Kasumi’s eyes are closed tight. She’s laying on her back next to Ex who has his back to her, asleep.
“Stop moving! You’ll just make it worse!”
“You don’t deserve to speak.”
“Now...now you’re truly a monster.”
People’s screams fill her head. Screams of the people that she was forced to kill (and some) to eat while she was kidnapped. Kasumi shoots her eyes open and sits up, trying to recover her breathing. Kasumi is sweating and breathing heavily. She looks over at the clock that sits on a nightstand next to the bed. The time reads 4 a.m. Kasumi calms her breathing and stands up. She walks to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. She splashes water in her face and slicks back her hair into a ponytail.
“I need some fresh air.” Kasumi mutters to herself.
Kasumi puts on Ex’s jacket and leaves. It’s still very dark outside. Kasumi just follows the sidewalk, keeping her head down.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Kanai asks.
Go away.