see how weak you are. Strengthen yourself up.” Kanai says.

Kasumi clenches her fists and calms her body’s shaking. She stares directly at Dr. Smith with a look so strong it would kill.

“Amazing. See? I knew you could do it. Now go lean on the wall and let them clean you up.”

Kasumi walks over to the wall. One of the women has a hose to rinse off Kasumi with. Kasumi leans her back against the wall as they clean the front side. They rinse off all the extra and dead bugs and all the throw up and blood. Kasumi closes her eyes as they spray her face, cleaning it off. Kasumi turns around and plants her hands on the concrete wall in front of her, leaning.

“You’ve been doing great, Kasumi.” Kanai says.

“Not good enough.” Kasumi mutters.

“You’ve withstood so much pain and torture. No one else could get as far as you got.”

Water splashes on Kasumi’s back, wetting her entire body and hair. Once that’s over, the scene focuses on a side view of Kasumi’s dripping hair covering her face.

“I guess you’re right about that.” Kasumi smiles.

A different woman walks up to Kasumi as Kasumi turns around with her back facing against the wall. The woman is holding wraps to wrap Kasumi back up. Kasumi holds up her arms. The woman wraps over her breasts first, then her genitals.

“You can do the rest in your cell.” The woman states.

Other people in the room restrain Kasumi and take her back to her cell. They hook her back up to the chains connected to the cement wall and leave some wrap for her to do her feet and hands. Kasumi sets herself on the bed and unwinds the dirty and used wraps from her feet. A few minutes later (while Kasumi is re-wrapping one of her feet) Lucile steps up to the bar door.

“How was your appointment with Dr. Smith?” Kasumi glares at Lucile and then continues re-wrapping her feet. “You know, I personally feel that the doctor has been developing some feelings towards you.”

“Go to hell.” Kasumi retorts.

“Ouch. That’s a little harsh.”

Kasumi doesn’t react and continues re-wrapping her foot. Once she finishes, she moves to the other foot.

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Absolutely not.” Kasumi says without hesitation.

“Oh come on. It’s not even asking that much.”

“Like I said, absolutely not, bitch.”

Lucile recoils in anger at Kasumi’s harsh name-calling.

“You don’t understand. If you don’t do this, Ex will die.” Kasumi tenses her body and stops wrapping. “Does that change your mind?”

“How do I know that you’re not lying?” Kasumi continues wrapping.

“I guess you’re going to have to take the chance. Just know that if you don’t, we’ll kill him. Do you really want to risk his life like that?”

Kasumi remains silent and finishes wrapping. She re-wraps both of her hands while thinking.

“I don’t think you have a choice here.” Kanai says.

Of course I have a choice. I always have a choice.

“But do you really want him to die? I thought you were holding out this long for him. It would be a shame if all that hard work was for nothing. All that pain and suffering.” Sato says.

“What do you want me to do?” Kasumi asks angrily.

“It’s simple really. I bet you really want to see him.”

“Just tell me what you want me to fucking do.”

“I need you to contact Ex.”


“I need you to lead him here.”


“If you don’t, we’ll have to go get him ourselves. You don’t want that to happen, trust me.”

“You don’t even know where he is.” Kasumi scoffs.

“Minami ward in Kyoto Japan. We know the location of where he works and both of his living spaces.”

“And what happens when he does get here, huh? What exactly are you planning? I’m not going to lead him here so that you can do to him what you’ve been doing to me.”

“We don’t actually plan on torturing him like we did you. For our plan to work, we need his regeneration power.”

“I can regenerate myself.”

“No you can’t.” Lucile states. “We made you believe you could. Truthfully, we stole a few vials of blood from Ex and for the first year we were injecting you with it. It actually made it to where you could regenerate yourself for a while. But once we ran out of blood and it disappeared from your system, you were unable to do it. You need him to survive and we need you to execute our plan.”

“Your plan for world domination, right? You know it’s not going to happen. Why are you risking so much for it?”

“It’s not like I want to. I have to.”

“How heartbreaking.” Kasumi says sarcastically.

“Anyway, do it for us. I promise you’ll be able to see him again.”

“That’s not what I want you to promise.”

“Then what’ll it be?”

“Promise you won’t harm him. If you promise me you won’t hurt him, I’ll do it.”

“We won’t hurt him. You have my word.” Lucile hesitates.

“Fine...I’ll do it. What’re we gonna do? Use a phone?”

“No. After observing Ex after you went missing, we discovered that he has the ability to use telepathy. That’s what I want you to use.”

“What the hell? I don’t know how to use telepathy.”

“Figure it out.”

“Right now?”

“Yup. I’ll wait.”

“You know, I am getting kind of hungry.”

“We’ll feed you after you do this.”

“Can I get the good stuff?”

“Like I said, after you’re done.”

Kasumi clicks her tongue and closes her eyes, fiddling with the ring on her index finger. Kanai, how do I do this?

“You’re already connected. Just start speaking.”

“Help...please someone help…” Kasumi speaks.

“Kasumi? Where are you?”

Kasumi opens her eyes with tears building. She covers her mouth and begins to cry.

“Continue.” Lucile orders.

Kasumi closes her eyes again and continues reluctantly.

“So much pain...I’m in so much pain…”

“Kasumi? Can you hear me? Where are you? I need to know where you are.”

“...I’m...in so much pain…”

“Are you ok? What have they done to you?”

“Ex...please…I need you…”

“Kasumi? Can you hear me? Please tell me you’re ok.”

“Don’t respond.” Lucile orders.

Lucile steps into the room alongside a person who holds a blow torch. Kasumi gasps at the sudden surprise.


They burn her on the shoulder, holding her in place when doing so. She screams in pain and cries. Ex’s voice in her head begins to fade away. Kasumi throws her hand over her mouth again, crying.

“Please...don’t leave me here alone…” Kasumi pleads quietly.

“Good job. We’ll be expecting him anytime soon because of you.”

“You promised not to hurt him.” Kasumi says, trembling.

“People lie all the time, Kasumi.” Lucile says in a sinister tone. “You’re so easily tricked.”

Kasumi’s blood begins to boil. Lucile leaves the room with the person that came in with her. Lucile shuts and locks the door behind her.

“Whenever I get the chance, I’ll kill you as slowly and painfully as possible.”

“I look forward to it.” Lucile teases.