
Chapter 19 - Back in the Game

Chief Shusuke is sitting in a chair inside of Ex’s office. Ex is leaning on his desk, pondering. Ex holds a cigarette in between his index finger and middle finger, smoking.

“You know you’re not allowed to smoke in a government facility, right?”

“I need one right now. Besides, it won’t harm anyone if it’s just us two in here anyway.”

Shusuke sighs.

“What’s your plan?” Shusuke asks.

“We fuckin’ raid the place. Do anything we can to get her back.”

“That’s a suicide mission!”

“Maybe for me.”


Ex puts out the cigarette in an ash-trey but continues staring out of the window with his back to Shusuke.

“What do you mean, Takahashi?”

“I’m going in alone.”

“Absolutely not. I won’t let you.”

“It’s highly likely that they already have defences ready for the entire Japan police force. Especially if they intended on luring me. If I go in alone, it’ll be much easier and faster.” Ex explains.

“Then why did you tell me any of this?”

“Because…” Ex turns around to face Shusuke. “Because I believe they have more than just the one spot in Russia. Once I bust this one location, I want to bust the entire corporation. There’s no way the government will believe just me and evidence. They need a witness. I want it to be you. Also...I need supplies.”

“What kind of supplies?”

“A gun.”

“A gun? All we can give you is the standard handgun-”

“No. I need more than that.”

“Ex, the only way you can get one is if this mission is completely secret. Absolutely no one can know about this.”

“And no one will know about this. Can you get me the gun?”

“I’ll do what I can.”


Shusuke pauses and reflects everything that Ex just told him.

“How are you planning to bust them?” Shusuke asks.

Ex takes something small out of his pocket and tosses it to Shusuke. Shusuke barely manages to catch it. Ex then turns back around to face the window and leans on his desk.

“A pager?”

Ex takes out another cigarette and lights it. He puffs the cigarette and smirks slightly.



“I need you to do one more thing and then you’re done.” Lucile states.

“No.” Hirata refuses. “I’m done here. I did what you asked me to do.”

“Like I said, I need you to do one more thing.”

Hirata sighs.

“Will Sando be included in this?”

“No. She’s safe from this task. I only need you for this one.”

“Ok...what’s the task?”


Kasumi is sitting up on the cot (chains still locked and connected) and she’s braiding her hair on the left side. She takes a small piece and begins braiding.

“Kasumi.” Sato says.

“What?” Kasumi asks.

“Why’d you kill me?”

Kasumi flinches and pauses for a second. Kasumi takes a deep breath and regains her composure, continuing to braid.

“I didn’t mean to.”

“A police officer takes out a gun and shoots an innocent person and says “I didn’t mean to.” Do you think he’d be let go?”

“No…” Kasumi says dejectedly.

“Then what makes you any different?”


“If you ever get out of this hell-hole, you’ve got to turn yourself in.”

“I don’t want to.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to, it’s the right thing to do. You’re a danger to everyone around you Kasumi.”

Kasumi tears a small piece of wrap from her right hand with her teeth and ties it at the end of her first braid. She picks out another small piece below the first braid she did and repeats the process.

“No I’m not. I was given this power to protect others.” Kasumi responds.

“Name someone you actually saved.”

Kasumi narrows her eyes and continues to braid.

“Shut up.” Kasumi says angrily.

“Just end yourself, Kasumi. If you won’t turn yourself in, then you have to end it.”


“After you’re out of here.”

“No I mean, how am I getting out of here?”

“Help is on the way.”

“What?” Kasumi smiles for the first time in years as she finishes the second braid and moves on to the third and final braid. “Who?”

“Who do you think?”

Kasumi smiles as a few tears escape her eyes.

“Took you long enough.” Kasumi says to herself.


“I know you said she’s in Russia, but where?” Shusuke asks.

“I plan on finding out today.” Ex replies.

Ex puts out another cigarette.


“I have my ways.”

“I need to know what you’re going to do and if it’s going to work. I’m still your boss whether you like it or not.”

“Fine.” Ex turns around to face Shusuke and sits criss-cross in his chair. “Within the first week Kasumi went missing, I tried another power of mine.”

“Which is?”

“Telepathy. If I can just contact her, then she might be able to tell me where she is.”

“When are you going to try it?”

“I only needed to explain to you what was going on. I plan on finding out right after you leave.”

“Ok. How do you plan on getting to and from there?”

“I ask that you provide me with transportation there and back.”

“That’s a little risky, but I can pull a few strings.”

“Good. If and when that pager goes off, send immediate help. As soon as I find out where she is, I’ll leave. I’m guessing it’ll be sometime today and if things go badly, at most, tomorrow.”

“Ok what’s your plan as soon as we get her back? You know that if anyone finds out about the power she has, she might be considered a threat and taken out immediately.”

“I know. I plan to keep an eye on her 24/7. She won’t hurt a soul as long as I’m around. Do I have your trust and endorsement?”

“Ex…” Shusuke puts the pager down back on his desk. “I wish you the best of luck with this. But I can’t support a suicide mission like this. I can provide you with some supplies from a friend I know, but that’s it. Nothing more.”

“Fine. I understand.” Shusuke leaves Ex alone in his office. “Looks like I’m on my own here.”


Kasumi is still sitting up and staring down at the ground. She hears the door to her cell opening behind her so she turns around to see who it is.

“Hey, Kasumi. How are you doing?” Lucile asks.

“Since when do you care?” Kasumi scoffs.

Lucile keeps her distance as two people step up behind her in case anything were to happen.

“Don’t be so harsh. I’m just trying to see how you’re doing.” Lucile defends.

“Can’t complain.” Kasumi says sarcastically.

Lucile now approaches Kasumi and stands in front of her.

“It’s a little dangerous to be this close to me, isn’t it?” Kasumi asks.

“I’ll take my chances. Did you braid your hair? I like it.”

“Tch. What do you want?”

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Again? I already did something for you. Can’t you be happy with what I’ve done already?”

“I just need you to do this last thing for me. Then I promise you’ll be done. With everything. The torture and the tormenting will stop you have my word.”

“How do I know you’re not lying?”

“Because after you do this, I’m going to let you go.”

Kasumi laughs maniacally.

“Yeah right.” Kasumi laughs.

“No I promise.”

Lucile holds out her hand.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“If you shake my hand, it seals the deal.”

“You can use this to your advantage Kasumi.” Kanai tells Kasumi. “Make the deal.”

Kasumi looks at Lucile’s hand for a second, scoffs and then shakes her hand.


“It’s a deal then.”


Hours later, Ex has scotch pulled out on his desk along with a used empty glass besides it. Ex is laying down on the floor with his feet kicked up on the wall next to the window. His eyes are closed and his veins are glowing a bright green. Blood seeps from his nose and ears and drops to the floor. He suddenly snaps back to reality and opens his eyes. He sits up in frustration and wipes the blood off of his face and ears. He tosses the bloody tissue in his trashcan along with a bunch of other bloody tissues.

“Damn.” Ex goes to pour another glass of scotch. There's only enough for this last glass so he drinks the rest of it. He pinches the bridge of his nose. “ Just work already!”


Kasumi is laying on the cot looking up at the cement ceiling.

“Ex Takahashi...I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.” Kasumi mutters.

“Now, Kasumi!” Lucile orders.

Kasumi closes her eyes.


Ex’s veins light up to a bright green color along with his eyes and hair.

“Ex?” Kasumi’s delicate voice echoes through the darkness.

“Kasumi? What the hell is going on?”

“I-I’m not sure.”

“You can fucking hear me? Where are you?”

“I think...I think some building in Moscow, Russia. Ex...are you planning on saving me?”

“Is that even a question?”

“Please...please be careful.”

“Kasumi, are you ok? What condition are you in?”

“Uh…let’s just say it’s not desirable.”

“How much time do you have? Do you know?”

“Not a lot. Please...hurry.”

“Don’t worry. I’m coming for you. Don’t you dare fucking die on me.”

“I won’t.”

“Why did they take you and not me?”

“I don’t know. I heard something about ‘it wouldn’t have been smart to have them both at the same time’ or something like that.”


“Listen...I think they’re coming. Just...be careful. And remember this number: 62289.”

“Ok. Don’t let them hurt you anymore.”

“You say it like it’s a choice.”

Kasumi’s voice fades out and Ex is snapped back to the police department. He presses his hand to his forehead to try and ease the pounding headache. He wipes the blood from his face and throws the tissue in the trash can before leaving his office. He walks straight to Shusuke’s office and closes the door behind him.

“Did you find her?” Shusuke asks.


“That was fast.”

“What about those guns? Did you get them?”

“I know a guy. I’ll give you his address and he’ll give you anything you need. Just...don’t get caught ok?”

“I won’t. I’m leaving now.”


“Yes. I need the address.”

“Fine. Be careful.”


“Right. Ex?”


“I sincerely hope that you get her back.”

“I will.”

Shusuke hands him a piece of paper with an address on it. Ex nods before leaving the office. Ex quickly stops by his office and grabs his satul. He reads the paper with the address on it.

“How the fuck am I supposed to find this place?” Ex mutters and closes his eyes out of frustration. “Where is it?”

With his eyes still closed, his powers activate and tell him exactly where the place is. After his powers deactivate, he quickly regains his composure.

“Goddamn. Guess I found it.”

Ex leaves his office. The scene transitions to show Ex approaching the place that the address says. It appears to be a nice coffee shop under the name Kōhī.


Ex folds up the paper and heads inside. When he pushes the door open, a small bell goes off.

“Hey! Welcome to Kōhī, how may I help you?” The manager asks.

“Right...do you know who Nagasawa Shusuke is?” Ex responds.

“Wait...are you Takahashi?”


“Hmm.” The manager smirks at Ex and then turns around. “Hey, sweetheart, I need you to come work at the front desk for a bit!”

“Ugh. Again? But I’m on break.” A girl whines.

“Only for a little bit. I’ll be right back.”


The manager motions Ex to follow him.

“Uh...where are we going?” Ex questions.

“Just follow me. And swear you won’t say anything.”

“Fine...I won’t say anything.”

Ex follows the manager while also being prepared to take any actions necessary. The manager opens up a latch in the floor and begins climbing down.

“Down here. Be sure to close that door behind you.”

“Is this where you keep your victims? Smells like a fucking blood bath down there.”

“It’s to keep people out. Now stop being a pussy.”

Ex rolls his eyes and follows the manager into the dark place, closing the door behind him like he was instructed to do. The manager pulls on a string connected to a dim light bulb. The light reveals tons of large guns and knives including some katanas too.

“Holy fuck.” Ex says, amazed.

“Look around and pick out what you want.”


“Look, I’m only doing this because I kinda have to.”

“How am I supposed to get it to where I need to without being noticed?”

“Don’t worry about it. Give us an address and we deliver it.”

“Seems legit.”

Ex scans over all the weapons and delicately runs his fingers along a rifle.

“You do know how to shoot a gun, right?”

“Gun is my weapon of choice if given one. Of course I know how to fucking shoot one.”

“Whatever, hot shot. Take a plane to wherever you're going, tell us where that is and we’ll have a blue car waiting for you with all the things you chose out of the airport.”

“How are you able to pull all of this off? And why?”

“I owe Shusuke my life. I’d do anything for the man. All you have to know is that I have connections.”


Lucile is walking with Kasumi chained up and blindfolded walking behind her.

“Where are you taking me now?” Kasumi asks, annoyed.

“Just relocating you for the big event.”

“Right. How are you so sure it’s going to work anyway? He’s fucking smart.”

“Don’t worry. We already know that factor.”

“Tch. Whatever.” Kasumi sighs. “Deal still stands, right?”



“Now...all you have to do is play along.” Kanai says.

Kasumi smiles slightly.


Ex is at home with a duffle bag full of weapons that he chose. Ex puts on a black suit with black shoes on. He goes to the bathroom with scissors in hand. He looks at himself in the mirror before cutting off pieces of his hair. The scene switches to show Kasumi being thrown on the ground in a larger cement place. It doesn’t look to be a room though. The scene switches back to Ex who’s hair is cut and slicked back with some strands still dangling over his forehead.

“Let’s go fucking save her.”

Ex sits in a car, getting ready. Both Kasumi and Ex are getting ready. Ex tightens a strap around his leg that holds a knife while Kasumi tightens the wrap around her foot. Ex puts on his suit jacket and then Kasumi dusts off her shoulders. Ex loads and cocks a gun and then Kasumi fiddles with the ring on her finger. The scene then compares their very conflicting (and switched) personalities. Ex is looking up, ready to fight while Kasumi is looking down at the ground with mello eyes.

Ex then checks the bag to see that his guns are there.

“The manager of that fucking coffee place pulled all this off? Nice.” Ex closes his eyes and concentrates heavily on Kasumi and tries to figure out where specifically she is. “Now where are you?”

Kasumi is reacting to something and opening her eyes then Ex opens his eyes.

“Got it. Hang in just a little bit longer, Kasumi.”

Ex drives off.


Kasumi is fiddling with her ring while staring off.

“Do you even have a plan?” Kanai asks.


“Then how are you going to do it?”

I don’t know. Just...we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

“That’s not the best way to approach the situation.”

But it’s the way I’ll have to approach the situation.

“You know she was lying to you, right?”

Kasumi hardens her expression.


Ex is parked outside of a building posed as a closed pharmacy. Ex tightens his fists and then releases to calm himself down.

“It’s closed. Good.”

Ex makes sure no one else is around before he takes out the rifle and makes sure it’s loaded. He twists on a silencer and applies a scope to the rifle before strapping it across his chest. He takes out the pistol and makes sure that it’s loaded too before stepping out of the car and closing the door. Ex carefully approaches the building and looks inside through the glass doors. He goes to push on the door, but it’s locked. There’s gotta be another way in. Ex begins quietly searching around the area with a gun in his hands. Ex then hears someone opening the door so he quickly hides behind a nearby trash bin.

“Yeah, baby.” The security guard says into the phone. “I’m on my way home. Just had to do a quick sweep through the pharmacy.” The man locks up the door and then begins to walk away. “Yeah I know…”

“Goddammit.” Ex mutters quietly to himself.

Ex looks at the man and then searches until he finds the keys clipped to his waist. Ex concentrates enough to use telekinesis to get the keys to him without the guard knowing. The guard gets in his car, still on the phone and then leaves.

“That was almost too easy.” Ex says to himself.

Ex walks up to the glass doors and then opens them. He closes and locks them behind him and puts the keys in a pocket in his jacket. Ex grips his gun and pushes forward, looking for any sort of secret passageway.

“Damn it’s too fucking dark in here.”

Ex removes a flashlight from the pocket on the inside of his jacket and turns it on. He looks around and then heads back behind the desk. He finds a door hidden behind an extended wall that has a sign above it reading: Employees only.

“Bullshit. It’s behind this door.”

He finds a keypad that looks to be the only way to unlock the metal door. Ex puts away the flashlight and dials in the numbers 6-2-2-8-9. The door clicks open.

“Haha. It worked.”

Ex smiles as he opens the door. It reveals a long, dimly lit stairway going down. Ex takes a deep breath before shutting the door behind him and following the stairs down. Once he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he’s met with a long, lit hallway. He follows it while staying on-edge ready to fight anyone at any time. At the end of the hallway it turns left, so Ex follows it into this giant cement room. Ex cautiously enters and is immediately met with a creature that lands behind him. Ex turns around with gun in hand to face the creature. It seems to have been waiting on the ceiling until Ex walked inside the room a decent amount and then dropped in front of the exit to block him off.


Not only is there a creature, but there are also multiple people surrounding him with guns pointed at him.

“Drop your weapons!” A man shouts.

Ex discreetly glances around and counts the people that are surrounding him. Twenty plus a creature. I can handle this.

Ex looks to his left and then quickly fires the gun to his right, making everyone else fire at him. Ex uses his powers to dodge the bullets quickly and shoot eight other men. Ex gets bored of the pistol and starts using the bolt action rifle.

“Come on! This can’t be the best you’ve got!” Ex teases.

Ex defeats ten more people before the bolt rifle runs out of ammo. At this point, there are only two people left and a creature. The creature takes multiple strikes at Ex but he dodges all of them. He has no other choice but to draw his sword for the creature. The two men left watch with their guns pointed at him.

“We were told not to kill him, right?” A man asks someone standing to the right of him.


Ex kills the creature and approaches the two men. He puts his sword away and draws out two blades that were strapped to his legs. He throws the two blades towards one of the men and kills him, leaving one left, trembling out of fear.

“S-Stop I’m not afraid to shoot!”

“Then do it.” Ex tests. “No one’s stopping you.”

Ex quickly draws out one last knife he had strapped to his left wrist hidden under his jacket sleeve. He kicks the gun out of the man’s hands and shoves him against the wall, holding the knife to his throat.

“I’m only going to give you two chances. Where the fuck is she?” Ex asks in a dark tone.

“I-I can’t tell you that information.” The man says with a shaky voice.

Ex presses the knife barely into the man’s throat just enough to draw blood.

“One last time, where is she?”

The man doesn’t respond.

“That’s a shame.”

Ex slits the man’s throat and releases him onto the ground. Ex goes back to his pistol and makes sure that it’s loaded and good to go. Just then, Ex hears someone behind him so he quickly points the gun in the direction that he heard the noise from. Ex immediately drops the gun and widens his eyes.

“Kasumi?” Ex’s voice breaks at the sight of her.

“I was really hoping you wouldn’t come.” Kasumi says sadly.

Kasumi picks up the bolt rifle and approaches Ex. She points the gun at him, but he doesn’t flinch.

“It’s out of bullets.” Ex tells her.

“I know.”

Kasumi turns the gun around and uses the butt of the gun with speed so quick that Ex couldn’t even comprehend where she was going with it. She hits Ex’s head, knocking him out.

“I’m sorry.”