
Chapter 21 - Fresh Start

“Ex, dear, it’s time for lunch!” Ex’s mother calls.

“Ok mom!” A seven year old Ex says cheerfully.

Ex sprints to his mother.

“Slow down. I wouldn’t want you to trip and fall.” Ex’s mother says sincerely.

“I’ll be ok.”

“If you say so, dear. I believe that you trust yourself. That’s one of the most important things you can do in this world is trust in yourself.” His mother trails off.


“Oh. Don’t worry. When you’re older, you’ll understand.”


Ex opens his eyes with his head smashed against the steering wheel.

“The...airbags didn’t go off....” Ex mumbles weakly. He grunts as he sits up very weakly. He looks over at Kasumi who’s limp in the seat. “Kas-”

Ex is cut off by an intense headache. He puts the palm of his hand up to his head and when he pulls his hand away, he sees blood on it. He looks back over to Kasumi and his vision clears up.
