Ex is holding a bag exiting a small store. He hands the bag to Kasumi who is hiding behind some bushes. Kasumi puts on the pants and the shirt that Ex bought. The shirt is way too big for her.
“This shirt is a bit too big, don’t you think?” Kasumi asks, annoyed.
“You look fine. Come on let’s go find a hotel room or something to stay in for the meantime.”
“Fine.” There’s a brief silence between them. “Did you get underwear?” Kasumi teases.
“What? No.”
“Damn. Give me some money and I’ll get some.”
“We don’t have a lot of money left.” Ex says, annoyed.
“Then what do you suggest I use?”
“I dunno. Figure that out yourself.”
“Give me just a few dollars, Ex.”
Ex looks at her, pissed.
Ex clicks his tongue.
“Fine. Hurry.”